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The Alchemyst

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by The Alchemyst

  1. I have one, I remember the username, but not the password, I have it written down somewhere. I started like 4 years ago, and stopped about half a year after that. I'm like level 23 as I remember. But overall stopped playing, I found the battle system to be really boring, and stuff really tedious. Yay for Battlenet. [-The Alchemyst-]
  2. Wow, I am slooooow. First I thought it was OEHF Then I thought it was the bust of a person. Then I realized it was "30 Hour Famine" ._.;; I'd do it, but I'd get no sponsors. D: [-The Alchemyst-]
  3. Hare's gonna win. So Awesomecraft gets my vote. Because it has Purple, looks like a Podracer, and Wipeout craft and has tracks. All at once. [-The Alchemyst-]
  4. And I feel fiiiiiiine! ... Anyway, Climate change? Random weather? [-The Alchemyst-]
  5. OpenOffice! Or get a download through a university for free. [-The Alchemyst-]
  6. Go soak a bunch of marshmallows. Then eat them as they crunch. So delicious and fun. :3 [-The Alchemyst-]
  7. Just trying to make a day brighter, no one feels good when their birthday is forgotten. :P

    [-The Alchemyst-]

  8. Happy Early Birthday, before I forget. :D

    You rpobably don't know me too well, and I don't know you too well, but still. :D Keep MOCing. [-The Alchemyst-]

  9. Well I'm going to make mine Thok White and Mata Red. ._. Or Thok White and something. Yay NXT. [-The Alchemyst-]
  10. I hate Euro... Well the Euro Teacher. ._. It's an AP class and he knows his material, but there's a test every week, essay tests over every 3 chapters, connecting them, and then Document Based Questions every now and then. And a Term Paper. D: Your teacher is awesome. 8D [-The Alchemyst-]
  11. Look-wise I like them. To be held by weak joints on a Toa? No no no no. I mean seriously, the Mahri could never hold them up. Poor Kongu. [-The Alchemyst-]
  12. Looks silver to me. ._. Even the Yellow Lighting doesn't make it look gold... Maybe it's because I have the set. [-The Alchemyst-]
  13. Read it a few months ago, when I changed my name to this.

    I can't find The Magician in my library. D:

  14. I love it too again. I JUST NEED FRAGMENT TWO ARRRRGH But then the obsession will die off once I realize I need 500 clicks to advance to rank 5. ._. [-The Alchemyst-]
  15. As far as I know, it's a library forum, but it updates faster and it takes less time to read it. Meaning more time to post and less stuff to post about. ._. Anyway shrug off the post count. It's nothing. If you want to see your name with a fancy Image, go to... I think either Toaraga's or Kex's maj, [i think it's one of those two, but it might be someone else] and GIMP the image into one of your posts. [-The Alchemyst-] The forum we're talking about is Artwork III. --MX
  16. AUGH I'M HIT. ... But Brown> Dark Blue. We need more sandy Tan/Brown MOCs. [-The Alchemyst-]
  17. Since when did Lego have to make sense? ._. I've seen IATTARs driven by a Frog, and the entire concept of IATTAR as a whole. But I'll wait for official ruling. It'd be awesome though. So I could make them combine to make SUPER-MEGA-ULTRA-NINJA-IATTAR-GADJITRON. Or some stuff. [-The Alchemyst-]
  18. So I can have up to 4 entries, but they all have to be in the same team? As in same color scheme? D: Or can a Team be very various, from like microscale to minifig scale to Technicfig scale, and with different colors and etc? [-The Alchemyst-]
  19. Wait, then who wasn't there? Seems like the room of all parties. [-The Alchemyst-]
  20. Exactly what I think, it's been used that way a lot, like: "I'm pointing this out, but I don't want to look mean so I will use this emote that makes it somewhat less mean". Uh huh. [-The Alchemyst-]
  21. "Are you saying Donuts are bad?" [-The Alchemyst-]
  22. The Alchemyst

    I Am Proud

    XD Well maybe I'm just a slowpoke. [-The Alchemyst-]
  23. The Alchemyst

    I Am Proud

    You're finally a teen? [At least, that's what your User Page says] Happy Birthday! [-The Alchemyst-]
  24. T'was meant for Snoop's Blog's Bday topic. Note to self: Never open two blog replies at once. Oh and I meant why would you want to get Two Iconox's Favors? XD [-The Alchemyst-]
  25. Why do you have so many Iconox's Favors. o.O? [-The Alchemyst-]
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