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Everything posted by Onaku

  1. IC: Qyntar Qyntar nodded at Vrina's words "That's a good idea" He then turned to Athiel again "But I'm ready when you are." OOC: Just keep in mind, this sword is special, Athiel can't know everything about this weapon, so keep knowledge of it in minimum, no matter how much I reveal to you ooc.
  2. IC: Ardoku Teleportation disks? Dimensional anomalies? What the bloody karzahni is he talking about? "Right... well, uh" Ardoku looked into the bag "What exactly am I looking for here?"
  3. Out comes Thrust In goes The Doctor *Paul Mcgann's voice* but probably not the one you were expecting.
  4. IC: Qyntar "Well, I managed to get a pack full of food for a bargain price, only 25 widgets. But also," Qyntar took out the white claymore "Look at this sword, it's quite unique, don't you think?" Qyntar said as he looked from the sword to Athiel, his eyes asking the question just as much as his words.
  5. Out comes a stetson In goes a fez ...in a bionicle related manner.
  6. Out comes Toa Ukano's mask. In goes a gorgeous butt.
  7. You know, the way you write the story is quite unique. It provides only what the characters say to further the plot, which if done right, can create a marvelous story. Another interesting thing is how you leave it to the reader to figure out on his own who says what, which can be good, again, if done correctly. I did manage it when I thoroughly read it, it's not too difficult, and I have to say, all in all, the story you are plotting out here is quite intriguing.
  8. IC: Ardoku Ardoku decided What the karz and walked right on in, his claymore still drawn. "So what do you have in here?"
  9. IC: Qyntar "Right..." Walking down the market's streets, he disappeared and didn't come back until he had a pack full of food with him. "Bargain price too, only 25 widgets for all of this" He said as he patted the bag, talking to some complete stranger. He then disappeared into the market again, walking around, he came upon a weapons stall. Qyntar looked around, noticing a beautiful white sword with an indent down the spine of it. He looked up to the salesman and inquired about the sword. "Thing's a true beaut', that one. Bought it of some strange iron-clad fellow back in Ko-Koro, said its center would glow accordin' ta the wielders energies or somethin'." Qyntar nodded. "How much for it then?" He then asked. With about ten widgets left, a pack full of food in one hand, and a white claymore in the other, Qyntar tried to find his comrades again.
  10. IC: Qyntar The toa of gravity glanced to Vrina, then followed Athiel without a question. "We've got a lot of walking to do though, sure you don't want me to fly you there?"
  11. I collide the moon with the core of the internet, destroying everything. But just before this happens, I jump in with my Olmak, take The Mask, and jump out again, locking everyone behind me. The internet (along with the whole planet) has been destroyed, but at least the mask... The mask... is mine.
  12. I come out of another portal riding Zivon, blasting you with an amplified kanoka launcher, blowing you to smithereens. I then grab the mask and make my way to a different dimension on my mighty steed. The mask is mine!
  13. What is a god to a non-believer? The mask activates and I emerge from it, having made a fail-safe within the mask in case of my death. I then take out my Olmak and transport myself away from there. The mask now belongs to me. Good luck catching up to me.
  14. IC: Qyntar "Scouting ahead" Qyntar descended from the sky and landed on the ground. "And by the looks of it, everything is clear"
  15. IC: Qyntar "Right, well, I think we should get going soon, so if Athiel doesn't wake up within the next two hours, wake him up, alright? I'll go out and see what the situation outside is." Without waiting for a reply from Vrina, Qyntar rushes out and takes off into the sky. OOC: Aww, I'm sorry about that, mate.
  16. OOC: How about a nice cup of next morning? IC: Qyntar "I see there was no suspicious activity last night" Qyntar says as he nulls out the anti-grav well and stretches, standing up. "And I see Athiel is still asleep. Oh well, better not wake him up then... or?" Qyntar looks to Vrina, giving a suggestive smirk and raising an eyebrow.
  17. IC: Qyntar "Will you stop quietly contemplating the ease of our murder? I'm trying to get some sleep here." With these words, Qyntar turns around in his sleeping place, seemingly falling asleep once more. OOC: Don't worry about it, just felt like slipping a bit of humor in.
  18. IC: Ardoku "Well, I suppose it doesn't hurt to try out something new..." Ardoku approaches the Vortixx carefully, but not too slowly. "And what exactly did you have in mind?"
  19. IC: Qyntar Qyntar fell asleep in his anti-gravity well, leaving it to Vrina to guard him and Athiel.
  20. IC: Qyntar Qyntar nodded. "Well, you know how we got acquainted, after all, you were present there as well." Qyntar created a small, self-sustaining anti-gravity well, and laid on top of it, relaxing. "That was a heck of a thing though, wasn't it?" OOC: We don't really need to go into detail about how they met, but if you want to, we can figure something out.
  21. IC: Qyntar He turned his head to Vrina, a dry cracker or two in his mouth as he replied "Wihft*" He continued munching on the crackers, closed the cabinet and stood up. When he finished ingesting the food, he turned to Vrina "So how did you and him get acquainted?" OOC: *Right
  22. I use the infinity wheel coupled with the mask of time as the assault begins and turn all your gosh darn stabby things against you, keep the aircraft in the sky, and quickly run to the nuke. It's too late to grab the mask now, so I arm the nuke, and kiss the world goodbye. The mask belongs to whomever comes next, but he will come upon a radioactive wasteland. Not my mask.
  23. IC: Qyntar "No, I mean what did it look like? A shadow on the wall or black mist? Or something else?" At the last word, he dropped into a casual stance, panting moderately. "And what do we have to eat? I'm starving."
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