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Madara: Mangekyou Master

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Everything posted by Madara: Mangekyou Master

  1. IC - Cambion - Hellfire Mansion: He nodded. "Well, I suppose there will be a brief power vacuum in the Brotherhood over this. But their organization is marred by an overemphasis on ideology. Useful as a tool, but generally impractical." Victor smiled. "Yes, you'd think that being one of the world's fastest men, he would have evacuated as soon as he made his point. Must have gotten cocky in his powers. It's a pity he didn't have bigger vision.""I'm not particularly concerned though. I have a little secret." The ex-Weapon leaned over to a lamp and unplugged the socket of a lamp in the waiting room, and removed a narrow metal file from his sleeve. He grinned and stuck the file into the socket, letting the electricity spark for a second before removing the implement. He plugged the lamp back in and twirled the file merrily, before returning it to his sleeve."All those years of taser treatment for bad behaviour." Maximoff made eye contact with Romulus. "I was faking it. Not that I'm bragging. I've always avoided mutants, and steered clear of developing my gifts. But maybe." The young man tapped his fingers together. "Just maybe, I should start trying to be more accountable for the talents I've been given. I think I can probably do more than suck up a charge.""Well, I look forward to seeing what comes ahead. I've always found a little chaos to be a fertile field of opportunity."
  2. IC - Cambion - Hellfire Mansion: Victor nodded in recognition. "Of course, he was a legend. I had no idea that Daken had been immolated." Concern flickered across the young man's eyes at the mention of the Phoenix. "Still, I'm glad that it took more than that burning pigeon to put him under." Maximoff's lips teased into a hint of a smile. "It was all over the television when I was 'cleaning' up the mess back at the lodge. Nothing but eulogies and wrath on the radio on my drive over. You didn't happen to send Daken after Uncle Quicksilver's head, did you?""I suppose it is a small world." The aspiring Club member crossed his arms. "I admire poor uncle Pietro's ambition. Really, executing any previous President on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial would have sent a powerful message to those with anti-mutant sentiments. It is a pity that Binder happened to be one of the few pro-mutant politicians left." "Not that I hold to my uncle's most recent philosophies. Remember, he was once an Avenger, alongside my dearly departed, mad mother, may she rest in peace. I find it to be much more profitable to develop a positive, or at least mutually beneficial synergy with the rest of humanity." Victor Maximoff smiled. "You've seen the millennia pass, Romulus. What do you expect this latest development will herald?"
  3. OOC: Whatever happened to Biohesive needing to know someone's blood type?IC - Cambion - Hellfire Mansion:Victor Maximoff flinched a little as Romulus snatched the chip out of his reach. "Thank you for not wearing your blades." The young man stretched his hand slightly, playing slightly with the patterns engraved into the armrest.
  4. My goodness, I'm totally imagining a quasi-robosteampunk world. Will be sending in a profile for approval soon. Should i post it up here, or PM it to one of the remaining staffers?
  5. D:> So, it'll take a little time. :/ Oh well, patience is a virtue.
  6. Congrats Zytrix! Would you happen to know which spot Cambion can fill in the Hellfire Club?
  7. IC - Cambion - Hellfire Mansion:Maximoff smiled at Shaw, acknowledging Romulus' endorsement. "So, Mr. Shaw. Do you have room for me in your ranks?"
  8. IC - Cambion - Hellfire Mansion:Victor looked up as Romulus strode into the room. The bestial Lupine was an obviously terrifying presence to have in the room. Much more intimidating that Shaw, at least on the surface. "Yes sir. I have your information." He placed the chip on his armrest. "Encrypted video file. But in a world of technopaths and world-class hackers, is online information really ever truly secure?""Memory is one of the few secure things." He tapped his temple. "If properly secured and if remembered perfectly. You wouldn't happen to need a more 'organic' backup?"
  9. IC - Cambion - Hellfire Mansion:Maximoff leaned against one of the bookshelves. "So, what do you say, Mr. Shaw? Are there any vacancies on the chessboard?"
  10. IC - Cambion - Hellfire Mansion:Victor smiled pleasantly at the gentleman that walked in, and shook his hand. "I've worked as a freelancer for a number of years. Overhead stays low, but I've reached a stage in my career where it would be profitable to enter into a professional relationship with a bigger organization." "Romulus hired my services in acquiring a SHIELD database for your organization. A task I completed successfully. I believe Hellfire and I can establish a mutually beneficial relationship. So, yes, I am most definitely interested in membership with the Club."
  11. Love the concept! Out of curiousity, would Hong Kong still be a BE colony? And does Shanghai in this universe still retain a reputation as an ambassador city?
  12. IC - Cambion - Hellfire Mansion:Victor Maximoff had been led into the mansion, an ornate structure with luxuriously dark decor. He paced around a waiting room, hands in his pockets, playing with the chip with some trepidation. It had been almost half an hour since he had been escorted into the room. It was an obvious method of establishing power. The Alpha is the Alpha. A bottle filled with an amber liquid sat untouched at the bar. "Doesn't pay to be careless with one's food."You're a fool for coming here. You know that." Victor's brown eyes tensed as he ran his fingers over one of the bookshelves. Some time between being kidnapped by Weapon X at the age of eight and running at 18, the young man had picked up an irritating habit of internally dialoguing with himself. It was almost second nature. "Probably the result of too much time spent in alone and socially isolated."Still. This was getting to be a lengthy wait, even for a message establishing dominance. "When will that old bear and his friend Shaw come around?"
  13. Not much, aside from a magic plot that's going down. The Brotherhood is evacuating Genosha. I'm 96% sure that the world is in a bit too much shock from recent events to properly react. Seeing the President's head roll would do that I guess. Looking forward to seeing what the VP and the now pro-mutantless House of Reps and Senate will do in response to this. :/
  14. Sewer system man or the East River itself (they're in the UN/Turtle Bay area after all). Fun Fact: The Bureau of Wastewater Treatment operates 14 water pollution control plants treating and average of 1.5 billion US gallons (5,700,000 m3) of wastewater alone a day.
  15. It'll stretch out longer if you involve Otter Team Six and grenade her into that kind of trap, rather than spraying her in the face with magic Diablo pepper spray.
  16. She is made of an osmium alloy (used by Taskmaster in his knockoff Cap's shield). Generates cosmic energy which she can throw around like Havok. Freezing and throwing rifle calibre bullets will not work. A tank gun-sized armour-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot should do the trick. Alternatively, corral her over a reservoir of liquid, blow out the floor from under her and drop her into deep water. With the density of the metal she's made of, there's no way she can swim. I'm assuming there's no lifeguard on deck, so she'll drown. Metal or no, she still needs to breathe. Flex responded to a pm of mine not long ago.
  17. You don't really need Fury to send your character down there. Fury's the top of the food chain. There is a whole command structure under him. Heck, under the circumstances, you can probably IC a SHIELD officer sending marauder down.
  18. All Hail the Grimdark! Man, I wonder what kind of monsters would design such a vessel.
  19. *Wild cheering* Humans: 1 Aliens: 0 Mutants: -5 Space travel is impractical without FTL travel anyway.On the other hand, if you managed to hardwire a portal making mutant directly into a ship's structure...
  20. OOC: Here's my response. Typed it on an iPhone, unfortunately.
  21. I much prefer the awesome green Shield hovercar, driven by Nick Fury. Ooooh, can we see that sometime in the game?
  22. A living car. . . Partnered with David Hasselhoff.
  23. It totally matters. The difference between David Hasselhoff and Samuel L. Jackson is like night and day. :DI am so glad Fury's Jackson in this game. :")
  24. IC - Cerberus - New York:Usually, Cerberus avoided crowds and chaos. The black-hooded vigilante had arrived on scene in time to see an X-Man float down from a skyscraper, eat grenades and gunfire, before being blasted into the ground by a chaingun, and a braceload of missiles from an Apache. Thankfully, he had taken great care to stay concealed in the midst of the excitement.The vigilante put away his cellphone, having caught some of the exchange with his camera. He'd heard the X-Man boast about refusing to register, and even managed to catch him getting mauled by every marine on the ground. "Wikileaks will love this." He frowned and watched as a shock seemed to ripple through the crowd below. The young man leaned carefully against his hiding spot, out of sight, face concealed by a scarf. "The underground news community is exploding. First, a riot ripples through the square. Then a rocket had blows up the Fox News chopper. Then, the President is snatched like a kid at a playground. Then, someone blows up the President's 1%er dinner party. Then, the President appears in Washington, and gets decapitated on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial by the leader of one of the most notorious terrorist groups on the planet." Followed shortly by the announcement of a New World Order by a crazed retro religious man, and the execution of both Quicksilver and the other terrorist by lead. "What the ****." "It doesn't make any sense." Cerberus rubbed the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes and scowling. "There's too much going on here to be a coincidence. There must be some bigger picture here." He massaged his temple quietly, as he watched the soldiers and heroes below fall into shock. "Who profited from this improbable set of circumstances?" His violet eyes grew grim. "And who's gonna take the fall?"
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