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Blessed Blade

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Year 16


About Blessed Blade

  • Birthday 11/11/1992

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    Hoenn Region
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  1. Question for those who actually read my status updates: How does the Kakama work; in terms of turning and the like? Is it impossible to turn, or do you have to stop and then 'boost' forward once more?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Legendary TNT

      The Legendary TNT

      I just happened upon your status, I don't read it regularly; so I hope you except my answer.

      The Kakama not only makes you run faster it also increases your reflexes, making you able to see what's coming at you and how to react to it (if necessary). Now if running long distance, you should just be able to turn when it comes up. Short distance, I'm pretty sure you can turn. I know the Kakama Nuva can at least; Pohatu used it to run around in tight circles to cut off somebody...

    3. The Legendary TNT
    4. Blessed Blade

      Blessed Blade

      That definitely works, since I mostly just wanted an answer about it, period. =P

      Alright then, that's what I was thinking, but I just wanted to double check. This should be fun, then. >=)

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