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The Alchemyst

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by The Alchemyst

  1. Which is (Unsurprisingly) Illegal (Without BFA's consent). There's a topic in the Administrative desk somewhere. [-The Alchemyst-]
  2. Wait, what? You guys can't go on BZP from school? >8O That's nonsense! What could they have on BZP that should be blocked? I go on BZP at school during my lunch period all the time. We have Tech Centers and a Library all filled with computers >_> Only sites that are blocked are inappropriate, gambling, a few online gaming sites, proxies, video and etc. but that's it. =/ My division room has a computer that my friend and I use to check up on some sites/play games. [-The Alchemyst-]
  3. You know the epic meaning of this? DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE MESSING WITH? This is unbelievable. Now let me think of a word that starts with x. EDIT: Due date is Jan 1st? [-The Alchemyst-]
  4. ohnoesidontwanttobeshankedisaverybadthingidontwannadiehalp
  5. Copyright infringement! >8D Teebert Last-minute entry by Teebert. Ahahaha! >_> [-The Alchemyst-]
  6. Enter next BBC Contest. Or LGD contest. Gotta say this again:

    That fusion Ice Planet Fr-33-z mech is win.

    Make moar. >8O

  7. The Alchemyst

    The Truth.

    Is true. Quality>Quantity. [-The Alchemyst-]
  8. Whoo! We helped CF! -Hi-Fives everyone- [-The Alchemyst-]
  9. Yay for buying for parts only. I should do that sometimes, or something. You can make a model and keep it intact, without any of your set's parts in it. :3 [-The Alchemyst-]
  10. It's about time I got a name change. ._. But I wanted to change it to FEISAR... Arrgh, conflicting thoughts, Rawr. Wait, what is this nonsense? >8O "Members of the BZP Community"? You're a tricky one CF, a tricky one indeed. -Shakes fist- [-The Alchemyst-]
  11. javiwilleditthiscommentorhasediteditdependingonwhen youareseeingthisanywaysatstakelikethreehoursipersonallydontthinkitsthat longithinkaptestsarelongerhopeyoudidwellonitifyoudidyoucangloat [-The Alchemyst-]
  12. Lol. Owned by Wrack. [-The Alchemyst-]
  13. Umm...

    Viacom is fail because...?

    [-The Alchemyst-]

  14. "Click Wheet Chirp Chirp Woot" [-The Alchemyst]
  15. I'm not 5x5's personal army! >8O

    All of you who came to follow his orders:

    Revolt! Revolt!

    [-The Alchemyst-]

  16. Yes. Post them as fast as you can. Original, funny, mysterious, alternate future comedy with a plot= Win. [-The Alchemyst-]
  17. Pics or it never happened. I should enter. >_> But all my ideas suck. Or don't match a song. =/ [-The Alchemyst-]
  18. The Alchemyst

    N P R

    Heck, I'm 14 and NPR is my favorite Radio station. ._. Sunday Night Programs really touch up on some good random points, about health, society and life. And news and weather every few minutes, especially in the morning. NPR is great... Except during Pledge Drives. >_> [-The Alchemyst-]
  19. KPO: From the Book, by Michael Scott.

  20. Was it a transport (Were they called Vahki transports... or something?)? Like Lhikan and Lhikan II, to carry Matoran pods. [-The Alchemyst-] Yes
  21. I'm currently rebuilding all my sets. Need to get ready to sell a bunch for college, only have less than a year before I should start selling them. And which one was tamers? The one with the cards? (I still can't get over the fact you can color a card blue and it works... HOW? But the season did have deadly robotic bunnies with machine guns. :3) [-The Alchemyst-]
  22. The Alchemyst

    What's Up

    I still have 42 minutes at the time I'm typing this! November! Live! These are your final minutes! D: I chose a Bionicle song, because I can't think of a song that has lyrics to fit the MOC I made. Hope it passes the system ratio and the one MOC rule. >_> If it's OK'd by Kex, then I'm going to make sure it's awesome enough to go to the finals! >8O (Propably won't, but I can still hope). Good Luck. [-The Alchemyst-]
  23. Meh, you should pick an emotion, then make the MOC, then choose the song. Because then you know what kind of song you're looking for. ... Kinda. [-The Alchemyst-]
  24. Was it male? [-The Alchemyst-] No
  25. Lucky you! I'm so going to work over at the Lego Store as soon as I can. I once went there on a slow weekday and the cashiers were fooling around with the Hahli Mahri Dart thing. Looks like fun. You'll get in, no sweat. [-The Alchemyst-]
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