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Blessed Blade

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Everything posted by Blessed Blade

  1. "As it so happens, I do have a task for you. I wish for a giant wall of thorns along the Jungle-Water border. They should stand at least twenty feet high.” That... kinda implies that you're gonna cut off the river too.
  2. Pretty sure Unit isn't even part of the Faith, Toru.
  3. Alright, everything needed is in! The journal has another entry in it, though it’s markedly shorter than the previous ones. Journal Entry: Day Two Mistakes made with previous entries – last one should’ve been Night Two, previous should’ve been Day One. Night is falling, but I’m recounting the events of the day. Note to self: Fix those issues once the beast is dealt with. We voted again. Everyone decided on Tiragath. He claimed he was innocent, which made more vote for him. He was innocent. Checked his body, no knife or anything. Just another Matoran victim. I still don’t know what the beast does to these Matoran. I dread looking at their corpse. They are ghastly sights. Windrider and Smoke both disappeared. I can’t find their bodies. No graves dug, either. I hope to Mata-Nui that they were simply disposed of, and nothing worse happened. Night is coming. Gotta prepare. Feels like I’m going mad. I may have gone mad. The stress placed upon me as the only Matoran non-blind person on the island is immense. Take care, everyone. Stay safe. Do not let the Beast slay you. Do not let the killers find you. Beauty hides hideous, gnarled forms behind the sounds you hear. -Scribe Roles have 48 hours to send their submissions in.
  4. ide game's nice, and I'd support Slizer Mafia. I'm waiting on things for the current game, but the scene should be up soon enough ^^;
  5. Hey, it took us like a day or two to get through the labyrinth, so it wasn't our fault ^^;;
  6. -==IC: Ryan==- Ryan returned the frown, as he believed everything, if only for one little reason... "Haven't you noticed that Pokemon moves don't work anymore? That was the first side-effect of all this. The most noticeable one. And quite honestly, I saw everyone when they didn't come out - and those that didn't. I believe what my friends told me, especially because of the reason we all were there on a specific day; it was a ritual. And it failed." The man subtly wished that not everyone had gone into the room already, because he knew that any one of them could confirm what he was saying. -==IC: Colette==- Colette frowned in uncertainty, and looked to the side, even as she nibbled on the sandwich a little. "I just... I don't know. I really, really don't. I thought that the mission was clear; and then everything just flipped on its head, and now, how do we fight these things? I don't know. . . We're all powerless, and yet we have to do something... but we can't..." The girl closed her eyes again, forgetting about the sandwich for the moment. "How do you deal with the screams...?" She bit her lip, an uncertain look on her face as she glanced back up. "I just don't know what to do about anything right now..."
  7. -==IC: Ryan==- Ryan rubbed the back of his head at everything. "No worries, really; I know better than anyone that both sides have their good and bad things. But no, Ellen wasn't with Liberty or anyone; but our group was a mix of Liberty, Rocket, and others. Chloe's Liberty, though, but I never really figured out who everyone else is with." The man paused for a moment, as he realized that he was getting a little side-tracked from his initial attempt at explaining things. "That's not exactly what I was trying to get at though. First a few things happened on the boat on the way here to get that person who could help find the girl, which is kinda why I wasn't able to talk for a while. But when we finally got there... things didn't quite go as well as we'd hoped. I wasn't around for most of it, so some is second-hand information from the others, but..." The Rocket tried his best to explain what had happened without taking too long, or going into some of the scarier details, but tried to at least explain why they had gone to the Alamo. -==IC: Colette==- The girl thought over the question for a moment, but then nodded. Colette stayed quiet, as she returned to her thoughts. She bit her lip for a moment, and then took a deep breath. "Have you ever... had tough missions?"
  8. -==IC: Ryan==- Ryan was about to open his mouth to deny Shannon's claims about Lucia being responsible for him being here, when he felt a distinct something on his back. The man turned his head to find the mischievous Furret on his shoulder, and chuckled for a moment before ruffling her head. He then looked back to Shannon, and bit his lip. "No, Lucia didn't call me here. I didn't even know either of you two were around until just a moment ago. Remember that mission I was on with those people I met in Lilycove? And how I was helping find that little girl?" Ryan wasn't totally certain whether he should actually explain what had gone on, but... at this rate, they'd all find out sooner than later. -==IC: Colette==- "Thank you..." Colette mumbled quietly, as she sat down at the table. She attacked the sandwich rather quickly, and finished it off in possibly record time, an uncertain look on her face. The girl nodded at her father, as she more slowly sipped at the juice. Despite that, however, she quietly sat there, unable to even think of the words that she wanted to say. She looked up again quietly, an unspoken question asking what had her father so tired looking. The girl also half wondered if that was how she looked to others, and sipped her drink a little more to take her mind off that.
  9. -==IC: Ray==- "Right..." Ray looked between Ellen and Xander for a moment, and then to Duo, who seemed to be going from emotion to emotion. He had a feeling what it was all about, but also knew that there was no way for him to actually help out in any way. "I think I'll probably go now, then... cya, everyone." He gave a small wave and wondered how many of the occupants had actually seen it, and turned around to walk out the door. As soon as he was out of sight, he frowned at what had happened, stunned at just what the girl was like now. Ray closed his eyes for a moment as he leaned against the wall of the hallway right outside the door, only to open them as he pulled out Zangetsu's Pokeball. The Pokemon met the trainer's eye, and exchanged a silent conversation. They had been together for years, and without any fancy tricks of telepathy - they could just tell what was up. And so, at this moment, when Ray's most trusted Pokemon gave a knowing nod, the Separatist knew that it had to do with the conversation he had been having with Zangetsu since the night after they returned. As he walked down the hallway, purpose renewed, Ray sent off a quick message to Xander, asking to talk some more when they weren't busy. However, he added a little bit of context to it in the second half of the message... "It's time to explain what happened a month ago..." As he pressed send, and then pocketed the device, the orange haired man glanced up at the path, looking around to try and find any signs of where the command room might be, or anywhere that a leader could be. He wanted to make a difference in this war against these unknown things, and he wanted to find out how he could in any way possible. -==IC: Ryan==- "Wha-" The words died in Ryan's mouth as he was shocked beyond all compare. He gave a small smile, but at the same time, he had no clue what to say. "Hi..." The man finally managed while being totally caught off guard by the girl's sudden appearance. He didn't even notice that he was the only one of the other group who was still out in the hallway, though suddenly this explained part of why Lucia had been here. But it still left so many questions. "Um, what are you doing here?" Ryan finally asked, as he managed to find the words. He tried not to sound too worried by everything, but the fact was still that they were rather close to the thing that everyone kept saying was here. Plus, he wasn't sure what she might think about everyone's injuries... -==IC: Lucia==- Lucia's face brightened as she heard the yell, and reacted quickly to catch Jamie before she crashed into anything or anyone. She gave a smile and a hug to the other girl, just as glad to see Jamie at that precise moment. "Heya, Jamie~" Lucia said finally, especially glad that Jamie seemed unhurt. She had been a little worried about that up until now, but this was the exact reaction she had been hoping for, if she were to speak her thoughts. "How are you?" -==IC: Jenny==- "I know. I know." The girl said, as she picked herself off her bed, wiping a hand across her eyes in the process. "But I just... I don't know. The way he's been lately; I think he needs some time to himself... I obviously do, so, I just... I don't know." Jenny took a deep breath, as she stretched out, a worried frown on her face. "We're the two who everyone expects to be positive in the face of anything, right? But what about this? What about this sort of situation, where everything is a lot less clear? On the fly it's not that hard, but... this is a totally different thing than anything we've seen before, in more than one way." The girl grabbed her clothes, as she ignored yet another message from who even knows who the sender was. The past few days had seen so many messages from so many people; whether they be of orders she just hadn't felt up to, or people just asking how she was. "I know that running away and hiding isn't helping anything, but, sometimes I need to recharge, just like everyone else eventually does. I know he's scared; I'm scared. There's got to be a way to stop this thing, but I don't think anyone knows what it is. But... none of us can do that if we're too disheartened." Jenny adjusted the bow on her shirt finally, as she stepped back and looked in the mirror to see how it looked on her. "So I want to give him a little space, even just for a little bit. I don't know how this'll turn out, but I can keep hope that we can get ourselves back sooner than later at least." She sniffed for a moment and rubbed her eyes again, but still wore a determined look on her face. "I'm not going to hide any longer, though..." -==IC: Colette==- Had it really already been four days? Colette blankly laid on her bed as she stared at the time. Everything had run together since things had ended; she had tried her best to get away from people trying to get her take on things; from Jayron trying to say that things weren't as bad as they seemed, to people who tried to get a debriefing of that Arceus forsaken incident when others were better off being asked, to her own family. She hadn't felt like moving much since she returned. First, everything she had been told and had experienced turned out to have been for nothing, then that creepy thing took over and everyone was powerless to stop him... then everyone really was powerless. The girl closed her eyes tightly, trying to purge the flash of that giant blob thing from her vision, as she raised her hands to cover her ears from the screams of that one person, even though it was all in her head at this point. But now that thing was here, and it might be able to appear outside at any time. Colette brought her knees up to her chest, as tears welled up in the corner of her eyes. Because of that failed plan, no powers existed. Not even her own. She had even tried, to make sure it wasn't a dream, and nothing would work. She had thought that she had seen a flicker of aura at one point, but it had vanished not even a nanosecond later. How could any of them hope to deal with this? The girl wanted to have hope somehow, in any way... but yet, she couldn't think of any sort of way that things could work. For a brief moment, she wondered what had happened with that second card... Colette finally sat up half an hour later, looking about as hopeless as she felt. She wiped her eyes quickly, and simply looked around. The girl figured that Zoe had either been told to leave her alone, or that the young girl had been disenchanted with the fantasy that her sister was a marvelous aura wielder after the failure on Two Island. Colette tried to find something, anything, to ground her once again, but everything just felt hollow. Her eyes finally trained themselves on her locket, and the overwhelmed girl forced herself to stand up. She felt a bit shaky and lightheaded, but she managed to walk over and pick up the locket before she slid down to the floor. The locket wasn't anything fancy, but yet, it always seemed to help her. She wasn't sure that would work here, however, even as she opened up the trinket and glanced over the pictures. The two pictures weren't that recent by any means, and Colette was honestly surprised to see herself without her Lucario-like hairstyle. The girl bit her lip, as she had to wonder just how badly she looked at the moment, and then looked at Zoe's eternal smile. The young girl beamed up at her from the picture, and the older sister simply began to cry. "I'm sorry..." Colette pushed herself to her feet, and made her way into the bathroom, where she finally took a look at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were red from crying, and her hair was honestly a mess from not doing much with it the past few days. The girl closed her eyes, as she wondered what she could even do at that moment. Her world had been turned upside down, and everyone she knew probably was waiting for her to do anything. She didn't want to let anyone down, but at the same time, she just felt... tired. She felt torn, and closed her eyes tight. She knew that what she was doing was just self-destructive to herself, but... she couldn't muster up the energy. The girl glanced toward the shower, however. Maybe just one step would help... Over half an hour later, Colette bit her lip as she reached for the doorknob that would lead out of her bedroom once again. Her still-damp hair dripped a bit onto the floor, but she didn't pay any attention to it. She needed to take another step, and slowly opened the door, glancing around again. Still no sign of anyone. With a curious thought as to what had happened to everyone, she slowly made her way downstairs to try and get some food before actually figuring out what to do next.
  10. -==IC: Ray==- Ray nodded in response. "Yeah, that's pretty much it." He glanced over at the young girl, and wondered whether she was still so afraid of what might happen. But yet, he couldn't figure out what to actually say now. He wanted to help out as best as he could, but... he had to admit that maybe it was out of his hands. "... Maybe I should go try and find the others now, then..."
  11. -==IC: Ray==- "Not yet, actually. I've been a little tired since we left, so I've been resting up most of the time since." Ray scratched his head for a moment, and chuckled a bit. "I was actually going to try and look for the others soon, especially since Evan still has some of the things I gave him when I was trying to show that the clown had forced my hand there..."
  12. -==IC: Yugo==- "Yeah! If we stay down here any longer, too, we'll just be stuck, and who knows what these guys can do. I'll hold them off here, you two go." Yugo said, as he reached for something to use, but then paused as that might as well have been what Jake had just done. "Of course, if we hurry up fast enough, I suppose we could all get out of here at once... Ruth, once we get back a bit, aim an attack above us."
  13. That sounds pretty cool! And making the team larger would be pretty neat, honestly, especially since we did kinda get a taste of that here, with Luna, Bud, and Sonia taking on Solo in Whazzap~ ^^
  14. Ooooh, that's very interesting! I'm really excited to see how that goes!! Thanks for the journey through this~ ^^
  15. That was an amazing ending, Pahrak! Very very nice work! ^^ All the resolutions for the characters, and the stuff with Hyde and Vega, and Geo's pledge!! Plus... "Arthur"~~
  16. -==IC: Ray==- "I disagree; it's not hopeless." Ray leaned against the wall, as he looked up to the ceiling as he contemplated the situation. "It might be drawn to conflict, and things might look bad, but... I don't think it's as hopeless as everyone thought. Xander, you were back around more than I was, how did things work on those creatures? Because Kyle's Charizard held her own against a few of those dragons, long enough for us to get out." The orange haired man looked down at Xander and Ellen with a small smile. "I feel like, though it may seem hopeless now, if we can find something, anything, to go to our advantage, then we've got a chance. It may be slim, but we've had slimmer chances before, haven't we? And we beat the Darkrai, even when things seemed like it wouldn't work."
  17. I'm honestly not sure, it's been a quiet one so far... ---- Night Two The journal was discovered once again, alongside a recent discovery of a second body courtesy of the Mafia. The Journal read as follows... The journal seems to have had a page torn off, despite the next entry being the third. Spots of what looks like dried blood can be seen on the remains of the old page... Journal Entry: Night Two No beast. Beast did not kill or attempt to kill. Safe? not safe from beast beast hiding beast does not want to be found nothing we can do beast is haunting us beast will kill us no salvation doomed death beast monster murder mutants help help The page falls into incomprehensible scribbles for a bit, before it resumes legibility...and sanity. The monster didn’t kill. It did not attempt to kill. That is a relief – but I’m sure it’s plotting something. Can’t let the paranoia get to me. It’ll use it against me, make the village think it’s in the right as it reads my journal. You reading this, monster? I’m sure you are. I’ll find out who you are eventually. Speaking of, found the Medic. He’s safe. I have an ally now. He agreed to protect me from the beast if at all possible, in exchange for not saying who he was. Good. I hope he will know when to save himself, and not save me... The killers struck again – I assume that Wind isn’t the only one. Found Hellyam’s corpse, lots of blood. Must have stabbed him in the heart and let him bleed out. Gruesome way to go, really. Didn’t realize how much blood there was until I got to writing this the first time. Ruined a page. Note to self: Don’t touch dead people again, even if it’s to check for a pulse. They’re dead. Need to stay calm. Can’t trust the voice. Don’t trust the voice. Never trust that beast’s hideous voice. It may sound peaceful, but it is not. It wants you to trust it. Don’t. -Scribe There’s a small drawing of a hideous, tentacle monster of sorts in the bottom right corner. Aside from that, the rest of the page and book is blank. The Voice appeared in the middle of the square where the Matoran awaited, and explained the situation, reading the journal once again. However, they left out some parts that talked about not trusting them. Still unable to be seen, the Voice calmly urged people to avenge Hellyam the Villager, and to vote with all their might. -Hidron -Tiragath -Jed -Tex -Pahrak You have 72 hours to vote.
  18. -==IC: Ray==- The bitterness wasn't lost on Ray, and put him a little on guard - though he tried to mask that as best as he could, for Ellen's sake. "I'm pretty good although tired, and I'm sorry for just showing up. I only heard what Ellen just said, and I can take a guess what was being discussed before. I was coming here to talk to Ellen, then heard people talking, and decided to just wait for a moment, and then yeah." The orange haired man gave an apologetic shrug, but fixed his gaze on Xander for multiple reasons.
  19. Oh, three people have, I just forgot to update the first post ^^; As for the scene, I'm just waiting on one last thing, hopefully the scene will be up by Monday.
  20. -==IC: Ray==- "To prevent people from needing to worry, I'd guess." A yawn followed the sudden voice that rang out from the doorway, as a tired-looking Ray entered the room. "Yo. How are you two holding up?" The former Child glanced between Xander and Ellen as he stifled another yawn. Ray wanted to elabourate on what he actually meant, but, he figured that doing so might not be the greatest of ideas at this precise point in time.
  21. -Windrider - 5 -Dragon.star - 4 -Underscore - 2 -Toa Smoke Monster - 5 -ToaD - 2 ---- The leather-bound journal has another entry in it - made soon after the death of the mafian Windrider and the villager Smoke Monster. Journal Entry: Night Two Night is beginning to fall. Need to write these things down while they’re fresh in my mind. Don’t think it will ever leave my mind, though. Ever. Starting from the beginning. The monster gathered us in the village. Couldn’t see – can’t let it know I can see. My eyes were closed the whole time. Don’t wanna see the thing anyways. It would know I was different and kill me on the spot, like how it killed Windrider and Smoke. Getting ahead of myself, though. Okay. Beast gathered us. Read my journal. It found my journal. I’m terrified, it found my journal somehow. Hide it? Should I hide it? No, keep it out. It’ll read it. Maybe the villagers will understand it doesn’t have our best interest in mind. Its voice is...hideous. The mutagen must’ve changed how people hear it. Beast responsible for rain? Don’t know – don’t wanna find out. Read my journal out, which was how we decided to execute people. Beast narrowed down the votes to small party of people – didn’t trust the list, but voting off of it would raise suspicion. Everyone else trusts it. Don’t. Its hideous words twist your mind. It wants you to believe that it is right – it isn’t. How can you believe it to be right after what it did to Smoke and Wind? Their bodies... Ahead of myself again. We voted – no one was sure of what to do. Not even I had a clue of who killed Vox. Beast may have some clue. Beast may watch the killers like prey at night. Maybe it watches me? It kills. It tried killing last night. I hope it doesn’t try again. Votes came to a close after a long, drawn-out conversation. Decided to execute Smoke and Wind. I still remember the noise. Oh, Mata Nui, the noise. Their screams still echo in my ears. I’m glad my eyes were closed. I don’t want to witness it doing that again. The squelching...the tearing...the screams...it was hideous. The beast may have warped what others heard. Might have made it sound peaceful and gentle. It wasn’t. I went to look at their corpses. Mutilated doesn’t begin to describe it. I don’t want to describe it. The agony they must have went through...I hope no one ever experiences it again. Windrider had a knife. I can only assume she may have killed Vox, or been complicit in his murder. Smoke was innocent as far as I could tell. The sun is falling. I must prepare for the night. I know who I must speak to this night. -Scribe. There was nothing else written. Small smudges of ink dotted the back of the recent page, however... The Voice spoke of tragedy, of how it was so tragic what had happened this day. It mentioned how the events of what had gone on should serve as a reminder of why everyone must work together. However, it warned that there still remained four hooligans who could strike at any moment... ---- All roles PM me. Also, sorry about the delays ^^; A bunch of things have come up, one being, well, um, Breath of the Wild. ^^;
  22. How much was Bomberman, and how is it, when you get a chance to play?
  23. Night One The discovery of a dead body in the village had affected the Matoran a lot. Considering their options, they decided to search around to make certain that no-one else was missing, not trusting their memories of who was present. After spending a good portion of the night, they managed to find out two things - that Vox was dead, and a mysterious journal... In a room, dark like all the others on the island now, a notebook sat. The book was opened to the first page of many. Hexagonal, hard-edged glyphs marked the page. The glyphs – the Matoran Alphabet – said the following. Journal Entry: Night One No one will read this. Why am I writing this? My own, sick pleasure? No one can read this. No one but me. I can see. Everything is so, so wrong, but I can see. I...need to keep this journal, to keep track of what happens. If I don’t, no one will. No one will be able to know what’s going on. They can’t see the terrors going on here, but I can. I wish I didn’t. I almost wish I lost my sight like the others...almost. But at the same time, I’m glad I didn’t change like them. My eyes still work. Okay. Where do I begin? The sun is finally rising, and I'm glad to say there's only one dead person. That...thing didn't kill anyone. The person it targeted seems to be fine - must've been saved by the Medic. He did mention being saved rescued helped by something, and saved from that thing. I can only assume it was that...not like he could have seen it. Wasn't too badly hurt, aside from the mutations already on him. He wasn't missing any arms...or legs...or his head. He's fine He wasn't murdered. I can't really say if anyone is "fine" now. I'm not. If they could see...I doubt anyone would say they're fine. I'm not fine. I'm probably the closest to fine anyone on this Mata-Nui forsaken island can be at this point. I found Vox’s corpse, thankfully not mutilated annihilated desecrated. There was a single stab wound in his heartlight. He must've died in his sleep. I can only assume some others here have decided to kill whomever they can find in their blinded state. I doubt they have ill will. They...probably want to kill that thing. I do, too. But if it finds me, it’ll kill me. These murderers may prove useful...so long as they don’t kill more innocent Matoran people like Vox. Maybe I can ally with them? No, that’s dumb. They might kill me on the spot. Unless...hm. Voltex is just another Matoran person. As regular as anyone here can be right now. I was glad to see him, really. He didn’t notice me approaching, but I saw him. He wasn’t that nightmarish monster, just another poor victim of the rain. No different from Vox, or the others walking around. They aren’t that abomination. They’re still people. The sun’s up, now. Everything is still horrifying, still nightmarish. But I need to survive. We need to survive as long as possible. Maybe if we kill the beast, we’ll be free? Mata-Nui, I hope so. I don’t want to die here. Not in the slightest. I don’t want to be forced to witness the horrors going on here for the rest of my life, either...I just want to live in peace. And I bet Vox did, too. Vox might be in a better place now. Maybe, I just hope that thing wasn’t a Matoran once. If it was...I dread what may happen if the rains come again. -Scribe The rest of the pages were blank. Not a smudge of ink, not a single stray letter was on the rest of the page. As the Matoran who read out the words finished, the others mumbled to themselves. So there was someone who could see? Or was this some sort of trick? "Do not be fooled, my comrades!" The voice rang out, soft and soothing to everyone present. The speaker wasn't able to be seen even with eyes, but everyone seemed to trust in the voice. "It is sad that Voxumo has perished, and I can confirm it was, but... The rest of these are simply lies. From someone trying to stir up chaos within the village." Murmurs of agreement rang out among the Matoran. "I have narrowed the suspects down to the following five, however..." -Windrider -Dragon.star -Underscore -Toa Smoke Monster -ToaD "You have 24 hours to vote."
  24. Okay, scratch the opening scene, I'll attach it to the main scene. Had less inspiration than I anticipated ^^; Just awaiting one more move, and confirmation on another... this will be... interesting, though, if things keep up as they are. =O Due to nature of things, scene could be up by the weekend, though ^^
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