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Blog Comments posted by GreenBioGuy

  1. Since I haven't voted yet, I think that I shall vote for Roa. While Lewa is my favorite character, I would like to have seen him with a little more green, though he does look like the old Phantoka. I like Roa's Kopaka alot, simply because of the detail of the MoC, and the colors are nice, especially the trans-blue, nice color change. While the upper leg armor could have been better, I think that this is the best re-vamp over all. :)


    Soooo.... our duelists are now tied, again. I wonder who shall win?

    ...never mind... *sigh* :(



  2. Can you get BL10 where you live? If so, get it. It explains some about the Codrex.

    Yeah, I have it, I just need to finish it. :)


    Did the Brickmaster feature Trinuma? I only got my LEGO Summer 2008 catalog today. Not complaining or anything, but I don't know if my subscripion has ended or not.


    :pirate: Captain raven575 :pirate:

    No... I don't think so. Not featuring Trinuma that is. :P


    I think the Codrex is that giant silver orb with the Mata Nui symbol on it.


    I dunnolol I don't have Bionicle Legends #10.



    That would make sense... I need to finish the book. :rolleyes:



  3. Well, my computer won't load the picture, so I don't know what it is. However, knowing you, I'm sure that it's good. :P


    And congrats on the ACT! That really must be frustrating, being that close to that scholarship. XD As a matter of fact, I am going to have to take the ACT in two weeks, even though I am only going to be a Sophomore next year. The reason being that I am going to be taking college courses next year. Yikes. Not to mention that my dad is going to be one of my teachers. :lookaround:



  4. Thanks, DV. I pretty much agree with all that you said (or typed :P ). Part of my problem is that I just am not around those others that are "in the higher level" as you put it. I learn better when I observe others. I am pretty sure that I can improve on my own, but the truth is, I just don't have enough time to MoC these days. I haven't sat down to build in a long while...



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