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Everything posted by Onaku

  1. IC: Ardoku The toa decided to head back home. He walked among the dimly lit rock road to a small, crudely built hut in the outskirts of the village. He walked in and placed his new purchases in a small rug-sack on the floor. He then lied down on a rough bed and tried to fall asleep, but he couldn't shake the feeling... he was being watched? OOC: Nope, not creepy at all.
  2. Eventually I die... but then I don't die... and then I die again, and it keeps happening, again and again. But due to timey-wimey physics, I manage to break this circle. I then take the wrench from the ruins of my paradox machine and go after you. The Dapper Man still has the mask, but it will be mine.
  3. Out come my sarcastic exploits of the lego-related requirement system in Steal the Mask. In goes the next person to post.
  4. I hit you in the back of your head with my wrench after building a paradox machine, which I then hid in the center of Bara-Magna, it now being protected by the energized protodermis. I then pick up the mask, but... oh karzahni, the paradox machine has malfunctioned I... I hit you in the back of your head with my wrench after building a parado...
  5. IC: Qyntar Qyntar paid the innkeeper, then turned to Athiel. "Shared room, eh?" He nodded his head in the general direction of their room. "After you"
  6. In a looney toons like manner, I saw the ground around your feet at a comically fast pace and watch as you fall down the conveniently placed cliff. I take a lego brick and drop it down after you to keep my method lego related. The mask is mine.
  7. IC: Ardoku "I already put the widgets on your table, I though you noticed?" Ardoku looked at the Vortixx, an eyebrow raised in confusion.
  8. IC: Ardoku Ardoku shrugged "Fair enough" He stashed them away in his convenient backpack, and headed out. "It was... intriguing to have business with you." He said, waving at the Vortixx. OOC: So what now? Do you want to group up and go on an adventure, or?
  9. Onaku

    Exo Toa

    Please do draw that, I agree with Torran, that would be a refreshing thing to see. I REALLY like the picture it self, the whole mech thing is a whole different take on the Exo-suits, mainly because of the size and shape. Even though it has only a few resemblances to the original set here and there, it looks darn good.
  10. OOC: Pardon my tardiness IC: Ardoku After a long while of searching and browsing through technological innovations and inventive mishaps, Ardoku settled on buying two daggers, an elemental resonator and a hook gun. "Now why do I need a hook gun again?"
  11. A strange serpent with legs wrapped around a bird... I guess it's pokemon related?
  12. Granted, but you have no control over those powers, and somehow you manage to warp the mechanical lifeform into yourself, merging and overlapping it with your flesh, killing you instantly. I wish i would
  13. IC: Qyntar Qyntar nodded in an understanding way while looking down. "Well then, I suppose I'll be getting a room for myself. Athiel?" He said, looking at Athiel.
  14. A strange pony looking guy with green eyes... is it wearing a hazmat suit?
  15. IC: Qyntar "I have about ten widgets left, should be enough for the night... at least for a single person. I'll let you have it if you want" He said, addressing Vrina.
  16. Episode 2 of Fullmetal Alchemist. Otherwise I'm going to watch last Tuesday's episode of Supernatural.
  17. I don't really remember, but I think it was Thor: The Dark World.
  18. 5/5 why, I don't think there is a soul here that doesn't know your name... I think... i might be wrong, but... ah what ever.
  19. Out comes the nothing that's rotating to the right of your proto bar (since you haven't been here for a year) In goes my big box of bionicles that I've been keeping in the garage.
  20. Granted. You eventually find yourself writing novel-length corruptions, boring members and, somehow, getting book critics to tear you a new underhull. I wish those poor unfortunate people finally got noticed by senpai.
  21. Granted, but a random, low leveled adventurer comes across you and SOMEHOW manages to slay you, because game mechanics be darned when the story needs to progress. I wish i could game mechanics.
  22. IC: Ardoku Ardoku looked at the broken resonator, his eyebrows raised. "Well... I suppose" He thought for a moment, then looked back into the bag "You got any daggers in there?"
  23. IC: Qyntar "I'm afraid I haven't paid enough attention to my surroundings in my few visits to Po-koro, so no." Qyntar looked around, a concerned expression on his face. "In fact, I don't know where we are right now..."
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