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Lime Paradox

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Status Updates posted by Lime Paradox

  1. Vemon? Weren't those those wierd things from Digimon World 3?

  2. Thy PGS introduction comic be-eth up.

  3. I had no good luck. :P

    Lying Target cretins...

  4. What ever happened to that game?

  5. Interesting name, yes indeed...

    But not as good as Bob the Inverted Weasel.

    ...Which isn't an actual member...

  6. Hark! What beeth thy doing in my comments?

  7. Is you seriouslike?

  8. Wow. You're only of the only two people on this site using one of my Nynrahbles 2.0.


  9. I once ate a weasel. It tasted crunchy.

    Why did you add me as a friend, though? Didn't I report one of your comedies once? :P

  10. Yoy yo yo, my cat is chimp!


  11. A comment!

    I haven't gotten one o' them for a good few centuries...

  12. Okay.. I find it odd (but pleasant) when members I don't know add me as a friend. By the way, nice display name.

  13. There's not enough six-clawed ferrets on this site.

  14. Not in the "Legend of Spyro" games.

  15. At least the sheep aren't human... Wait, there are no sheep anymore! :o

  16. And the new games where Sparx is practically human... And all the other stuff they messed up...

  17. No, he's just allergic to them. Poor Sparx is just getting sicker everyday, to the point of randomly changing colors...

  18. No, this is!

    brakalatabasaasta let us feed you by eeting at conners restrant


  20. Brakethalatabasaasteth feedeth me some fodder.

  21. Beeth thou baffled?

  22. ... Or does am are you??//1?

  23. I'm pretty sure he mean't the RPG, seeing as he never posted in the Edge Chronicles Topic that I'm aware of.

  24. It died a tragic and painful death.

  25. so i herd yuo absulootly deatest treekoz.

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