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Madara: Mangekyou Master

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Everything posted by Madara: Mangekyou Master

  1. Thank God. Really, it's just that this day has been RP'd for a while. :/
  2. Hence the "near future" not "right now" qualifier to my statement. If it isn't rushed, I'm sure you and other staff would time it properly, so as not to hose players.
  3. Once a few storylines are tied up, an eventual time skip would be a good way to introduce new mutant control legislation, the effects of the legislation on an unregistered group of mutants like the X-Men, explore the long term consequences of the failed assassination attempt on Beast, give Brotherhood characters time to regroup, etc. Right now, the world is reeling in shock from Binder's assassination. But a background of shock is not sustainable for long term playing. A time skip would put down the spectre of poor President's rolling noggin, give the opportunity for you staff to introduce a backdrop that capitalises on a world with where the stakes have been raised.It wouldn't be a "right now" situation, but a time skip in the near future is the only viable way forward.
  4. Yeah. A funeral for Binder might be nice too. Hence the "near future". I don't imagine we'd want to RP through weeks of Senate/Committee/House of Reps debate over any new anti-mutant legislation.Also, VP Ocalan is pro-mutant control. He wasn't at the New York conference either.
  5. It's been absolutely shot for me too. Out of curiousity, have you staffers considered a time skip for the near future?
  6. How many "training posts" do you guys think would be appropriate for Cambion to upgrade to having taser hands?
  7. IC - Cambion - Hellfire Mansion:"Thank you for being so kind as to be a good reference, Romulus. There's nothing like having a cordial relationship with a reasonable former employer." Maximoff leaned back into his chair and smiled sweetly at Shaw. "Failure doesn't really exist in my books. Only opportunity. You can always count on me to do my best.""I may have to start adding "Sir" to my CV." He popped the cap back onto his flask. "Now, what sort of benefits can I expect as part of this fine organization?"
  8. Hurray! I guess the knight does "infiltrate" enemy lines. *clicks heels*
  9. IC - Cambion - Hellfire Mansion:"So, Mr. Shaw. Can I answer any further questions?" Victor smiled and leaned his chin on his hand.
  10. Excellent. Hmmmm... I'll mull it over. Why are there four Knight spots? Let's go for Black Knight!
  11. IC - Cambion - Hellfire Mansion: Victor turned to Shaw. "Thank you for the opportunity, Shaw.""I'm so glad you asked." He smiled and took his briefcase up, placing it on his lap. "As you know, I am a mutant, trained by Weapon X for ten years. Nine years on the active roster. Standard training in making and cleaning up messes of various forms." He tapped his cheek, and shifted into a copy of Shaw. "I'm well versed in the use of my shapeshifting, and as you have seen, I have some other mutant abilities.""But really, mutant abilities are but a fraction of my skills." The young man grinned. "Did Romulus tell you how many years I was independent of Weapon X? I have spent the last seven years establishing my reputation as an expert in corporate espionage and information theft. It pays rather well, and I have been investing my resources in the appropriate companies." He placed a portfolio on the table between himself and Shaw. "Let's just say that one of my alter egos requires that I set aside some time for an AGM. I'm assuming your wifi is secure?" The young man raised his phone and deactivated his cellular network. He closed his eyes for a moment, before opening them. In the view of Shaw, he typed a seemingly random combination of numbers, letters and symbols. The phone blinked, as it accessed the wifi network. "Chaos manipulation is the control of the forces of probability. I can tip them in my favour. It's proven quite helpful in my games on the stock market. And in my professional life." "And we'll see what happens with my secondary mutation." Victor Maximoff returned to his normal form, and folded his hands. "I can provide information on my latest stock investments as additional evidence."
  12. Where do you see Cambion fitting in?
  13. My bad. He's a White Bishop.Two more knights.Two more knights. #476227 - Black Knight #473881 - White Knight
  14. IC - Cambion - Hellfire Mansion: "I'm assuming the gladiatorial games were done with some purpose beyond panem et circenses." Victor took another swig from the flask. "Ah, I see. And is there any specific distinction between black and white pieces?"
  15. I saw Gravity's profile earlier. I think he's a White Rook.
  16. IC - Cambion - Hellfire Mansion:"Matt Summers?" Victor's face displayed visible shock. "I thought I was the only one left when Quicksilver bit the dust today." The young man sipped from his flask. "Well, Vice-President Ocalan certainly seems to be a bit of a crusader. Very concerned about the children. Heard an interview with him earlier this morning.""To your long life, Romulus." He raised his flask in a toast. "So, what exactly are the roles of the White Bishops, Rooks, and Knights? Does this mansion have any training facilities? I should very much like to practice this "secondary mutation" during my off hours." OOC: Ocalan is a Turkish surname, meaning "Revenge Taker."
  17. IC - Cambion - Hellfire Mansion: "Well, nature abhors a vacuum. If someone has a head on their shoulders, the Brotherhood's leadership vacancy won't be a problem for long." Maximoff raised an eyebrow at the following sentence. "Didn't you say that the Brotherhood allied with the X-Men to burn down your Canadian facilities?" Victor nodded cordially. "Yes, well, it may be a secondary mutation. Maybe not. I'm not too sure. Either way, I intend to make better use of it." "Thank you, Romulus. I generally do not drink unless the job requires it." Victor smiled cordially and removed a flask from an inner pocket of his suit. "But I think I can probably make an exception here. Speaking of the X-Men-""I noticed very few of them in the SHIELD registry. Does the government really tolerate an unregistered troupe of child soldiers gallivanting around America?" The young man smirked. "Frankly, I don't think they'll last under whatever new regime is coming around."
  18. Please let it be so! :") You know, architecture! And transportation! The wealthy fly. The commoners take the train or boat. :,D such a beautiful dystopia!
  19. Oh, that's good! Is Shanghai still an international port/diplomat playground? Also, do you think that the retention of monarchy-based governments has influenced infrastructural development? Or is it basically our world + robots?
  20. He's actually being surprisingly politically savvy. As you know, the Qing dynasty was resented as a group of invaders. Western ideals only added fuel to the fire. Now, imagine a foreign power inflaming historical inter-ethnic resentment. Limitless I say! Limitless! I see great potential for a secret Han society. >: ) I really wish this was set in the 40s. Any word on Hong Kong's status?
  21. Curse you, Reed Richards!!Any luck with the Hellfire Club membership?
  22. Lol i saw it coming when I made the profile.
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