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Lime Paradox

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Status Updates posted by Lime Paradox

  1. i jsut raliz'd blad tieton mad anuther misleedin comint....>.>>. frust he sez hez guna kil himslef adn den he sez hiz moam ayt him dats leik canablism i no i got aretsed 4 it 1s!!!!1!!1

  2. i ayt pie 1s! i aslo et ur BaSe

  3. he came from a thco bell kid mela bag bum bumbum

  4. Well, Overboard is also a rare spinoff of skateboarding that's illegal in every state except Texas, but that's not actually true in the slightest.

  5. Er, wow. Now that's what I call overboard...

  6. I caught a look-and-leaver! :P

  7. fecavfvshaea4313Q543W423532#@@%#435F7DRD675DA6434Q65!!!!11!!1ONE!!111!oNe!!1

  8. zomg ur guna tri 2 kihl urself???///????

  9. zomj itz vakmantk!!11!!1!one!!1

  10. n3var!!11!!fifty-seven!!1

  11. no ur not kuo@765ulzorz!!1!!

  12. i noez!!111!!11!365!!1

  13. yeah 1 tim i roat a cormidy on the leggo massage bored it wuz call'd aks evry boianacle in existinse lol adn sum guy wuz leik "dude ther no calld biinikles ther bionikel chrakters@" and i wuz leik "ur rong" and he wuz liek "no im rite" adn i wuz like "o rly??///???2//??"

  14. "he liv'd in noo jurzy he wuz liek a hybrd or sumthin a horz and a dragun and al and dey al cald him deh jurzy devle but i juts cald him cuzin bil and dey even mayd a movie anbot how he wuz born it wuz call'd shrekk 2 or sumthin"

  15. adn den dis guy cam up adn sed "u cin hav meh cuzzins compuoter i nok'd him owt adn tuk it frum him" and cso i wuz liek "cuul i had a cusin once"

  16. so den i bloo up meh compewtur and so i went 2 get a knew 1 at curkit kitty and dey sed "we dun surv noobz" so dey kik'd meh out

  17. so yetserdaey i open'd an e male it was cald "tish ish not sapm tish ish a relijon" so i open'd it and it was leik "u hav a viruz noaw lul" so i was leik kool iz it aidz or west nial or somthin and theay wuz leik "no itz cofniker lol"

  18. yuh know im fliberth flaex but so meh comiteyz calld that now but so itz axe flibber flaikz but u cinb stial ask mee thignz

  19. lol i wnder if bak wen dey uz'd anmil fat 4 soep insted of sope operz dey had larrd opras lol!1!1!111!fourty-seven!!11

    ps reed meh comidy itz cald aks fliber chez stekk lol u cin axe me thungs

  20. *feeds weasel soap to toads*

  21. I ate a cot once! :D

  22. no we dun 1 2 get of ur lon!11!!1!!one!!1

  23. *snore*

    burn stuf!!11!!1



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