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The Alchemyst

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by The Alchemyst

  1. The Alchemyst

    Whar Ar Setz!

    Amazon emailed me a few days ago, they "couldn't find the products", so I had to cancel. D: Dunno if the same will happen to you...Good Luck. [-The Alchemyst-]
  2. The Alchemyst


    Saw V when it comes out. >___> j/k Ask her what she hasn't seen. Go for it. [-The Alchemyst-]
  3. D: Do you know that if you tell people to not to it, they'll feel the urge to? It's quite interesting. And it's torturing me. D: College [-The Alchemyst-]
  4. GAH! I meant Luxembourg. >_< I knew Lithuania did not sound right... It had an 'L', but... >_< The gap is that high? o.O Last time I checked (albeit, a few years ago), it was no more than $10k above second place... *Checks again* EDIT: Oh an I think 78 in the U.S. is for women, and 75 for men... but again, a few years ago... I need to get back into random trivia. ;_; [-The Alchemyst-]
  5. *Attempts to save Bfahome and Protosteel but is eaten by own homework* UGH. I've been doing this chemistry homework FOR HOURS ;_; I feel your pain >< What Chemistry? o.O I mean nothing should take you hours... Unless it's a project. Or a bunch of Titrations. Or many many many problems. The only reason I never finish homework until like 10 PM is because I don't start until after dinner...which means part 9. XD I come home and play around/eat/MOC for four hours. My priorities are set straight. Childhood only lasts for so long. D: Tip: Finish your homework at school, including in classes with boring teachers that don't pay attention to you. I can finish a good two-four subjects and save myself from carrying 2 or so textbooks by doing them during class and school. [-The Alchemyst-]
  6. Lucky you. A good 75% of my classes or so have boring teachers. Only my AP Euro teacher is awesome. He makes philosophy and European History fun The English Teach is okay. And the Spanish Sub until November, is so booooring. He's not a teacher. He doesn't teach us anything! D: [-The Alchemyst-]
  7. Isn't 1st by Per Capita GDP Lithuania? I personally think PC GDP is a better way to count the "wealthiest country" as a whole. Nice tidbit about Indonesia though. [-Alchemyst-]
  8. The Alchemyst


    Oooh....Dunno if that's a "good deal" though. It seems like a normal price. I got my Manas for $20. =D [-The Alchemyst-]
  9. "HD-DvD w/ Clearer Posts" "Captain Planet" "Demora Von JOY" "Phil Eckleburg III" More when they come to mind. [-The Alchemyst-]
  10. What else would you want it for? >____> *Imagines silly reasons* "It looks so kewl!!!!" "It's the bestest hero of Bionicles!!!" "It looks like a flying cat....with a man-face!" "Mantax made it!" [-The Alchemyst-]
  11. Mantax creates Black Holes. They are born when he breathes in. [-The Alchemyst-] I don't like the way you're implying that he has to work that hard to do it. Dude, black holes are caused by the mere thought of him. But then if anything can be created by his thought, none of the Mantax jokes are funny. D: You need to have some kind of similar thing that relates... But yea...in truth, he wishes... There is. [-The Alchemyst-]
  12. And paying for better Gameplay/Just to play? FAIL. Free MMORPG's with minor things that can be bought with money is okay. This is one of the reasons I do not like WoW. I'm a cheap loser who doesn't want to pay money for virtual stuff. So... Yea. [-The Alchemyst-]
  13. The Alchemyst

    Quick Poll

    Me. Didn't expect that, did you? [-The Alchemyst-]
  14. Mantax creates Black Holes. They are born when he breathes in. [-The Alchemyst-]
  15. Real people do NOT look like animé characters. I think you got it backwards. "Animé characters do NOT look like real people." There. But they're making the movie about an anime. The anime was never based off of real people. SO EPIC FAIL. [-The Alchemyst-]
  16. Nuparu Mctoran>Bionicle. Nuparu is just win. He's the only character made up of such win. *Hugs Mctoran Nuparu* [-The Alchemyst-]
  17. D: You found my secret hiding place! Tell me how the book is. XD [-The Alchemyst-]
  18. Meh, Depends on where you live. Chicago has wild temperature changes. ._. Snow in October! And no Snow until February after that! >_> [-The Alchemyst-]
  19. Support! Support Support Support! I await. Maybe you can have interviews of people and put them up every week or so. [-The Alchemyst-]
  20. Me too. ;_; I went to do Chem homework for a sec. D: [-The Alchemyst-]
  21. That girl from Midnighters? Desdemonda? (Dess)? 78 is a multiple of 13. And Clean Steel kills the Darklings. Melissa and Jessica Day are also plausible, but I always imagine them blonde and redheaded, dunno if they're described that way in the books... Yea, looking at all the clues you gave, it's Dess! She's my favorite. <3333 [-The Alchemyst-] (Formally [=-Midnighter-=]) Another fan? =D
  22. That site? Never used it. But I might one day... The only set I really want/need is Lhikan and Kikalano. D: [-The Alchemyst-]
  23. Actually, depending on what he's talking about, there is a aerobatic Blue Devils team. >8D But there's so many! GA RAGAGA! [-The Alchemyst-]
  24. The Alchemyst

    Nfl Week 1

    Chicago won! =D That new Forte guy was awesome... Minnesota tomorrow. They have Adrian Peterson, Benard Berrian, and I hope Tavaris Jackson does good enough. =/ Minnesota FTW. [-The Alchemyst-]
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