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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Brickeens

  1. Hah, that's strange. In that case you just save the file to your hard drive and check it from there.

  2. If it's saved on your hard drive, go to the folder it's saved in and mouse over the filename. Should give details there. Browsers can often tell the filesize too, though. I use Firefox, and I just right-clicked and hit 'View Image Info'. All browsers should have a similar function.

  3. Your av is 828KB over the 100KB limit.

  4. Turakii, thanks to that link in your sig I'll never be able to click a banner again. ;_;

  5. Sure. Just drop me a comment/PM whenever you get a new chapter up, because I'm not the most reliable person when it comes to checking things for updates.

  6. Can we not have a nice YMCA Barbie Av? ;_;

  7. this member is a cool guy


  9. Happy Birthday and stuff.

  10. Happy Birthday, dude.

  11. happy birthday

  12. ...Apparently he's retired. Didn't see that coming.

  13. Oh right, cool. I'd say I'll be there.

  14. Funny story, actually. I just made up the name, and then a couple of years later I found out that it was actually a place in my own country.

    Oh, and lol. I'm surprised at the amount of people who have said that about my voice.


  16. Nice to see you're still alive, anyway!

  17. I knew a member called Haru, but your name change history doesn't say that you ever went by such a name?

  18. Did we ever talk before? I can't say I remember you.


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