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The Alchemyst

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by The Alchemyst

  1. The Alchemyst


    Me too. One of the most hilarious pics is the one with the opposite of "pro". [-The Alchemyst-]
  2. The Alchemyst

    B.c. 1

    No... Us Chicago people have the Brick-thingy... But that doesn't have Bionicle. ;_; It's all system and AFOLS. I'm trapped in the Midwest! D: [-The Alchemyst-]
  3. Can't say. I don't pay attention to debates, platforms and etc. So I can't tell you who I'd vote for. But I live in Obama's Neighborhood! =D So everyone is Pro-Obama here. [-The Alchemyst-]
  4. I'd love to go, if I could ask my parents for a 8 hour or so drive. D: [-The Alchemyst-]
  5. The Alchemyst


    =O Ring of Fire? Will it intimidate all the other MOCers? Oh, and it's "Prometheus". [-The Alchemyst-]
  6. The Alchemyst

    Excel Saga

    Watched a few episodes. It's like Bo-Bo bo. Except a lot maturer. And weirder. And sicker. Pegasus: "I learned that trick after watching Excel Saga!" [-The Alchemyst-]
  7. ;_; Can't think of anything... Not even color scheme. D: [-The Alchemyst-]
  8. Woot, Got mine in by 3 minutes. =D But of course now a few hours of homework awaits me. >_> I'm pretty proud of what I have, it took me two hours, and so many revisions. @_@ It's a mix of what was to be BBCC50 3rd form entry (the shields, arms, wing-stuff...), Aurandis, and a few other things. @_@ And Jinzo, that Blacklight is awesome. =O EDIT: >8O Hey, Draco. I just found out where my White Rubber Bands were hiding... On my Boxor. >_< Is it legal to change the black rubber bands to white ones and take another pic? Or is that cheating? [-The Alchemyst-]
  9. The Alchemyst

    Entry List

    Entry name: MARK-Whiteout Entry Element: Ice Entry pic:Temporary Entry Pic. Gallery: Gallery Topic: Soon. [-The Alchemyst-]
  10. Started an hour ago. This thing looks so funky... Yet awesome. Yet it has so many flaws. >_< Need to finish the arms. D: An hour left? D: [-The Alchemyst-]
  11. Umm... Pointless? If no one else votes, we'll just have a tie. I vote for myself. [-The Alchemyst-]
  12. Yus. A Linux-fan. Linux: Flying Toasters. [-The Alchemyst-]
  13. Linux. Fedora to be specific. [-The Alchemyst-]
  14. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «YES! Vorox? He's soooo awesome. So many new recolors...I think almost everything is a recolor or a new piece. <3 [-The Alchemyst-]
  15. Precalculus? Graphing is so much easier than Algebraic Approach. Trust me. Much less work. [-The Alchemyst-]
  16. =D Awesomeness. Needs more turns and twists though. -Waits for next chapter- [-The Alchemyst-]
  17. *Giggles at Red Integers* *Hee hee hee hee* [-The Alchemyst-]
  18. Where have I seen that weird small man... Dengaku man? [-The Alchemyst-]
  19. The Alchemyst


    Wow, this is too easy: "Is Spleen Fun?" [-The Alchemyst-]
  20. The Alchemyst


    =D Me! [-The Alchemyst-]
  21. Yus. So Takadox pieces are allowed. So I can use GitD blue as a replacement for Trans-Blue? Mmm... Tough decision. I'll go with Trans I guess though. [-The Alchemyst-]
  22. Dang. That goes and ruins my Color scheme for Ice. =/ *Checks if Air had restrictions I didn't know about* Oh. Wings. Well Good thing I added those. *Uploads pic showing that arms = wings* [-The Alchemyst-]
  23. Name: Cyclii Entry Pic: Pic Entry Topic/Gallery: X [-The Alchemyst-]
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