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Lime Paradox

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Status Updates posted by Lime Paradox

  1. Hey, you've got your old name back again. It reminds me of times long past...

    Which is odd, because that's sorta what your last name was. Was it like a prequel or something?

  2. Then to you, it'll be far more annoying when the entire world has it up and is forced to bow down to it.

    If you survive long enough to even see that.

  3. Or peglegs. Pirates have both.

  4. That fish is far from stupid. It is, in fact, intelligent enough to take over the world. And when it does, you will be the first person it will have beheaded.

  5. The bottom half of the left leg.

  6. Oh, so those portals to other times swirling around me and randomly pulling things in are just a lack of bad protection? That's a relief.

  7. ...You haven't been here since July?

  8. I'll get that mask of Postage!

    *throws mask into a furnace*

    Wait, it is orange and only covers half your face, right?

  9. I don't know; it's something he's going around yelling in everyone's comments.

  10. Nynrahbles 2.0?

    Great! You're one of the only two here uising them. :P

  11. Yeah, they aren't really at any Lego stores yet. I found them in the TRU on the same street as Ontario Mills, and yet the Ontario Mills Lego store itself didn't have them.

  12. Well, that's where I got them. And where I got the Barraki in 2006. Both before January.

    I honenstly think it's stupid of them to wait until January, they'd get the best sales if they released them beforehand.

  13. Sorry, I meant you wouldn't find them where I live. T'was a typo.

  14. You would find them where I live. I got them two hours away, in the TRU next to Ontario Mills.

  15. Hey, I did that Strakk review I promised.

    But just one month after said promise. :P

  16. Long dead, it is. Start a new one if you wish, you can.

  17. At last! I've been freed!

    *is buried in mail*

  18. Um okay...

    Well, what does he actually kill, then? Trees?

  19. Greg kills 256 weasels per year to publish the new Bionicle books.

  20. An admin just turned 6?

    That's worrying.

  21. Hey, I found another six-clawed ferret! But it's not Swartt, it's some clone of you. I didn't know Redwall had cloning...

    Oh, and there's another otter.

  22. Yes it is.

    Though I reffer to her as "Zam" or "the weasel" now. :P

    Isn't that right, weasel?

    Weasel: Meow!

  23. hten go jumhp of a clif!11!!

    Or just ignore it.

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