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Status Updates posted by otter

  1. No problem. Also, reading through your interests more, I noticed you like NCIS and Criminal Minds. That's awesome.

  2. No.

    AlL yOuR bAsE aRe BeLoNg To Me!1!1!

  3. Nobody at all. I only noticed the name similarity.I felt like trying to make a joke.

  4. Not Star Wars: The Clone Wars, but the animated series that came before it.

  5. Not to be offensive or anything, I don't really post a lot either, but how can you have been here since 2009 and have only 2 posts?

  6. O Prosperity, thou art cruel.

  7. Oh cool. I'd really rather have a 4-string myself, cause I play upright bass. 5 strings would just be weird.

  8. Oh, do you play in a Jazz Band? I do.

  9. Oh, I was just reading your interests, and they insulted me. I am NOT a creepy stalker. Just a regular one. :P

  10. Oh...I'm rude. Rude and not ginger.

    1. Elrond of Rivendell

      Elrond of Rivendell

      Okay.... That one I don't comprehend.

  11. OMG I am just LOL about what? Lol.

  12. On books: Have you read any of David Edding's or Dennis McKiernan's books? Or maybe some of Nancy Farmers? (The House of Scorpions and the Trolls trilogy are both good.

  13. On games, you forgot Halo. On Movies, you need to make a sub-group called Machinima, and put in RvB.

  14. Perfect amount in the last one. I just owned the comment maker. Also, what I was going to say was that it was all black aside from those. And you can't see the blue +pins, so yeah. I was able to get a color scheme out of it.

    Oh, read my epic if you get the chance.

  15. Run Lloyd run. They'll smite you.

    Also, Darkspace was cool while it was still around.

  16. Shooore...:P

    You absolutely must use that MNOG airpump you made to create a Toa Mata revamp. 'T'would be awesome.

  17. Silver, you might want to change your sig a little bit soon. It is way too big.

  18. So I got scared in the process of killing a giant spider. Like, right when I killed it. The thing was about three inches long and about one inch tall. I stepped on it and killed it, but it held me up for a large enough amount of time that I noticed it, and it crunched, and I jumped away. It was weird.

    1. sunflower


      Awww poor spider. :c

    2. Krayzikk


      That, is a massive spider.

    3. Simulacrum


      Just another exciting day in the life of Kal Grochi. Tommorrow: The hideous HOUSEFLY. *dun dun dunnnnn*

  19. So that you all know,I like this IPB 2.2.0 Default skin. Makes BzPower much more organized.

  20. Something I just noticed: Your birthday is almost exactly 10 years before mine. I was born on the 13th of 96. How random.

  21. Stop Changing your name Iranu. It gets really annoying

  22. Suddenly, Purple.

    1. sunflower


      Must've been my Gravity powerz. :3

    2. Wotz


      Or my Purple Ranger powerz. :3

    3. Unauthorized Autobiography
  23. Talk to my friend The Dark Chonicler while I'm gone, I won't be back till Wednesday. And yes, I used the right spelling of his name. He messed it up. He can tell you what its like while I'm off. He's a comedy writer, and he's pretty smart too.

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