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Blog Comments posted by GreenBioGuy

  1. Silly BBC kids take heed, stop building the osik you usually do, and build good stuff like this.

    Sadly, that stuff would've still have been ignored in the BBC. >_<

    I know, right? I feel like posting a bunch of stuff there, try to get my name out to the world again, and then I realize it might be fruitless.



    Do you MoC for the recognition of others or for your own enjoyment? If it is for the former, then you will most likely indeed hit a dead end. If, on the other hand, it is for the latter, then you will most likely find your highest potential.


    Not sure what I just said... but it sounds good... :P



  2. Amen to that!

    You have spoken words of wisdom here Niki; I just hope others will listen.

    I would like to add that this would also apply to others who have wronged you whom you may not even know that well. It can be easier (or harder, lol) to forgive good friends, but when you are interacting with strangers it can be harder to move on and see them in a new light when they really and truly repent of a wrong...

  3. If you like Tolkien, I would highly recommend Christopher Paolini's Inheritance Series. The fourth (and final) book hasn't been released yet. It's all about dragons, magic, and sword fighting! The Harry Potter series is exceptional as well if you like fictional fantasy that is placed in our own world. It's very creative and humorous as well! The books keep you sucked in until the very end.

    If you want a really, really good thriller which will twist itself around your mind, you have to read Thr3e by Ted Dekker. His Circle Trilogy is wonderful too (that's one that I need to purchase one of these days...)

    If you would be interested in a humorous comic-book style novel that is very different from your average comic, I would recommend the Tintin series. That's right, Tintin. It's hard to describe, but his adventures are always enjoyable to read!

    And finally, if you want a book which is good for thought and will actually make a difference in your life and the life of others, I would highly highly highly (repeat: highly) recommend you read Alex and Brett Harris' "Do Hard Things". Don't ask why, just read it. Out of all of the books I have mentioned, you should read this one first. I mean that.

    Let us know what you get! :)

  4. Nice WIP thar! :D

    Color Scheme wise, I like the white/black/yellow, but I just don't like the overall placement; I would recommend a bit of yellow on the torso.

    The build is excellent; you made an excellent torso (love the shoulder armor). The main gripe I have is with the thighs. There are some unsightly gaps and the apparent technic holes and pins look unsightly. I would say add some smoothness in there (IMO ;) ) Also, the only apparent black is in the arms and legs (but even there it's in the back); I would suggest you change that white metru torso armor on his lower torso to black. Right now it's all white.

    While I wouldn't think of Certavus as yellow white and black, if you do a good job of pulling of a balance of the colors in the MoC I'm sure that the idea would grow on me. You've got a pretty impressive MoC here Laka; good luck in the contest! :)

  5. I'll be honest, on some entries the Metus helm looks perfect. On others not so much.


    This statement will have no impact on the contest, nor its results, but I think I want Certavus to have the Metus helm. However, I'm more interested in custom as well. It's more or less a cointoss for me.

    It all comes down to the MoC. Like Swert said, Metus' helmet looks good on some MoCs while not-so-good on others. If you make the MoC flow with Berix's helmet, then good for you! It would be great to see a variation from what we've been seeing. However, I for one am using a Metus Helmet simply because I think it looks the best for a Certavus MoC. :)



  6. Because, yanno, shooting down ideas instead of questioning them isn't anywhere as closed minded as posting an opinion.

    Coming in? Who are you directing your words at here? Your comment is a bit vague... :???:

    He did say IMO...

    Point taken. I see that now. To be honest, I was a bit rushed in replying to Winslow's comment, and I got a little over defensive there, and thus I missed the "IMO" part.

    Well that was entirely unwarranted....

    I was making sure you were aware of that, because from your post I thought you meant it was at first.

    I didn't say a single thing about the quality of the MOC. All I said was that the weapons didn't fit with the MOC IN MY OPINION.

    Never said you had to follow what I said. All I said was that I didn't like the choice of weaponry.

    I am not you, and therefore I do not have to love your MOC.


    Looking back at your comment, I agree with you that my comment in response to yours was a bit unwarranted. Yours just came across to me as a bit offensive at the time, and thus I jumped to a conclusion that was incorrect. For that I apologize. Will you forgive me for jumpin' off the handle there? :rolleyes: I understand where you were coming from now; it was your opinion on the weapons selection. Sorry once again!

    As to the weapons, I didn't have Kopaka in mind at all when I made them; I just like 'em and thus used 'em! ^_^ I wasn't trying to copy him at all. In fact, the shield isn't even his (Kopaka's). It's the underside of a X-Pod!

    Y'know, when somebody is an obviously better MOCist than you, it's often not a bad idea to at the very least listen to their advice, by which I mean actually think about it, rather than dismissing it offhand as you seem to do with every bit of valid criticism anyone throws in your direction.

    You ought to rejoice that you're even getting that much, rather than being ignored by anybody who regularly puts more into their posts than the "KUTGW 11061/10" tripe that seems to be nearly the only thing circulating BBC these days.

    I don't know if I would have called that advice, but rather an observation. Nor did I dismiss it. How could I? I see it as his opinion on a part of the MoC; he gave no other option to change the weapons to. What do I have to dismiss?

    Seeing as I have seen none of Winslow's MoCs I can't really judge if he's a superior. However, if you think so, then that's fine with me! And you are perfectly right when you say that I should be happy with that much. I am thankful for not being ignored! :)

    Again, sorry for the misinterpretation on my part guys!

  7. Weapons are Kopakalike
    MOC is not.

    I just hope you know that.

    I know that perfectly well, thanks. :sarcastic:

    That disappoints me.... Weapons like Kopaka's should be with a MOC like Kopaka imo.


    Ah, but I am not you, and therefor I do not have to follow your MoCing criteria in order to make a good MoC.
    Just because you say so doesn't mean it has to be so.

    What disappoints me is the fact that you can't seem to be open minded when it comes to MoCs.
    Either they are built the way you would have built them or they are horrible...


  8. You replaced him as in you took him back to the store and got Raanu instead?

    The thing I don't like about pretty much all of the Agori is that their only set-specific pieces (as in that piece only appears in that set) are their helmets (for the most part). Metus, on the other hand has his nice snowflake. :P

  9. Junk? Now that's a bit annoying for you to say... <_<

    Just because it doesn't match up to your standards doesn't make it junk. Much of what is being posted are other members' favorite MoCs, so please don't mush their happy feelings, ok?

    Now, I understand about posting it all in one place; that makes perfect sense. The junk part, however...


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