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Madara: Mangekyou Master

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Everything posted by Madara: Mangekyou Master

  1. IC - Convention Hall - New York: For several long moments, the room was quiet. The delegates stood in shocked silence, some paused between claps. One moment, the President had been graciously receiving the ovation of his guests. The next moment, a swirling portal had opened up, a woman with bright pink hair had leapt out, and dragged the President into what looked like an interdimensional door. A door that swirled shut as quickly as it had come. The stage stood empty, a couple bullet holes filling the space behind the podium. A dash of blue blood stained the wall. Then, the pandemonium broke out. Panicked delegates rushed towards the doors, trying to open them up and spill into the lobby. Meanwhile, the secret service agents stationed in the room had all drawn their sidearms, and were forming a protective cordon around the few vocal pro-mutant senators and representatives in the government, ushering the politicians towards the stage. The Press Secretary took his aide by the arm, and escorted her with him. The agents inside were on high alert, radioing in to their superiors. Someone, a mutant by the looks of it, had kidnapped the President, and they would go through heII and high water before they'd let any other Cabinet members or politicians be taken on their watch.
  2. IC - Convention Hall - New York:Supremacy heard the sound of the missile launching, and dashed forward towards Agent Rogers. The missile impacted the ground, blowing a crater into the cement.He grinned, the shreds of his uniform hanging off of him, eyes darting about the buildings surrounding the convention hall, before settling on the supersoldier. "Hey, Rogers! How about that free shot?"
  3. OOC: Tyler, I want to cry. Now, as we discussed. IC - Convention Hall - New York:"Now." Terror's command rang through his mind, and Supremacy got up slowly, the force of the grenade having thrown him bodily into the air. He coughed out a bit of dust and looked at his suit. Unfortunately, most it had been torn off by a combination of shrapnel and bullets."All right, all right. I'm moving, I'm moving." He rose to his feet. "That was really uncalled for, Private." IC - Convention Hall - New York: "Very well." From within the hall, the bathroom door opened up. The Sharzhadi diplomat's wife had finished freshening up. She glanced at one of the Secret Service Agents patrolling the halls, then removed her veil, revealing eyes of orange, and a face that seemed carved from metal.The woman gripped her dress, tearing the black fabric off and revealing a body that shone like smooth steel. Her abdominal cavity was empty, burning with a harsh red orange flame-like energy. She raised her hands and seemed to vomit the energy outward, shaping it with her hands and flinging it like a deadly bolt. The bolt missed the agent, who ducked behind an outcropping in the hallway. Stardust, spitfire of the Brotherhood, strode towards the doors to the dining area, reaching out only to find that each had been sealed. Thick metal sheathes now prevented her from entering the area. She tapped the metal. The reaction was noiseless. "Vibranium?" Stardust growled in rage and unleashed a stream of her energies into the door. Only to find that they barely looked scorched. The protective measures stood tall, and had sealed themselves as soon as the agent had sounded the alarm. She had no idea what other materials were in the door. Carbonadium perhaps. The metal that composed her face seemed to warp her brows into a scowl. It wasn't her task, but every part of her wanted to destroy them all. She was about to try blasting the doors again, when she turned, in time to see Marines and Secret Service agents training their firearms on her. IC - Convention Hall - New York: Within the dining area itself, the standing ovation was resounding, overwhelming the sound Stardust was making outside. One of the Press Secretary's staffers stopped clapping and removed her glasses. She was likely in her thirties. A plain but clearly committed woman. She smiled, wiping a tear from her eyes. So much hope. So much inspiration. A speech like that had the potential to turn the polls around. The tear fell from her fingertips, splashing onto the ground. In the midst of the noise and excitement, no one noticed the teardrop sizzle slightly as it touched the floor. The President was clearly moved personally. Already, the Secretary of Defense, one of his closest pro-mutant allies, was meeting him at the edge of the stage, embracing him, before returning to join the other Cabinet members who were inclined to attend.The female aide put her glasses down on the table, and looked at the children from the orphan choir. They looked radiant. This was the moment that would turn the plight of mutants across the world around.IC - Convention Hall - New York: As soon as Terror's message reached him, Spiral got to work. He focused his mind on the photograph their benefactor had provided them of the layout of the stage. Behind the podium. Spider stood ready. A portal opened in front of the mutant, swirling in darkness and Spider disappeared into it. IC - Convention Hall - New York: The Sharzhadi diplomat was eyeing the door when the light beneath it disappeared. He sighed. "So it ends." He was well aware of the risk he was taking when he had been approached personally by what looked like Quicksilver. A chance to get revenge. A revenge that he would see with his own eyes. IC - Convention Hall - New York: A portal opened up behind the President, as the people showered their applause on him. A lithe young woman leapt out from it, slashing the throat of one of the President's guards, before grabbing the man in a vice-like grip and hurled him off-balance, into the passageway.The spiraling portal swirled shut, but not before several of the Secret Service agents had raised their sidearms and fired at the mutant who suddenly appeared. A spurt of blue blood was on the ground. And at least one of the shots had hit her."I'm hit. But I've got him."
  4. Beautiful. I'm crying. :") Well, not really. But it was very moving.
  5. He's up again. Heading for Burnblade. He really doesn't like to see mutants die. :"(
  6. IC - Supremacy - New York:The rain of bullets came in spurts, ricocheting violently as they struck Supremacy's kneeling form. The mutant coughed as he straightened up again, bullets spinning off into the area around him. An AP round from one of the snipers rocketed into his shoulder, causing him to stagger forward slightly. Mind secure in the 'forum', Supremacy felt at liberty to curse. " humans and their toys." Supremacy watched as Burnblade and Rogers sparred, before running forward, circling around the agent of SHIELD and reaching for fire-wielding mutant with an outstretched palm.
  7. So, Supremacy buckled to his knees from the tazer shot.
  8. Edited, as per the commadn of the Snark.
  9. To use something Greg Farshtey would probably say. His wires are crossed wrong up there.
  10. X-gene *handwaves*I don't really have a full explanation for it, but I'd say the closest thing I can guess would be that up to a certain point internally, his nervous system doesn't quite work properly.He's very much like Max Damage, from the incredible Incorruptible series.
  11. God, I love you. -Tyler Everyone loves Basil
  12. IC - Convention Hall - New York: Supremacy took the bolt in the center of his chest, the suit itself blunting most the electrical shock. The bolt stunned the mutant, knocking him onto his knee, as he clutched his chest. When he first found out about his nigh-invulnerablity, the mutant had jumped for joy in excitement. Incidentally, that was how he found out he could fly. It was great. For the first week. Then the excitement and the euphoria wore off and reality set in. "Every power comes with a price." It started with his sense of smell. Thanksgiving, freshman year, he had come home, expecting the sweet smell of his mother's pumpkin pie, and the turkey fresh from the oven. But nothing came. Nothing. Then his taste buds lost their sensitivity. It was horrible. The last thing he had tasted was the blend of peas and cheese that was obligated to appear at his family's Thanksgiving supper. Gone. Even the memory of that meal had all but faded. He had tried to hide it, but eventually, his sense of touch faded out too. Void. He could relate to a sculpture. An Adonis in appearance, perfect in every way. Seeing the world, but never experiencing it. Empty. He couldn't explain it. Not then. Not now. But now, the greatest drawback of his gifts coming back to help him. Who would have guessed? The electricity fizzled about on his skin for a moment, as he gasped for breath. "Why don't you refresh my memory?"
  13. IC - Convention Hall - New York: Supremacy smiled at Rogers. "You're very confident. Rightly so. But I'm not interested in your patronizing attitude. Nor am I interesting in taking your offer. The X-Men defend the oppressed. We defend people. Not laws." "Otherwise, we would all have registered by now, don't you think?" The mutant's eyes gleamed, and he spoke directly to Burnblade. "Go. I won't let you get hurt."He tilted his head at Alyssa. "What parent in their right mind would name their child 'Paragon'?" "Spiral." "Spider. One of these days I'm gonna have to thank you for being so gifted. There's nothing like the most secure psychic forum in the world to conduct these kind of missions."
  14. IC - Convention Hall - New York: Supremacy smiled warmly at the soldiers. "Your sense of duty is only resolved by your myopia, and your prejudice." He chuckled and stepped back, touching Burnblade on the shoulder. The mutant leaned over and whispered quickly to the other mutant. "I'd suggest that you get out of here now. Head to the X-Mansion. 1407 Graymalkin Lane, North Salem, Westchester County, New York. Head to the Brooklyn Station subway, and you'll find a faster way than by car. Go on, run. Dr. McCoy will help you." The mutant 'hero's grin disappeared, as he straightened up and faced down the soldiers and Mr. Rogers. "Try it."
  15. IC - Convention Hall - New York:Supremacy raised his hands with a grin. "I was referring to Mr. Stranger over there. He was the one with the badge." He pointed at the magician. "The Lieutenant was telling him to stick his nose out of the area." "Well, Mr. Rogers. Good to see you finally arrived in the neighbourhood." He chuckled and nodded at the guns pointed at him. "I'm not the one pointing guns at people. Just looking out for one of my own.""They can try and take my mutant friend. But if they try to shoot, or throw cuffs on him like a rabid dog, they'll have to shoot through me first. Call it a loyalty thing."
  16. IC - Convention Hall - New York:Supremacy bridged the gap between the Lieutenant, the marines, and the fire mutant, in two strides. "The X-Men are not going to let that happen. And it's not like you can sue us, thanks to some legislation that's been in place since the Cold War." "You resent mutants, don't you Lieutenant? I understand. Sometimes it can be overwhelming to see hard work and years of following orders be overshadowed by a kid born with a lucky gene combination. But don't be bitter. That's no way to make a better world." He looked at the marines coolly. "I will say this one last time. We aren't going to let you take him away in cuffs. You can try, but you're gonna have to take me first." "I can't imagine the movers and shakers would be too pleased to see armed humans locking up an X-Man in chains, especially on the doorstep of this particular convention. It would be scandalous, and some reasonably low-ranking official or officer would end up on the chopping block. Career. Over." He smirked. "So why don't you follow my suggestion. I suggest you let us walk, we'll go back to our school, and you can file as many complaints as you'd like."
  17. IC - Convention Hall - New York: "Thank you, soldier. You're doing a great service to your country." 'Paragon' smiled at Abbas, beaming with almost inhuman confidence. He watched the scowling lieutenant stride up. "Greetings, Lieutena-" The mutant's greeting was cut off by the military man, who launched into an booming tirade on authority. Supremacy smiled and crossed his arms. "Complaints? Please sir, what have the X-Men done wrong here? The President himself has invited Dr. McCoy to this event." "The Doctor sends his apologies for not being able to attend tonight. One of our teams just saved your butts down in Vegas." Supremacy's eyes flickered up, noting the cameras of a news chopper trained down on him. He looked down at the military man, standing almost six inches taller than him. "When has the government given anything but its blessing and praises to us when we've have swooped in and saved you from the Brotherhood, or any of the other superhuman threats this country faces?" Supremacy smiled at the Lieutenant, and gestured to Stranger and the other SHIELD agents. "I don't think that was a very polite thing to say about the good people of SHIELD, an agency with clearance that makes even the US Army look like a bunch Boy Scouts. I thought there'd be more respect." "There was no way that he-" Supremacy pointed at the armoured mutant with a sword. "Could have known that the cop would burst into flames. From my vantage point, he came here to save people, not get locked into a cage like an animal.""Punishment is not the appropriate path. We believe wholeheartedly in rehabilitation and education. Not throwing people into cages without consideration for their intentions. The X-Men stand by those in need, those who are misunderstood. If you have an issue with me helping one someone who's innocent, you can take it up with our friends in the White House."
  18. IC - Convention Hall - New York:A voice boomed out over the carnage. "Hold it right there, soldier." Supremacy floated down from a building, landing gently to the ground not far from Abbas, a smile on his face. The mutant had shed his civilian disguise, and the goggles and handkerchief that had previously hidden his face, and was dressed in all of his "heroic" glory. His supersuit was brand new, blue fabric with gold patterns. His face was undisguised, his black hair moving in the wind, and his blue eyes shining. He had been handpicked for this job, for several primary reasons. He had a handsome face and the build of a classical Golden Age superhero. He also was blessed with the gift of being a fairly new mutant. He had been privy to no previous Brotherhood missions. Even when on site, he would always don a black balaclava. The heroic-looking young man faced Abbas. "I got here as soon as I saw the news. Unfortunately, I couldn't save the people, but I can keep you from harming another innocent man. You and I both know that the fire was an accident. My name is Paragon, and we aren't going to let you take him away to get crucified by the courts." He gestured to the edge of his chest, where the round insignia of the X-Men was visible to all. "I think you know who 'we' means."
  19. IC - Cambion - Lodge:"I see." Victor Maximoff drummed the glass, heart pounding as he noted the firelight gleaming off of the adamantium blades wielded by Romulus. "Thank you for your consideration, Romulus." He tapped the screen of the iPad, keying in a combination. "It is as you say. I will follow your lead."Maximoff grinned and placed the iPad into a case, taking out a silver briefcase. "Would mind if I do a little cleaning up first?" The young man gestured to the trail of blood droplets that lingered on the hardwood floor. "I think you may have left a little mess out in the lobby." "It shouldn't take longer than half an hour to clean up the body and make it look like a plausible death." He removed a pair of silver crushers, pliers with jaws roughly shaped like animal teeth and his adamantium knife.
  20. Oh my goodness, that's so true. Subconscious control can manage it, maybe? *desperatelytriestohandwave* D': Marvel science is so messed up. I wish I could understand quantum physics. Magic quantum stuff is a good answer. Thor be praised! Do you have any aligned characters?
  21. Exactly! That's why I always find that intangibility is a misnomer. :/ Though, that would be a cruel way to ending them. The breathing problem is one I haven't considered before. But it makes total sense. Lowering one's personal density is the only plausible explanation I have as a more accurate description of "intangibility." Reduced density might allow for certain solid attacks to pass through, without ending up falling through the center of the Earth.
  22. IC - Cambion - Lodge: Victor's jaw clenched as Romulus recounted the fate of many of his fellow Weapons, and his brow furrowed noticeably at the mention of the Phoenix. "The Phoenix is back? I thought it died 17 years ago. It would have been a bloodbath." The young man blinked away the image of flames, looking visibly uncomfortable."Hellfire Club? I've heard a few rumours. Pretty exclusive. 32 members at a time." Cambion shrugged. "Truth is, I tried to avoid anything that has had to do with mutants." "So Vegas was 379 at work. Pretty ominous." He sighed. "No. I hand over a chipful of information and you disappear. I know the list forwards and backwards. Every name, every power, every town." "I'm going to regret this tomorrow." "These sapien jobs are getting monotonous. The corporate types that hire me, they have no concept of power, no idea what sacrifice means. Only an unquenchable thirst for profit." He steeled himself. "I want to come with you. You will get the information, but I want a spot in Hellfire. To make sure that the others aren't being put through the meatgrinder again." "To be more than the biggest fish in a pond full of sapien mediocrity." "My God, I'm crazy." He rubbed his temple, as familiar faces streaked through his mind. Faces from his childhood. His scared ribcage throbbed. Number 425, even 322. Not friends. Fellow survivors. Siblings forged by the shedding of blood. No more running.
  23. IC - Cambion - Lodge: "As you said, I got good training." Victor Maximoff took back the iPad, confirming that the payment had come through. He tapped his glass again with the same two fingers. At the mention of the name, Maximoff perked up. "Romulus, huh? As in Romulus and Remus, co-founders of Rome?" The young mutant laughed softly to himself. "I guess that explains the penchant for arena death matches." The young mutant's eyes widened at the explanation of Department H and Weapon X, and its destruction at the hands of the devil's alliance. He frowned. "So, what happened to your Weapons, when Xavier's little gang of child-soldiers and the Brotherhood descended on that old heIIhole I called home? Are any of them still alive? Or did you clean up the loose ends like you always taught us?"Victor blinked to himself. What was he doing? In any ordinary circumstance, he would have handed over the data and high-tailed it out of there. Something was compelling him to stay. A gambler's ambition to push his luck? Or something else?
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