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Blog Entries posted by Ultimate_Kardas

  1. Ultimate_Kardas
    Well, things didn't exactly turn out the first time through with my plan. There was only one survivor of the people who had been holding the line, but it was Mordin. I had forgotten to take into account that even though he's one of the first to die for holding the line, he was also the only one of them with his loyalty mission done, so the non-loyal crew died first. All I had to do instead was complete Samara's loyalty mission, and then leave Jacob, Morinth, and Mordin to hold the line, leaving two survivors instead of one.
    Also, this playthrough has one thing that went wrong for me. I told Kal'Reegar to help me out, and I heard him die, but apparently Adam Baldwin is way too awesome and decided to show up when I was talking to Tali. Other than that, this playthrough succeeded in being horrible. Then I went on to kill Zaeed in a fire.
    Also, when I jumped on the Normandy in the last part of the suicide mission, I suddenly had a horrible thought that my name would cause me to die.
    I was inspired and made this (Sorry for the bluriness of the first pic, I had to resort to my cellphone camera):

  2. Ultimate_Kardas
    Might not be funny if you haven't played Skyrim, but It made me laugh so I'm posting it.
    And yes, this is how I determine what I should post. If it makes me laugh, I'll post it. Unfortunately I'm very prone to laughing, even if they are only slightly funny.

  3. Ultimate_Kardas
    Decided to go get Jack. Told Kasumi to put on her new outfit I got for her. I couldn't tell if it was because she was defying me or was just jealous of me and Jacob, but she wore something a bit different. Also, according to the symbol on her belt, I think she's an assassino.
    Her outfit was all mismatched and had different colors.
    So anyway, I had my whole crew and then we went on Horizon and stuff. Saw Ashley again, yelled at her and left.
    Then I had to go investigate a collector ship. I was talking with the Illusive man, but I don't think he was paying attention to me.
    All he could focus on was my left hip. (TIM/Shepard romance for ME3?)
    Anyway, I got assault rifle training since the claymore shotgun sucks compared to the geth one. The mattock is an amazing gun.
    After escaping we went to a derelict reaper. During our time there, Samara and Mordin decided to do Parkour or something.
    Then we got Legion and went back on the ship. That was the purpose of that mission, right? To get Legion?
    I talked with Legion so quickly that my omni tool couldn't handle my speed and broke.
    It was stuck on my arm for awhile.
    My crew got taken but screw them. I'm busy planning how to do everyone's loyalty missions while killing them all at the same time.
    It's alright though. I got a plan.
    In all seriousness though, this has been my glitchiest playthrough ever.
  4. Ultimate_Kardas
    If you haven't seen what Mufasa Shepard looks like yet, just go look in one of my recent entries.
    Anyway, my crew and I were on Virmire, but when I got out of my mako, it said Liara and Kaiden were right beside the mako on the map, except they weren't there. This happened every time I got out of the vehicle. I use some biotic powers on some geth and one of them flies towards the mako. He gets up and starts shooting thin air. I ignore it, and continue fighting the other geth. I eventually come back to see Liara has reappeared but was killed by the geth. There's also this really strange thing next to them both. I kill the geth and then walk over to them.
    Apparently while he was invisible, Kaiden Decided to become a snake.
    And before you ask, yes, The first thing Liara did when she came back to life was start tea-bagging beside him.
    I try to talk to Kaiden to try convincing him that I need a human in my crew, not a snake, but instead he just throws a hissy fit and tries to teleport into a wall.
    It didn't go well.
    So for his punishment, I decided to kill him.
    Also, I found out Mufasa has brain damage. While we were going through the Krogan breeding facility, she came upon a Salarian who had been captured. The rest of his squad had been indoctrinated and were long gone. Even though he pleaded and pleaded with reason, Mufasa thought it would be too risky and left him to die. A few minutes later she finds another captured Salarian, but this time this one can't stop talking about voices talking to him. Against her squadmate's judgement, she let him free. Then he attacked her and she killed him.
    Anyway, then I killed Saren and stopped Soveriegn's plan. The end.
    And then I died.
    But fear not! Cerberus saved me and made me even more beautiful than before! They even gave me botox!
    Anyway, now I'm just chillin in omega with my brand new pink armor with yellow and green details.
    Nice place ya' got here.
    Also, Bunda decided to pop in as just as I was taking a picture.
    Thanks a lot Bunda >=(
  5. Ultimate_Kardas
    For too long have I idly sat by and let Friday slip through my fingers! FRIDAY FUNNY LIIIIIVES!!!
    And while this not be funny, I just thought I should share that this is a real movie that is really being made.

  6. Ultimate_Kardas
    So I started a new playthrough in Mass effect. For this playthrough, I'm a vanguard who is trying to get the worst possible ending in ME3. I'm going to be killing Wrex, cheating on my romance (heavy risk... BUT THE PRIIIZE), and only having 2 squadmates survive the suicide mission (Jacob and Morinth).
    And of course for the worst ending ever, I must have the most beautiful female Shepard ever.
    (sorry for the low quality pics, I play on the xbox)
    mai 1st tiem maeking a girl soo dun bee meeeaaan guiz >=(
    Also, since the gun for mass effect 3 didn't unlock during my 1st playthrough of the Kingdoms of Amalur demo, I played again, but this time I made my character look and act like Alex Armstrong from Full metal alchemist.
    In all his glory
    "You're facing the technique that's been passed down the Armstrong line for generations!"
  7. Ultimate_Kardas
    By downloading and playing the Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning demo, we can get this free armor and gun for mass effect 3:


    Reckoner Knight Armor:

    This armor will maximize damage done in close-quarters combat while a
    beefed–up power cell feeds energy into weapon systems to increase
    projectile velocity.
    The Chakram Launcher:
    This weapon uses a fabricator to manufacture lightweight, explosive
    ammunition discs. This weapon is earned after completing the Reckoning demo and watching the trailer at the end.
    Here's two pictures:

    I don't care how out of place it looks, or if the bonuses are mediocre, I'm going to wear this all the time.
    The demo comes out January 17th.
  8. Ultimate_Kardas
    So I beat the first game. Pretty fun. I got the good ending because I saved all the little sisters.
    Started playing the second game. For some reason I really love the character of the big daddy. I also love the gameplay way better. The cutscene where you first go underwater was just gorgeous. Played a bit of multiplayer as well. My first two games I did horrible, especially since I was up against very high level players and my team kept quitting. And then in the next two games I played I had the most kills both times.
    Also, why did they switch the harvest and rescue buttons? I just saved my first little sister, but I had had to reload my save because I thought it would be the same.
  9. Ultimate_Kardas
    Yup, bought premier yesterday. Talk about procrastination.
    Note: If you don't care about Mass effect (or are scared of spoilers) or bioshock, turn back now.
    So anyway, I've beaten Mass effect 1 with mostly the same choices, but this time I saved the green asari, saved Kaiden, and saved the council, but still had maximum renegade.
    Beat Mass effect 2 as well. I did most of the renegade options for all conversations which got me full renegade pretty fast, which meant once it was full, I was free to make as many important paragon decisions as I like. Some examples were: Saving Kal'Reegar (Found out he's voiced by Adam Baldwin, no way am I going to let him die), told the quarians not to go to war, saved the genophage data, and got really friendly with Kelly (I finally don't have to clean up dead fish =D). (note: these are paragon decisions that I hadn't done in my first playthrough. I still saved Legion and rewrote heretics.) Also, I might have been able to break off my relationship with Liara. I like Tali way more and when Liara said to me "I don't think we should get too serious" or something after we had killed the shadow broker and I hugged her and I said "let's just be friends" so I'm not sure if I'll have a problem in the third game. I still regret keeping the collector base, but I needed to so I could get the full renegade ending.
    Two more months is too long of a wait D=
    Also, started playing Bioshock. I always freak out whenever the lights turn off. I'm doing a playthrough where I'm not harvesting any little sisters. They gave me 400 Adam in a teddy bear =O. The hypnotize big daddy plasmid is amazing. Two Rosie's fighting each other was awesome.
  10. Ultimate_Kardas
    With my new copy of Halo 3: ODST I can get into the Reach multiplayer beta =O
    So anyway, we got an xbox kinect since we got a $1700 gift card for Futureshop. Fruit ninja is really fun. Still looking forward to Mass effect 3 with it the most though.
    Also, thanks to the new hobbit trailer, I now have a song stuck in my head (not that that's a bad thing)
    Where there's a whip, *WHA-CH*
    there's a way.
    Where there's a whip, *WHA-CH*
    there's a way.
  11. Ultimate_Kardas
    The insurance company will be replacing almost everything (including money for the freezer meat), so that's good. We're gonna be getting a replacement xbox 360 from futureshop (the same limited edition reach one (which also means two extra controllers + a copy of halo reach)) on Friday and we are also getting $60.00 for each game to spend only on games at futureshop (even games that were worth nowhere near that much like Battlefront 2). This is actually kind of good since we never play about half of our games and we'll have plenty of money to buy new ones. Again, the sad part is that all my saved game info will be lost, but again, for the one I care most about (Mass effect), it means that I'll be able to undue all the mistakes I made. (DIE ASHLEY! DIE, DIE, DIE!)
    Also, our neighbors were just robbed today. Windows were actually broken, so we're going to keep our alarm on almost all the time (the reason my mom never turned it on is because she thought we were fine going out for just a bit) . This means that the robber is still active and this gives the cops a better chance of finding him. And someone on a bicycle with a very large wagon trailing behind was spotted recently, so that's good.
    All in all, things are looking up.
  12. Ultimate_Kardas
    But ya, the xbox, 3 controllers, and 26 games were all taken, along a $500 tv in my sister's room, my brother's ipod, $70 of freezer meat, and $270 of my own money, among other things (lots of jewelry as well). The worst part is if I had left that money in my room along with my other piles of money he wouldn't of taken it since he didn't even touch my room. He must of looked at the floor covered in Bionicle sets, and been like, "lol, kid's room" and left, even though my wallet was within reaching distance of the door, and in plain site. Also, I really don't see why he took time to take meat from the freezer, but somehow missed two very expensive laptops in plain sight with their chargers.
    So ya, that sucks. On the bright side, even though we're renting, we got home insurance, so we can replace everything (except for saved game files. Looks like I'll be playing Mass Effect 1 and 2 all over again. Hopefully I'll finish them both completely before March. And now that I have no xbox, I have a very strong urge to return to comic making.
  13. Ultimate_Kardas
    I didn't even notice my Manbat moc made it into the finals of BBC 62. This is the first time this has happened!
    I don't care if he's only there because there's barely any entries, I MADE TO THE FINALS (But have a 0% chance of winning)
    Also, talking of superheroes and villains, I'm really hoping the Lizard will look way different from his official Pez dispenser in the new Spider-man movie.

  14. Ultimate_Kardas
    So here's a little backstory on this video:
    I made this in grade 10 media arts while I was in grade 11 since media arts 11 was full. I'm just lucky Levi was in that class, because he and I made a great team. I came up with story and was like the director while he did most of the special effects. We would've got A's on all our projects if we had handed them all in on time.
    So anyway, in this video, there's a few glitches for some reason (dunno what Levi did), but ignore them.
    Also, I'm the robot.
  15. Ultimate_Kardas
    I went to Brickcon this year. It was amazing.
    First thing I did was buy stuff. My dad had given me like $100 to spend, so I bought the following:
    - tons of spare parts (including all piraka spines but Irnakk's and Thok's)
    - red visorak
    - kaxium
    -Tower of Toa
    - most of Hewkii inika
    - most of Nuparu mahri
    - almost all the bohrok I was missing (Only need Gahlok Kal now)
    Also, funny story with the Lehvak Kal I bought. I was browsing the vendors and there was a Lehvak kal on display. This is how our conversation went:
    Me: Have any other Bionicle sets?
    Vendor: No, just that one.
    Me: Hmm... How much?
    Vendor: 8 bucks.
    Me: Ehh... Sorry, no. *turns and starts walking away*
    Vendor: 5 bucks!
    Me: Deal!
    +5 mercantile skill
    So anyway, got all that for about $100.
    Met a bunch of BZP members. Toa Velox, Roa Mctoa, Swert, and etc. Really cool people.
    Also, the Mass effect citadel and huge tower of Isengard/battle of the ents lego models were amazing. They were definitely some of my main highlights.
  16. Ultimate_Kardas
    I watched the first 3 episodes, just like Bunda recommended. And I really don't see why everybody loves it since I thought it was pretty good.
    Wait wut? What I meant to say is that isn't very bad.
    What's happening to me?!? This is a show for girls! I shouldn't be liking it! It's kiddy!
    Yet somehow I still want to watch the next episode -__-
    One thing that I found the stupidest though was that laughing at your fears make them go away.
    Ya, I can see that working...
    Me in Skyrim in a couple of days: OHNO A DRAGON! owait, I'll just laugh at it hahahaha dragon u so silly.
    Then this happens:

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