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Blog Comments posted by Phyoohrii

  1. I thought it was leading to something much more interesting, like some sort of merge between the two worlds or whatever that Desmond would facilitate. So yeah, it kinda disappointed me too. It's starting to warm on me, but...hmm. Also in the end I felt it was kinda redundant, since they were seperate and the main story finished pretty much without the help of the other. So...mreh.



  2. Didn't cry really, but I did water up a bit a couple of times, particularly for Ben for some reason. Some other part too, can't remember what it was. Michael Giacchino :wub:


    I did find the sideways part confusing in the end (and almost disappointing), but luckily it was explained very well by just about every man and his dog on the internet, so that was OK.


    Oh, and it was lovely. Just lovely.



  3. It said something like Locke's intentions are finally revealed or something like that. In a sense they kinda were, but I figured it would be in real time, not hundreds of years ago. I dunno, something like that. Anyway, it was the blurb that you could find on the TV guides online and stuff before it came out. Ages ago now.


    Hours till the next one, right? Two more to go. D:



  4. Yeah, podiatrists. I reckon it comes from something Latin (no way!), because the french word for foot is pied. They mostly work with feet and ankles, as I've known all my life, though they seem to know plenty about back problems as well, since a lot of that starts with bad feet and such. I have splayed and flat feet, so that's why I see one every now and again, to make sure my feet aren't suffering too badly. Strange practices, I always feel like he's breaking my foot whenever I go, because it's always cracking and such. Think he's only testing the bones or something, dunno.


    Never thought of it like that, but of course they would look into things like ingrown toenails and such. Good to hear you're seemingly seeing a better podiatrist, the old methods you were doing sound pointless and awful. Hope this is a more permanent solution.



  5. Putting aside the awesomeness of what is actually going on here, I really love this type of photography too, the whole light path style thing. Always haven't really worked out how it works before, but is it mostly just adjusting the exposure speed, right? Or is it some other spiffy technique?


    Now I'll reput the awesomeness in the spotlight. That is clearly the most awesome sport like thing I've heard of or seen ever. Would certainly make the hammerthrow [even] more interesting. :P




    Yeah, it's mainly adjusting the exposure time.



  6. Meh on both films. I've already seen Pocahontas, and I've also already seen White Lady Saves the Day a million times.


    Best film of 2009? Up. By a mile.

    Dogs flying airplanes.

    That is why Up wins. :P That and it was all really emotive and stuff and looked beautiful.


    Yes, Avatar is not a great film. It's a good film, sure, but not great. Other than that, didn't really see many other '09 films from memory, but I really liked The Road, great performance by Viggo Mortenssen and great adaption of the book. That and partly done by Australians and music by Nick Cave, so that's cool too. :P


    Haven't seen The Blind Side but it looks a nice story. Though probably not one I'd go out of my way to see, maybe. Still, Sandra probably didn't get her Oscar for no reason, so for that alone...



  7. Let's get the less important bit out of the way first.




    Why I got Premier Membership in the first place was really to help out the site, on a personal level. I mean, this was in the days before Blogs (only a couple of months before, though), so I can't exactly say the incentives for getting it were very high. There would be numerous people that do it out of generosity, as there are numerous that do do it for the perks. I mean, hey, blogs, that's cool, right? :P


    Yes, I admit I was much like Asdfg in the early days, I did want the orange and Huna next to my name and such. Though I think I probably aspired to be more Premier than that in some respects. But I have never really been that contientious in trying to help, though I do help out sometimes, if no one else has picked it up. I guess it's because I'm here for my own reasons, and as long as I'm not disrupted, I'm not concerned or whatever.


    And it's interesting, really. The only time I've ever got Proto for actually doing something good is at a time when otherwise I was being quite provocative, so it's a bit of a bizarre system in ways, happens when you least expect it or even want it. But yeah, no idea what I'm on about, just be happy with my approval. :lol:



  8. Yeah, my thoughts that everyone got them before me was based on CF. :P


    I say we're in the backwaters because we get everything from the US behind as well, and for some reason unbeknown to me, sometimes we even get our own shows behind other countries. Also this could be applied to a lot more than just television.


    Usually they don't let me watch them, because of region issues they tend to not want us to watch, like restricted to the US or UK. Also I'm never really desperate enough to watch a show online, unless I've missed it on TV, so usually I'm prepared to wait. Only been one exception when a show never came here, and still hasn't. But yeah, I like watching TV shows on TV, so I wait. Silly, perhaps, but that's just how I roll.



  9. Probably yes, though naturally, most of those that were assigned before would have to be reassigned to accommodate for those members that are not around anymore. If this gets off the ground, I'll contact who I can to see who's still interested or still able to do lines. For those that actually sent me lines before, I might ask them to do them again anyway, which quickly checking now, was actually a large number. Makes me feel really guilty that I gave up at the time. :guilty:


    But yes, voice acting is awesome, so I'd like to do it that way.



  10. What I'm actually advertising is opinions on what I should do. Trust me, once I feel I've had enough, I'll lay off until there is something more development. Course, I guess you could say my mind is already made up, but...mreh.


    Also, I dispute I'm not getting anywhere with it. I have been writing scripts in the last week or so. But yeah, OK.



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