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Blog Comments posted by GreenBioGuy

  1. the point is that it's going to make things worse


    Oh, I know I can't make people smarter(whether or not you think that's what I'm doing). But I can sure as grass try.


    And yes you are, even if not consciously.[/font][/color]

    Spaced to fit my comments:


    Prove it. I sure don't think so.


    So you're smarter than everyone else? You are pretty presumptuous if you ask me... not that you did though...


    Again, prove it. I'm the only one with access to my motivations and thoughts, so you can't make a judgment call there.



    And I won't be posting here any more for that reason. I'm sickened by this blog entry, and I am choosing to just ignore it and move on.


    Seconded. You're blog has pretty much lost all interest to me, which is why I'll just ignore it as well... (not that you care)

    Meh, that sounded very condescending. I apologize Cags. -_-


    Edit @ Neaku: Nice, though there were some parts that didn't make sense at all. You are very true about one part though: Cags and I differ, and so we will just have to compromise in this area. :) However, the length was due to my interest in the subject, and the fact that a friend of mine was getting attacked. ;)

  2. Cags, the truth is (the honest truth) is that your personality is very different than many people here on this site. Granted, it is similar to some, but there are many people who simply have a different code of ethics and social interaction than you do. Thus, you can't go flying off the wheel (I know you're not, but you're getting close, and you probably would like to wouldn't you?) about a club which doesn't define "honesty" and "truth" like you do, simply because you have different MoCing standards. While I respect your opinion, I just have to say that you can't force it on anyone else. I'm sure that you'd say that you aren't trying to force it on anyone, but pretty much all of your comments I've seen from you on the subject suggest otherwise.


    Get over it. Sorry to be blunt, but that's the way you roll isn't it?


    To get to the point: arguing and making a demeaning blog entry over another member's hard work and idea (an idea which, in my honest opinion, is a wonderful and encouraging idea) is just rude and rather stupid. Sure, the club's not perfect, but it's not a worthless no-good idea. The purpose is to try to help other MoCers improve in their skills and be encouraging at the same time.


    I fully back up Velox's club and I hope that it goes far. I will certainly try to help it do so at any rate. Please note that I am not saying this just because I'm a part of the club (or even Curator, for that matter), but because I really do like the idea.


    That is all I have to say on the subject. Take it or leave it as you will, I can't force my ideas on you. ;)



    ( ( ( curatorbbc.png ) ) )

  3. Basically, we'll allow anything to go, with the idea that contradiction is solved via the Olmak Effect. Simply have a character moved and nobody will ask. Added to that, if you made a character and it won the contest, but you want it for your own story, simply "copy" it via the Olmak Effect.


    And we will also have a small set of guidelines for authors to follow. It shouldn't become a problem. -Swert

    Ah, ok. That makes alot more sense! :) Thanks.


    This is all very creative, to be sure. ^_^



  4. Graahh! I know I've either seen or heard of that exact disk in the storyline somewhere, but I just can't remember where! Vakama uses it for something... Grrrr.... X(


    Eureka! I did some comic reviewing and discovered the answer:

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
    That is the disk that Vakama is holding on the front of comic #17! Why? Because it's the great kanoka disk he pulls out of the fire pit in Ta-Metru (you know, the one full of Morbuzahk vines?) In other words, this is THE Ta-Metru great disk in the story. The one and only! (although, I would assume that multiple copies would have been produced in real life) It was also showcased in the very back of comic #16 as well...




  5. Non-canon. The idea of the Expanded Multiverse is a place to put fan creations, intended to be freely available for use by others in fanfics and the like. :)

    Well, that's what I thought, I just wanted to confirm it. ;)


    So basically, this will be a huge tub of story "play-dough" for BIONICLE fans to mold into whichever shape they so desire? While this sounds super fun and enjoyable, it also sounds incredibly confusing (especially someone jumping in from the outside after things have run for an extended period of time) Will additions to and edits of this universe have to be authorized first before it can become "canon" expanded universe? (canonized un-canon storyline! XD) In other words, will folks like you, Swert, and the like be in control about what is allowed into the story? Or is it a free-for-all type of thing? The problem with that view is that there will start to be tons of contradictions between stories real quick...


    It all sounds super though! I'm just needing a little clarification on exactly what this whole deal is! :)



  6. "Jedi Gali!!! We want to be solved! We feel so lonely!!! The Hypotenuse has been separated from it's legs and must be rejoined! (with at least one of them, that is). A circle has intersected with a parabola and we need you to investigate the matter! Or you could just leave us here to rot and go on BZPower to play... Of course, then you would fail your class and wouldn't be able to get into college and your whole life would be ruined and we... we would feel so morbid that we weren't as nice to you as we should have been. But don't listen to us, we're only stupid little numerals on paper. Wait..."



  7. Well, I'll pray for you! My piano recital is tomorrow, and in playing for some friends this evening I made a major mess-up! DX Although, I played it perfectly twice for my piano teacher this morning; I think I was just tired and distracted. (;


    *Edit* It's probably over with now...



  8. We'll be here for ya! ^_^


    You speak truth. It's the anonymity of the internet that can be so freeing, and yet so dangerous at times. Often, we find ourselves saying things which we wouldn't (or shouldn't) say in person.


    Thanks also for being there for me in some of the recent "tough" times around here. It is partly through your encouragement that I've stuck around. :)



  9. Paintball my man, paintball.


    55555.gif 55555 55555.gif

    Eh, those are nice too, but we don't really want to have to clean up paint messes, etc.



    Not to mention they are very, very expensive when you consider the refills on ammo and gas...


    I'm thinkin' on getting an airsoft myself, at least for next fall (summer is approaching, and in August where I live, it feels like you're in an oven DX)



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