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Blog Comments posted by GreenBioGuy

  1. For now, I am just going to say that I vote for Roa, but I shall hopefully write a larger and more detailed review over the weekend.


    As you can see, I have updated the blog entry to contain a "current scores" section, so that you can keep up with the goings on. Although... I don't think that it's hard to see who shall win at this point. :P


    Arpy, I am not sure what you mean. Could you please elaborate on what you said about voting for Roa and DV?



  2. Yes, and as a matter of fact, they signed up and everything. I did PM Them to notify them of the contest, but they then came on over and willingly (I think) entered, and I believe that they have shown a good bit of enthusiasm for the contest. In case you didn't know, this contest has been up and running for a week now, and we had about eight members enter, and DV and Roa were the ones chosen to be the duelists (by our members). So yeah, they did. :)



  3. Will do...


    1. GREEN (duh...)

    2. who?

    3. Of course not, I was born a 17 days earlier

    4. Mac = Most amazing computer. PC = Poor contraption*

    5. Yep, I've got outstanding carpentry doors... er... what exactly is an OCD?

    6. a large charge of voltage applied to the left ear

    7. ditto

    8. It's pronounced with a medium G

    9. Neither, I am middle eye dominant

    10. absolutely true man...



    *In jest. :P I do prefer Macs, but I respect PCs as well. ;)



  4. Sorry about that Primus, but I had to make a decision, and there seemed to be a majority of people wanting option A. On top of that, it does narrow down the amount of people that can enter, thus making it more focused. Once again, sorry! :( I guess that you will just have to win BBCC #50! :P





  5. I guess the amazing Lego pros and such get the 5, and many amazing, recognized MOCists get between a 4 and 5, and then everyone else I don't know about except that they're good MOCists get above 3 but below 4. Then there are the people nobody knows about that are bad. They don't count.


    I guess you'd be a high 3.



    Thanks! And good points there. You categorized everyone well. :)


    A solid 3.


    You need to experiment with some system. I don't care if it's 'not your style'. Can't get too much higher without trying new things.

    At least I'm not a two! ^_^


    But yes, you are indeed correct. I need to. The only thing is, I have not had much experience with it at all. Now, I will say that I have become open to using system (it used to be that I thought that it would only be right to use Bionicle and technic) that has changed alot. I would love to try new things, it's just that I need to observe others who use it more (like yourself).


    You see, the way that I learn is by observing others. Prior to my coming to BZPower, I would build more chunky MoCs (take a look at Spinner), but then I saw how to use smaller pieces and make more compact MoCs (Mullatem was a significant stride for me building wise). ToM Dracone played a very significant role in this. It used to be that I would build most of my MoCs with the same form, but now I am branching out and trying new things (I am currently working on a beastly MoC for Bone's blog contest).


    So DV, I would love to learn to do fusion, but I need some tips. Could you hand me a few? I shall PM you in a day or two if you don't respond here, you may not check back to see other people's responses in blogs... But thanks again! :D


    I'd say a 3 or a 3.5. You've got room to grow.



    Indeed I do. See above.



  6. Updating the list...


    Members in favor of the Emerald Bricks Blog Contest, "BZPower MoCist Duels":


    Paradise (AKA ToM Dracone)

    ~Blue Diamond~


    Pretty Pony Super Groomer (AKA Arpy, what on earth did you do to yourself?!)

    Major Marvelous

    Kopua- Toa of Cold Dirt


    Surprise (AKA Bundalings)

    Roa McToa

    Darth Vader


    Thanks guys! ^_^


    Bunda, I might be open to doing that after someone has won/participated in maybe three of the duels, but not after winning just one. That would be too abrupt, and I doubt that many members would want to keep doing it.



  7. Well, they would each want to do something that was different than the other, so that they would have a good bit of variety. Or they could build complimenting MoCs. The whole point would be to get the most points for that team. They would talk about what to build, give each other help and advice if need be... you get the picture. I hope. :P



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