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Blog Comments posted by GreenBioGuy

  1. Republic Commando (I do own it and I can play it on my old comp) = <3


    38 and 62 = <3


    Ghost Ship Level = <3 <3 <3


    I stink at it on Multiplayer, though. You'd all probably kick my butt. xD




    Yay! I second all that which you just said! Or typed... with the sole exception of the Ghost ship level. Probably my least favorite. For one thing, it really gives to the creeps at times (though that can be a thrilling thing), and I don't like the confined areas of ship. Oh, and the Scab droids drive me nuts. :wacko: Kashyyyk is probably my favorite level. You have all of the different sorts of bad guys there, not to mention the Wookies! :D


    Have you ever beaten it on Hard before? I have. Twice. And it wasn't easy! You really do start to get a hang of your controls and commands after a while though. Your battle tactics strengthen and you can think faster. That really is one thing that I like about RC, it's that it is not just a shoot 'em up game, it also involves quick thinking and problem solving. Plus there is the whole teamwork aspect of the game, which I love. Not to mention the clones! Elite clones that is... B)


    I myself have never played multi-player though. I should try it out sometime.



  2. Superduperwhoopiedeedaydancethingy! :lol: Bunda, where did you get this info? Not only on the masks, but also about the scrolls and stuff...


    I am really starting to look forward to '09! Bring it on!


    Oh, and I just recently took a look at the new "Brick Journal" on BS01, and I saw a thing in the very back on the "Clans". Does anyone know what this is about?



  3. Sweet. Not a Mac, eh? >> :P


    Ah, tis a pitty! :P


    No really, I am very glad for you! Computers are fun toys, and yet are very powerful tools. Use them well.


    I am also excited for you because you are excited about College! Where are you going exactly?


    And Niki likes Battlefront II? Sveetness. I do as well! ^_^ Although Star Wars: Republic Commando is my favorite PC game...



  4. Darth Dracofi Greenajun Bunneh Guyfi!


    ~Dr. Varahome82 Primemyst/Darth Dracofi Greenajun Bunneh Guyfi~

    Lol! :lol: ...


    But seriously, the whole purpose of this blog entry is to try and get my name more simple. You guys aren't helping. :P


    However, I think that I shall take the advice of the... more helpful members towards the top of the comments and keep my user name. I had a feeling you guys would say that. ^_^ However, I am planning on changing my theme...



  5. Er... maybe Kex knows that there will be a rupture in time within the next few days, and the rest of August shall shoot by at 500 times it's natural speed, and before we know it, September will be here, and then BBCC #51 will start! Yeah, that's really... stupid...






    But really, I don't have a clue. However, I look forward to #51! We haven't had a BBCC around here in several months...



  6. Do you know, that's probably the most stupid song that I have ever heard. For the most part, everything was completely false in relation to me...


    Of course I know that you were doing it to be funny (haha), but it was still rather dumb. Sorry. :(






    But thanks anyway! (about the happy birthday part at the end) :lol:



  7. As to who the villain is next, do you remember when that guy (I forget his name, the one who makes Batman's suits and equipment for him...) was showing Bruce the new suit, and Bruce asked him, "Is it dog proof?", and the other guy answers, "No, but it's cat proof." Just a thought, it might be Catwoman.


    Oh, and FYI, I didn't think of that on my own. ;)



  8. Like me :P

    I don't know, maybe you should hold off until August to start the next duel. On the other hand though, there are a lot of great MOCists that haven't won any prizes or anything (like Draco, or Blue Diamond).


    Actually, I am holding off until August for the next one. At least at the moment.


    (or ER or Kopakalaka)


    Anyways, is there anyway we can sign up for this?



    Not at the moment, but I am going to post up another entry blog entry near the end of the month; at which time, if you have come in a finals place or won a LEGO Challenge, you can enter then. :)



  9. I can probably fix the award and make it a PNG.


    Not now, maybe PM me later.


    Congrats, DV, Roa.


    And maybe you shouldn't have another one of these until the end of the month...



    Thanks, but I fixed it myself. :) And yeah, I don't plan on having another one until August.


    Bah... Maybe the next one choose members that aren't entering BBCC 50? Or maybe people that haven't won a BBC in general but have to be nominated a couple times? I dunno, but the MoCists entering BBCC 50 will need all the time for their entries as possible and no blog contest would take away from that. =/

    I didn't choose the members, the members chose the members! The MoCists who are entering BBCC #50 don't have to enter if they don't want to. However, if the majority of the really good MoCists are tied up in the contest, I might open the duel up to anyone who has gotten to the finals of a BBCC.


    If #50 entrants don't want to do this, then they can simply refrain from putting their names up for voting.




  10. So, GBG, what happens now? Do we have another round of voting to determine the next contestants, or just take the two who got the most votes (not counting DV and Roa)?



    No, I don't think that I shall conduct it that way. Yes, we shall have another voting for who are the next champion, but not now. I am not planning on having the next duel until August. I kindof want to take a break now, and on top of that, I have a hunch that BBCC #50 shall start up sometime soon... So to answer your question, nothing happens now. :P We congratulate the winner and I shall hopefully be doing some other things in my blog. :) I am planning on having another duel though, so don't fret! ;)



  11. Well, if midnight is the deadline, then I won the last round, as the last post happened several hours after CST midnight that you judge by. ;)


    But as is, I'm most likely out for this one. Time doesn't exist this weekend. It's been a big one.

    To be perfectly honest DV, I am being very flexible with this, and thus if you were to get your MoC sent in an hour or two late, then I wouldn't mind. ;) Roa is behind me time zone wise, and thus, her creation got to me "after midnight" when for her it was before. Never mind, I see what you were referring to now, and thus, I think that it is safe to say that you won by a very close margin! I shall post up the results blog entry promptly...


    Well, looks like we had a fun duel DV. I would consider us tied for this one if ya don't make anything, although, I would like to see what you can build with 20 pieces not including connectors.....


    GBG, I think you should make your duels only one round, and if there is a tie, then use a sudden death match.


    When you have to build several mocs in short periods of time, it kindof burns one out.


    Give them an extra day to build, and only one dueling round. THAT would make an awesome "mocists duels" contest. More time, better mocs! :)

    Yeah, I understand about having only one round, that way I could hold more in a month. And I understand as well about you getting burned out, I am kindof the same way. This was, after all, my first try at hosting a contest! ;)


    I shall take your suggestion to mind for the next duel. :)



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