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Blog Comments posted by GreenBioGuy

  1. The prizes will include (most likely) Prototypes

    Don't get your hopes up. :P


    Also maybe it is just my subconscious banishment, but I'm not getting an ideas for this BBC. =\ I do like the theme/voting/stuff though. =]

    LoL, yeah. But check out B6's most recent blog entry. He hints at it. ;)


    And CF, thanks for the comments! ^_^

    I'm glad you enjoyed looking at him.

    As you said, he was just thrown together, and I wasn't that concerned with the legs if you know what I mean...


    Edit: Arg. Velox sqeezed in there. :annoyed2:

    Thanks for the comments! I agree about the legs. :)




    And Cags, I don't believe I own a stud in those colors...



    Oh, that's what you're using. I thought it was a balljoint socket. You have any in trans dk/light blue? Preferably dk blue, but it doesn't make much of a difference.

    Yep, I do. I'll have to try it out...



  3. Legs and lower arms need to go imo. Keep the shape but try something more filled in a smaller at the knees for the legs. Just something with a normal joint for the arms.

    The whole reason I did the arms that way was to do something different. I didn't want "normal" :P


    What Cags said about the eye.


    Feet don't fit. Maybe Raanu's feet would be better, not sure.

    Seeing as I don't own him, I doubt that would work. ;)


    Thanks! :D


    And Cags, I don't believe I own a stud in those colors...



  4. Oh, thank goodness, I thought that mech was your 53 entry. I'm expecting a lot from you.

    Har har.

    NO. ;)

    Thanks. I've got a thought or two up my sleeve. ^_^

    I think I actually like it, apart from a few things.

    Eye ought to be a different color, or the pins in the chest should be red, they distract from the face and it looks odd.
    What eye color would you suggest?

    Ankle joints need to not be bley, maybe red balljoints and a axle connector or two.
    I agree on the ankles, but I didn't have an alternative at the moment.
    (and besides, I was kinda just throwing the legs together)

    Upper legs design is horribly overused
    Again, the legs were there just because he needed legs. :P
    I was mainly experimenting on a new arm design (for myself at least)

    Thanks for the critisism sir! ^_^

  5. This one is really special, since it's the first BZPower contest that is being sponsored by Lego. The Bionicle set designers themselves are going to choose their favorite creations, and who knows where we'll see the winner's MOC in the future. At BrickFest, Kelly (Bink) gave me a huge bag of prototype parts (it wouldn't even fit in my duffle bag), so you can probably expect something from there (at least) to be awarded in the way of prizes.

    Meep! ._.




    Bionicle Set designers' select choosing with an unknown destination for the winning MoC and Prototypes? :blink:


    ROCK ON! B)


    Ok, I am so gonna whip somethin' up! :lol:



  6. Well, at least you are honest about it! :lol:

    Cags, as long as I can tell that you offer your criticism out of either your interest for my MoCs or your desire to help me be better, I will always gladly accept the most blunt of comments you have to offer. :)

    One thing I would like to make clear: I want to be your friend around here. I hate arguing (not that we have been here, but we have in the past) I want to work together and grow in MoCing as a group around here. When you ever get new MoCs up, just shoot me a PM and I'll check it out!
    I just wanted to say that. ^_^

  7. Yeah, that pic suuuuuuuuucked.


    Check my new entry to see if you like it better.




    Sadly, the new one is not quite as good.


    The main problem is that he is now turned to the side too much.

    I can't see his right arm and his head is in a confused pose.

    I say go with the first one fo' sho'. :)


    Heh, I had this same problem with my pic (I think I shot him too much to the side).


    Nice pictures overall though! ^_^



  8. Best if you use the older picture. It is superior to the new one.



    I see now that you used an Inika torso in your build... and no custom arm construction? :blink:

    I am very impressed (and glad that are great builders out there who are using them!) :P


    Custom is not always golden as I always say...




    Ok, I've never said that before, but it sounds good anyhow. :)



  9. Indeed, 'tis very bulky; not what I would envision Certavus to be like (though, mine is a bit bulky...)
    The head appears to be way too small and set back in the neck.
    The colors are a bit odd as well (placement wise).
    His legs look like two tree trunks... Perhaps if you posed him bending a bit?

    Good MoC? Yes
    Certavus? No

  10. What?, 55555, and whoever it is who always ends up PMing people... Ballom, I think.

    If you're gonna be fair, you had better add me to the list. :P

    I was DQed in the final poll for that last time around if you remember...

    Heh, it makes me feel better knowing that DV got banned for something in the past. It goes to show that if you get banned it doesn't (necessarily) ruin your happy plans for the future or your public image forever. You can learn the lesson, move on, and improve. :)


    btw, who else walked out?

    ULTIMATE Laka (aka Winslow) - see his blog


    @DV: You've got some super insight and advice to give. I just hope that others listen to ya. (you should do a blog entry with what you've said here in this blog). Thanks for posting. :)



  11. ...wait, a non-white Certavus? My mind is blown.

    I'm with you... I can understand entries with white and some other odd color (like yellow or red), but ones with no white at all?

    Now don't get me wrong, Certavus could have been any color, so whatever the entrant wants to make him is fine; it just doesn't line up in my book. ;)


    Yeah, I'm taking my pix today as well...

    It's white...



    Yayz! :lol:


    The problem with non-white is that usually = black = Skrall = won't work in story = I'm not voting for it.



    Bingo. My thoughts exactly. :rolleyes:



  12. Having actually talked to him, I'm rather more inclined to believe whoever he was arguing with was wrong, given the staff's track record on this sort of thing. Not being able to look at it from a staffie viewpoint may or may not be clouding my judgement, or it may just be their habit of being annoyingly secretive about this stuff.



    Ah, well in that case (seeing as you have an account from your friend) then that does change the validity of your assumption.

    Seeing as I don't know anything more about the issue, I don't have anything more to say! :)



  13. It depends on what what the other colors of your MoC are. I'm guessing you're doing Certavus, in which case he would have alot of white in him...
    Seeing as you don't have any Glatorian hands I think that minifig hands would be pretty good, though you might be able to make the black fingers work.

  14. Very well written CzaR, and I agree with all that you said. I hope to respond in more detail some other time, but suffice me to say that I can understand what you're getting at (I've had first hand experience).

    And Cags, perhaps it's because the Admins viewpoint was right and the person being banned's viewpoint was wrong? It's a possibility that must not be ignored...

  15. I still want to start a BBC Critics Club in my blog. I'm thinking of starting it next week. Anyone interested in joining? It's to give more MOCs more long reviews. Like Major Marvelous' and my own post in ~GreenBioGuy~'s Certavus topic. I think the real problem with BBC is that there's too many 'I love it 138948234983143892148978293817988/10!!' posts. Or even posts like 'nice MOC, but I don't like the arms'. While that might not be spam, I don't think it's that good of a review, either.

    You do that, and I will happily join! I love the idea. :rolleyes:


    Oh, and thanx for your long review by the way! I'll have to get around to replying to it and the other good reviews some time soon...



  16. If you would be interested in a humorous comic-book style novel that is very different from your average comic, I would recommend the Tintin series. That's right, Tintin. It's hard to describe, but his adventures are always enjoyable to read!

    I almost recommended Tintin, lol. Tintin is fun to read, a classic. Sort of an old school graphic novel. :)


    55555.gif 55555 55555.gif

    Yay! Someone else who likes him! ^_^


    If you like Tolkien, I would highly recommend Christopher Paolini's Inheritance Series. The fourth (and final) book hasn't been released yet. It's all about dragons, magic, and sword fighting!

    I wouldn't. o_o


    I read the first two and they were the corniest copycat books ever written. In My Opinion. :P


    I've been too scared to read the newest one.


    For seriously.


    In book two.


    They said.


    "Barges? Barges? We don't need no stinking barges!"


    And no I'm not kidding.


    I wish I were. =/


    But the rest of the book isn't like that so it was really out of place and weird and awkward and I almost put the book down and I NEVER put books down.


    End rant.



    lol! :P


    Yeah, I've gotta admit they do copy some other stuff, but personally I like them. I guess I wouldn't highly recommend them on hindsight. I just like that genre and the storyline; therefor, I like the books! NOT to say that you have to! ;)


    I'm not sure what you were getting at with that quote. As I recall, it was from an individual who just talked that way. Not everyone was like that in the book! :rolleyes:



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