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Lime Paradox

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Status Updates posted by Lime Paradox

  1. I don't know. I think I'll let the topic die and start it again later; I want to get back to my comedies and perhaps start an MAS.

  2. You're Neos, right?

  3. Beware my stinger tail!

  4. According to Mr. Anonymous, I "can has" weasels, so they're probably the ones that ripped your flesh.

    Sorry. Please don't sue me.

  5. Philly as in Phillypidorphafred.

  6. Philly? That's a new one...

  7. Uh, good, I guess.

    And fish flakes.

  8. You are one of BZP's most awesome artists ever.

    ...Hopefully this will bring you back; it worked with Naed. :P

  9. Yeah, my BZP time's all messed up; I was referring to my actual time. That's why I sad "if yours is accurate", because mine isn't.

  10. I just realized our local times are exactly the same. o_0

    Assuming yours is accurate.

  11. Teridax has no friends. :(

  12. *keeps clicking Thornax for hours*

    Hey, it fell off the-


  13. Woah.

    I just found all your art on Brickshelf. It's simply amazing.

  14. Duct tape doesn't even work on ducts.

    ...It works quite well on ducks, though.

  15. Darn, it messed up my comment. Anyway, because it's almost impossible to say that after this year's ending and whatnot that it's not at least more unique than a good deal of things. At least I think that's what you were saying; I don't exactly remember you going into that much reasoning at all.

  16. It's not because you're criticizing something I like, it's because you're criticizing something without much reason. From the impression your post gave me, you sounded like you were saying it was cheesy because it was cliched and was just like everything else, which was not true (because whether it's actually better than other things or not, it's almost impossible after qui

  17. I think I broke the sentence.

  18. Really? That sure doesn't even begin to resemble how you phrased it. Don't jump to extremes you don't really mean unless you're willing to accept instant criticism.

  19. You are the second person on my friends list to have the personal pic. And you're both from England. That's strange.

  20. Your personal photo looks a lot like one of my cats. It's strange, because I always refer to him as "Mr. Cat". :P

  21. Your username is awesome.

  22. Then it's not really a Lego isle anymore, is it? :P

    Sadly enough, all my local Wal-Marts did the same thing.

  23. Wow, I'm 4 days older than you. That's strange...

    Contrary to the commentator below me, I'd always imagined you'd be older than me.

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