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Madara: Mangekyou Master

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Everything posted by Madara: Mangekyou Master

  1. Will Beast end up in a wheelchair? And bald?
  2. Now Victor will never meet his uncle in flesh and blood. On another note, why does it feel like the Brotherhood got completely screwed this time, while the head of the X-Men (*cough*Dr. McCoy) are no worse for the wear?Those bullets better have hit something important in there (that a miracle gel can't magic away in a minute).
  3. IC - Cambion - Hellfire Mansion:"Cambion. I'm delivering the library the Bishop was interested in."
  4. IC - Cambion - Hellfire Mansion:Victor shut off his radio as he pulled up towards the location his coordinates had indicated. Sure enough, there was a mansion. The Porsche 911 stopped in front of an iron gate. Maximoff glanced outside, at the area around the gate. There was no visible security. "But really, the most secured places are the ones which don't look like it on the surface."He tapped the steering wheel. "It would probably take at least a month to even get close to casing this place." Victor Maximoff rolled down the window, and peered out. What appeared to be a buzzer. The young man leaned out and pressed it. "I have an appointment with Bishop White."
  5. Yeah, I've deleted, edited and re-edited it a couple of times. No dice. I could try again.
  6. Here's a profile that I feel like I put up ages ago. Forgot to put it up here with all the excitement. Now, I'm just curious. Would anyone be able to fill in on some of the details regarding the five-paragraph application for a magic character?
  7. IC - Cambion - The Lodge:Victor Maximoff was looking up at the stars, outside of the now quiet lodge. It was mostly dark, besides the He was going to let the fire burn out. There was something about fire which made his skin crawl. His silver suitcase and black briefcase were neatly packed up, sitting in the back trunk of his red Porsche. He had carefully scrubbed the lodge floor clean of blood, after drawing up enough for the cover he had planned. The lodgekeeper's body would likely be found in the forest, during the thaw. Most of the ribcage, an arm, and his lower half would never be found, though the plethora of bite-like marks along the bones would be a telltale sign of scavengers. The crushed state of his skull and the long scratches they would find etched into his brow and cheekbone would point to a bear attack. His shotgun would be spotted not far away from the skeletal remains, with one solid slug left in it.Unfortunate collateral damage in the world of business. The young mutant smiled as he threw his field kit into the passenger seat, and double-checked the coordinates he had been given by Romulus. "Good. Within driving distance." It was time to take make another gamble.
  8. Wow. You know, having read through this RPG, I have to agree with Advent. Pietro being on the side of "evil" totally made him into a slightly ineffective guy. He died as he lived (in this game). A punk. On another note, Genosha's UN status has hope now! A moment of silence for Quicksilver. He went out with a bang.
  9. lol Please, when has the USA ever really respected the UN?
  10. So, I'm gonna say that Genosha's chances of retaining its UN status are slim? Maybe? Thoughts?
  11. ^I love our resident mad scientist. :D
  12. Karma's a funny thing. XDYeah, dem Atlanteans.
  13. Well, she's in Flex's hands. Just thought I'd fyi. Agent orange would have some serious effects when it leeches into the ocean and gets carried everywhere by currents. Same thing with any nuclear fallout. Actually, it's kinda funny where the currents would probably end up carrying the bulk of the radioactive materials left over from nuking Genosha. Nukes: Never a good idea.
  14. ^What he said. On another note, nuking Genosha would likely drop nuclear fallout all over the Seychelles, and any trade routes that go by East Africa. Short term gain of destroying "Mutant Israel" with the long-term result of some degree of international ire. As a quick sidenote, Stardust's power is not fire, but cosmic energy. :/
  15. :'( Poor Nicole. That poor girl. It's a good thing that the Vice-President wasn't there.
  16. IC - Cambion - Lodge:Once the limousine pulled away, Victor sighed and turned around, surveying the cleanup job he'd have to do. The innkeeper lay on the ground in a heap, having been sliced into four neat chunks. Maximoff approached the body, making sure to avoid the puddle of blood that seeped on the floor. "Of course, he couldn't have stabbed him. Had to chop him up."Maximoff inspected the body. The bones had been cleanly severed by the blades. "Adamantium then." The young man rubbed his eyes and raised his knife. The job of cleaning was something that sometimes required a bigger mess. He snapped open his silver suitcase, removing several neatly labelled canisters, arranging them on the countertop. He lifted a flexible black toolkit. The mutant placed a CD in a player, and turned it on. Maximoff felt the tension seep from his system as Mozart began to drift through the air. The young man unrolled the toolkit, revealing a row of knives, small saws, and other implements. Victor Maximoff traipsed to his second suitcase, removing a collapsible tub, unfolding it and placing it in the centre of the room, before dumping the contents of one of the canisters into the tub. The mutant hummed along to the music as he snapped on a pair of rubber gloves and moved to the bloody remains, rubbing his hands together in anticipation. "Maybe half an hour was a bit much to promise."
  17. OOC: Oh Chuck be praised. I'm saved. Please, thank you! take over a few of them. I would like to note that Supremacy killed a grand total of 0 marines during that little trigger-happy spree ya'll went on.IC - Cambion - Lodge: As soon as Romulus left the lodge, Victor leapt from his chair, stepping over the puddle of blood and peering through the curtains. When he was sure the other mutant had left, Maximoff breathed a sigh of relief. Somehow, some God in heaven had smiled down on him. He felt his racing pulse. It felt like his heart was going to leave his chest. It was a miracle. He had met the monster face to face, and had survived.IC - Brotherhood NPC:Spiral looked at his television screen. The cameras had mostly gone blank. With the exception of a feed he had coming in from a traffic cam near the convention centre.He swirled his fingers and opened up a portal for the bruised and beaten fire mutant. He really didn't want to think about what had probably happened to Supremacy. The mutant sighed and swirled his fingers once more, looking at a second screen. A portal opened up, and out stumbled Spider and her captive. She had arrived at Mr. Binder's final destination. "You know our orders. I'll meet you in a few minutes."He watched the other screen. Would the fire mutant make the leap of faith?
  18. IC - Convention Hall - New York: Supremacy saw the Apache open fire. "Shi-" There was a cloud of dust and smoke as the missiles impacted. A crater was left behind, the prone form of Supremacy lying in it. - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Suprema-!" Spider blinked as Supremacy's last words slipped into her mind, followed by dead silence from his psychic link. There was no time to grieve. Only time to follow the mission. The girl was sprinting along a narrow pathway made of golden energy. The dimension around her swirled black and grey. "Spiral's personal little boomtube." The mutant raced along the path. The only way in, out, or through this place was at Spiral's bidding. Up to six people could travel through the dimensional path before it collapsed. "Spiral, are you ready? I hate this place. Gives me the heebie jeebies.""Patience, sister. The camera crew is in place. You'll be out in no time."
  19. IC - Convention Hall - New York: Supremacy turned to face the chopper, picking up a large chunk of concrete which had been thrown up by the rocket launched earlier. "I didn't want to do this, but you've brought it on yourselves!" He leaned back and was about to throw the projectile forward, when the Apache opened fire with its chaingun. The force of the 30mm rounds physically pushed the mutant back, tearing up the concrete and knocking him to the ground. The bullets ricocheted here and there, but their sheer kinetic force was pinning him to the ground. Supremacy grunted, trying to get up, as the rounds pounded into him. He was a sitting duck.
  20. IC - Convention Hall - New York: Most of the room was left intact after the explosion, though the tables closest to the stage were overturned by the mutant bomb.Unfortunately, the same could not be said of the Senators and Representatives that had been assembled near the stage.IC - Convention Hall - New York: Stardust felt the shock of the explosion through the hallway. She had continued her assault on the door, making little progress. It seemed that it was truly indestructible. The female mutant snarled and struck the door once more in frustration. Terror's explosion, if it went well, would have left most of the room alive. Looks like she would have to wait until the foreign delegates were let out before she could begin her job.
  21. Axilus, in the words of Red Alert 2...Warning, nuclear missile launched.
  22. IC - Convention Hall - New York: The female aide pushed past the agent in front of her. "Please, let me through, with all due respect, I'm trained for these kind of situations." She walked up to the microphone. "Please stay calm! Don't panic. The room is on lockdown, due to an external threat. You are completely safe." She swallowed nervously. "The doors sealed with blast doors are made of a carbonadium and steel alloy, interwoven with a sheet of vibranium. No one will be battering their way in, no one can blast their way in, and the doors will not open until the head of security has contained the threat."The young woman looked at the imposing agents behind her, watchfully guarding the politicians. "These fine agents from the Secret Service are on high alert. No one will be catching them by surprise again." "The kidnapper's only target seems to have been the President. Please, wait patiently until the doors are opened. Panicking is exactly what they, whomever they are, want us to do. Again, no one will be breaking in." She removed her glasses, mousy brown eyes suddenly turning a vibrant green. A rivulet of green liquid began to drip from her eye, smoking and burning a furrow down her face.Her voice suddenly changed, taking on a guttural nature. "And noo one will get out!" The woman's skin began to smoke and bubble, as her clothing slowly disintegrated, revealing a translucent green liquid, that began to leak from her. "Ladies, gentlemen, children. Do not be afraid, sapiens. I am an emissary from the ones this event has been held to honour. You humans and your endless prancing about, so smug in your superiority.""Quicksilver gives his regards! The Brotherhood has one message to those of you here with us tonight." The creature raised its hands, its voice a hideous shreak as the liquid that composed its form began to glow with white light. Its meatsuit swelled grotesquely, and its voice rapidly began to disappear, as the vocal structure of the female aide slowly dissolved. The creature's final shriek echoed out into the dining area. "We are not mere humans, you prating, insolent, pompous fools. We are SUPERIOR! WE ARE POWER!"At his final shriek, the mutant disintegrated completely, as an explosion ripped outwards from his body, completely shattering the stage with the force of its blast and spraying the room with remnants of the mutant's green gel-like body.
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