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Everything posted by Ultimate_Kardas

  1. But Minty Pie is laaaame. Can I switch the letters around? Sapphire Hooves is way cooler. On second though, my BZP initials make it Sunrise DAZE, and that just screams epicness. (Also now all I can envision is the part in LoTR: the two towers where Gandalf comes with reinforcements, but instead of Gandalf, it's... SUNRISE DAZE!) ~U_K~
  2. Death metal! In all seriousness though, here are some suggestions: Octave Cee Minor The Hustle That last one may have not been serious either. ~U_K~
  3. Well, it would seem that I have misinterpreted your blog post. You see, that's the same time Skyrim is released. This probably explains why I was confused by the F5 though. ~U_K~
  4. This game man. THIS GAME! Sitting through school tomorrow is gonna be torture. FUS RO DAH! ~U_K~
  5. I cannot stop laughing right now. I didn't really expect you of all ponies to become a brony. XDAlso on the topic of dragons Basil is my favorite non-pony.Woahwoahwoah, let's not get carried away now. I just made the pony because I'm drawn to things that are customizable. I wouldn't consider myself a brony...yet. ~U_K~
  6. So uh... even though I just watched the first 3 episodes, I've already made my own pony. What's happening to me?Though it does look more like a dragon than a pony, so it's a good thing I've got my priorities straight.~U_K~
  7. So here's a little backstory on this video: I made this in grade 10 media arts while I was in grade 11 since media arts 11 was full. I'm just lucky Levi was in that class, because he and I made a great team. I came up with story and was like the director while he did most of the special effects. We would've got A's on all our projects if we had handed them all in on time. So anyway, in this video, there's a few glitches for some reason (dunno what Levi did), but ignore them. Also, I'm the robot. http://vimeo.com/31765997 ~U_K~
  8. Whoawhoawhoa Sonu. Hold on there. While I find myself liking the show, I would not classify myself as a brony yet. ~U_K~
  9. I watched the first 3 episodes, just like Bunda recommended. And I really don't see why everybody loves it since I thought it was pretty good. Wait wut? What I meant to say is that isn't very bad. What's happening to me?!? This is a show for girls! I shouldn't be liking it! It's kiddy! Yet somehow I still want to watch the next episode -__- One thing that I found the stupidest though was that laughing at your fears make them go away. Ya, I can see that working... Me in Skyrim in a couple of days: OHNO A DRAGON! owait, I'll just laugh at it hahahaha dragon u so silly. Then this happens: AlsoFluttershyisthebest ~U_K~
  10. Manbat? Manbat. ~U_K~
  11. Ya, I heard. It's honestly a shame since it's so early. The worst part is that other than here, I don't trust any Mass effect site with forums now.~U_K~
  12. While thinking of characters from DC comics to do this, one of the first ones I thought of was Manbat. Knowing I'm not the best at humanoid faces, I thought it'd be easier if I went for something with a more bestial look. Also, I really like Manbat as a villain, even if I am more of a Marvel guy.So without further ado...(click here for the rest of the gallery when it's up)And yes, those are blue jeans.~U_K~
  13. I've already finished my entry. It's the villain Manbat from Batman. I don't mean to brag, but I honestly think it's one of the best mocs I've ever made. Will be posting pics tomorrow. ~U_K~
  14. So I was all like, "lol, let's go see this lame piece of ar-oh my goodness that is amazing." Already voted. Best of luck! ~U_K~
  15. No vehicles? Darn it. I was hoping to take a picture of nothing, claiming I spent days making a moc of Wonder Woman's invisible jet.Anyway, I'm glad that my comic knowledge will come in handy. More of a Marvel man myself, but I still like DCQuestion: Are we allowed characters that appeared only on the Teen Titans TV show, but not in any comics?~U_K~
  16. Soooo glad these are finally back.I loved the art on the old one, but it seems that you've improved even more since then! The second comic actually made me chuckle quite a bit. The look on the matoran's face was great.Keep up the good work!~U_K~
  17. =O So glad to see that you're making comics again. I don't care what anybody says, I still love the old ones. I especially love this picture of me of when I was gonna PGS. I still think it looks amazing. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go post. ~U_K~
  18. Sorry, but the bionicle desktop buddies are the best desktop buddies of all time. "Oh Pohatu, u so silly, get back here. No srsly, stop running. POHATU! STOP! GET OFF THE SIDE! Sweet, I finally got hi-DANGIT HE SLIPPED!" ~U_K~
  19. So first off, some news about my lizard. I just recently noticed a small black lump on his upper belly. It really worried me, so we took him to a vet. The vet said that he has melanoma, which is a type of skin cancer. If it gets bigger and uncomfortable for him, we may need to get it removed which will cost about $150. But the thing is, when I told the vet he was 8.5 years old, she was very surprised. She said he was in very good condition, and that over the age of 6 for bearded dragons is considered very old. It made me feel very good about myself when she said that whatever I was doing, I was doing a good job. Anyway, in Skyrim news, I recently heard some news that makes me giddy with excitement. I'm going to post two pictures that have nothing to do with the main plot, but some may consider spoilers nonetheless. Also, there's a second volume from the Lusty Argonian maid confirmed, so that's always good. ~U_K~
  20. I really went all out with Halloween decorations this year. Problem? (Sorry for the graininess btw) Happy Halloween! ~U_K~
  21. Ugh, the wait for Skyrim is killing me! The closer it gets, the farther away it seems. And for my first character, as my tradition dictates, I will be an Argonian. I was an Argonian warrior/werewolf for Morrowind, and I was mostly a warrior in Oblivion with some handy conjuring abilites with a bit of sneak tossed in there. Also, I could jump really high. In Skyrim I plan to dual wielding Argonian with 2 swords, be mostly a warrior, have a bit of sneak, and dabble in a bit more magic than I used to. Is anyone else hoping for some werewolf DLC? I need werewolf DLC. Bloodmoon is basically my favorite DLC ever. Also, will anybody's character have any quirks? I vow to kill any Argonian with round pupils. As much as I love them, I cannot stand Argoninans with those pupils. I can hardly stand feather either, but pupils is where I draw the line. ~U_K~
  22. But Valenti! They're MEGA BLOCKS!They are the enemy! ~U_K~
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