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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Ultimate_Kardas

  1. Oh. Sorry to hear about that. =(

  2. I saw the redwall cartoon in your av =O

    Asmodeus was the best part of that show.

  3. Yes! Another LFG fan! FOR PONY!


    Love the av, even though I'm more of a L4D2 for the 360 man myself.

  5. I wish I could help. Maybe I should start a bakesale.

  6. Your sig is waaaaay to big. Five lines of text or less.

  7. Your statement better not be about the movie in your personal pic. -_-

  8. For the good of all of us, except the ones who are dead. But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying 'till you run out of cake. And the science gets done, and you make a neat gun for the people who are still alive!

  9. Thanks! It's from Jayko in the knight's kingdom generation one.

  10. Got the pieces from your blog contest today. It's my birthday too, so it's like a present! Thanks again!

  11. lol, wrong person? No problem Taka.

  12. Bob =O

    Deadpool's sidekick!


  13. I'm not adding you as a friend until you learn how to use periods and capital letters.

  14. OHNO

    Our wolves are in the same poll!

    I'm going to lose ;_;

  15. Where are you? I posted a long time ago in reality. Post 9270 to be exact. Page 232.

  16. It's Deadpool, not Spider-man. And he's wearing it because he's insane.

  17. I have been accepted! YES!

  18. Heard about it a couple weeks ago.

    It's going to be amaaaazing.

  19. Ur personal pic sux

  20. Your closing of the spongebob topic was hilarious.

    Keep up the good work!

  21. Oh wait. My mistake. You are against raptors! FOOL!!

  22. I don't care what anybody else says. Ben 10 is (h)

  23. Sorry, but I've always been good ol' U_K! Are you saying this just cause of my banner?

  24. yoyoyo go to my blog and vote.

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