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Blog Comments posted by GreenBioGuy

  1. Updating the list...


    Paradise (AKA ToM Dracone)

    ~Blue Diamond~


    Pretty Pony Super Groomer (AKA Arpy, what on earth did you do to yourself?!)

    Major Marvelous

    Kopua- Toa of Cold Dirt


    Please note that this is not a list of contestants, but rather a list of those that have expressed interest in the contest, and would like to see it play through.


    I am planning on starting up the contest sometime early next week, after the staff clean out the forums, due to the fact that they shall be offli... wait, no they won't. Never mind. It will probably be either Monday or Tuesday that I get this thing rolling. In that time, I still need to get a good trophy image (I guess it could wait for a week or two though, seeing as I won't need it until the end), and I would like to invite some of the other really good MoCists to join us in this. I shall PM Roa and DV, and see what they think. Is there anyone else that you guys think would enjoy doing this?




  2. Ok, point taken. I'll make it 48 hours.


    However, I believe that I shall still only admit BBCC winners or LEGO Challenge winners. If I didn't, then I would have to judge the other member that wished to enter, and they would feel badly if I said no, and I don't want to have to deal with that every time.



  3. ~BD~, That sounds fine. I understand completely, and I sure don't want to add something to your schedule. I know how a busy one feels. ;) However, do I get your signature?


    Dok, These rules aren't final, and I might change them to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th. I would indeed like you to be able to participate. :) And same thing from you, do I get your signature or not?



  4. Sounds great Bink! I am greatly looking forward to the rest of the year! One thing that I would like to ask though, is that you guys could make some wallpaper of the characters with a solid black background, just like back in '03. It's easier to cut out the character that way. But anyway, it all sounds good! :D


    Any chance of a multiplayer game or even an MMORPG? :P




    Now that would rock. A MMORPG for Bionicle... Yesss...



  5. Wow Bones! I am very impressed with your writing abilities. I myself am a better writer (though not the best! There is indeed room to improve! ;) ), and I would really like to do more writing for fun. (my father is a writer, so I guess that I get it from him ^_^ ). All I have to say is that I agree with pretty much all that you said, and I am glad that there are people like you around here that take the time to write such informative articles of cumulative data. :lol: Keep it up!




    P.S. Have you actually written any books? If so, feel free to PM me about it (I doubt that I shall check back here to see if you responded)

  6. Well, obviously, all the Christianity stuff happened in the Middle East area (Egypt, present day Israel, whatever), the stones were proving their power over in India, and the aliens were hanging out in South America. I guess it's just a lot of things were happening all at once.


    You forgot to mention that they played Ford's age well into the character. :sly:




    So, you are saying that the God of the Bible, some pagan stones, and aliens are all co-existing at the same time? Along with the fact that they are all real? Sorry, but just won't work. With the stones and aliens maybe, but not with God and stones... and aliens... and whatever. (BTW, I do not want this to turn into a theological argument...)


    Very true, I need to go back and edit that in...



    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
    I wish I could survive an atomic blast and being flung probably about a mile in a refrigerator.


    That would indeed be neat. :)


    Indy 4 was amazing!!!


    While the alien thing was a little far-fetched, since there are people like you who don't believe, the suspension of disbelief was good.


    As for artifacts, I don't think the stones from the second had much mystical power. Except for the guy putting his hand in somebody's chest, it was fairly believable. (The stones could, for some reason, glow when brought together, I gather.)


    The alien thing here was just that, alien. In the first and third, their powers were from God, so writers just put that in easily because movie goers don't want to argue religion over a good story. (And that was 20 years ago when people weren't concerned with being PC.)


    Now, as for the movie, I'll say again that it rocked! I really liked Shia Lebouf's character as Mutt, he played it real well. As for graveyards at night, people go visit graves during the day, and when you are potential "grave robbers" (which they, technically, were not), you don't go in the light.


    I probably wouldn't mind seeing this movie again if I had the chance and means.




    I never have seen the second one, and I don't plan on it. My dad says that it's the worst one, and the witch doctor is odd...


    What are you abbreviating when you say "PC"?


    But anyhow, I agree with everything that you said, including that it rocked. :)


    My favorite Indy movie yet. And the most believable to me.


    "Doctor Henry Jones. Junior."


    Lol, that was funny when he called him Jr. :lol:


    Loved it!




    Glad to hear so! :D



  7. Oh good! I shall go and review him directly...


    Edit: then again, that shall have to wait...


    You need some system in your MoCs for them to look good.




    I beg your pardon but they do not. You can have some great MoCs with little or no system in them at all, in my opinion. ;)



  8. I was gonna make a list, but I'm too lazy. :P


    See my last two blog entries to gel a list of links to those who've changed. Maybe that'll help.


    Lazy lump... Jk. :lol: And yeah, I did look at that list, and man is it extensive!


    Protip: "Wee bit" is actually incorrect vernacular. It actually means "Small small." In scotland they use "Wee" it's a wee confusing.


    Yes, I'm dead serious. Hey, if Nintendo can name a console "Wii" then the scottish can get away with using it...constantly.




    I see... Thanks! And thanks C'garrin, or whatever your name is... ^_^



  9. Oh! So you used my suggestion? (tweaked of course) You are welcome, and I am quite honored! ^_^ I do like the names of the others, as well as the looks. The only thing that I don't like is the fact that the Onu-matoran's name is a bit long.



  10. Good points. Thanks.

    I know I need to be honest.

    I also know dating is for marriage, which is probably another reason I held back all these years, but my emotions got too strong I guess. But does asking someone out immediately lead to that thought? I think the first step is getting to know someone better and having someone to talk to always, enjoy time with, and then see if this is really what you want. I know I really like Heather, we can talk easily to each other, and the times we've spent have been great.



    @ TGG, thanks too. I don't know how seriously I can take advice from someone in 8th grade, but I guess that "I need to talk to you about something, let me explain" comes from your experience. I need to figure out just how to say that, and when I can get out to her house. (It's more than a quick bike ride or walk, I'll tell you that.)


    Probably the biggest problem now is how do I get to her and tell her I need to get to see her.




    First off, you do not "test date", where you go out with someone else for fun or to just try it out, as an experience. I would also say that you would only want to date someone who you know, know well, and have known for a while. There is absolutely nothing to keep you from being close friends, but as to a dating relationship, you have to be dead serious. This is why I plan on having only one "girl friend" in my life, and that is my future wife. I want to know for sure that she is the best for me (and I the best for her).


    The term "girl friend" doesn't really make sense to me. I have quite a few friends that are girls, but not in a romantic relationship. These days, if someone sees you with another girl, they think that your are dating or "in love" or whatever. Being home-schooled, I have not had a lot of exposure to the whole dating thing, but my parents have worked very hard for me to get a good grasp of marriage and a relationship with another girl. To be perfectly honest, I never have had a "girl friend" as you might call it.


    So you want to know how to say "I need to talk to you about something, let me explain"?

    Say it this way: "I need to talk to you about something, let me explain"


    Be honest, and don't beat around the bush. ;)


    I must also ask you this: how many girls do you think you shall meet between now and when you graduate from collage? The answer: a lot. Heather is not the last girl that you shall ever see, and you do not want to make a hasty descision for marriage. Period. A bad choice here can truly ruin your life.


    Now, of course you can still be friends, and it is altogether possible that you can pick this up when you are older. It's not the end of your relationship, or the world. ^_^


    I know that I am younger than you, but my parents have taught me well, and I think that I am more mature than others of my age. (I am not trying to brag or be self-conceited, my dad thinks this). Anyway, I hope that this helps! :)



  11. I would say no. Of course I never have done that, but that is just what I would think.


    Actually, I have my pieces sorted out very well, but the way that I do it is by piece type. (I have Weapons in one large drawer, Axles in another, Pegs/bushings here, ammo there, metalic armor in one, colored feet in another) The thing that I think that would be bad about the color is that you look at the box of red pieces and see a big blob of red, and thus it would be hard to find a piece. On the other hand, if you had all of your connector pieces in one drawer, you can find a specific one alot easier.


    Another positive thing about sorting by piece usage is that if you want some piece, let's say a socket, but you don't know which color you would like it in, you can just pull out the socket drawer and shuffle through them to find the color that you want. I would have to recommend sorting by piece type/usage. This has worked very well for me. I can find the armor in one drawer, the masks in another, and the beams in yet another one. I might be able to upload a pic for you... Anyway, I hope that that helps! :)



  12. Be honest, and just talk. You do not have to be blunt or abrupt. But just talk it over. If it is one thing that I have learned, you must talk with somebody about whatever it is that you are struggling with. Other wise, things could go crazy and you could get yourself in a deep hole if you don't. One more thing: You do not want to start a dating relationship unless you would truly, I repeat, truly wish to go into a physical relationship eventually (in marriage that is). There's my two cents. :)



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