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Blessed Blade

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Blessed Blade

  1. Flip Flapping! [transforms] I think we get dibs on Portal~~~~ =P
  2. Portal, I know it's an attempt to save face, and that was hilarious, but I was confirmed innocent round 2... =P
  3. Portal. It's Portal. We have the last two Enforcers on the ropes now. Then we just need to find the Prince... Voting Portal.
  4. Welp, that just confirmed Portal. Sorry Vox. ><
  5. It's Hellyam. Same clue of it being smoke and fire. Voting Hellyam, and urging everyone to do the same.
  6. It has been, honestly... ;-;7
  7. I'm throwing my hat into the ring for the next game officially, now; I'll get the first post ready later for you all to check out~
  8. I'm in, and I'm gonna snag a Jungle spot~
  9. 0_o There's... definitely some shenanigans going on in this mafia, then. Deep apologies to Vox, but gosh were you suspicious this round... =/
  10. There's a space ship we can ride... now it's time to ride!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. -Windrider-
    3. Blessed Blade
    4. -Windrider-


      Let's get started again

      Do not scare yourself

      We can take this ride for ourselves

  11. -==IC: Jenny==- "It's been a long day." Jenny said, as she tried to keep her face as upbeat as possible. She glanced over toward the rest of the people, as she heard a lot of chattering among the group near Goldhawk. "It sounds like we might be leaving soon..." The girl wanted to help Ellen, but... as she closed her eyes, she realized that it might not even be possible to help at this point in time. OOC: Maybe some more ICs later.
  12. No hard feelings honestly, Vox, though I must admit this is pretty interesting this round. Oh, and also, it's entirely possible that the Mafia can send someone multiple times in a row - that's what happened with Tiragath last game. It would've worked out too if he wasn't a deflector.
  13. Blessed Blade

    Dark Souls

    I spent about 45 minutes on character customization, and about half an hour idling on a cliff on Mira. The rest of the time was getting to that cliff. Still, Xenoblade X is good so far!
  14. If I'm wrong, I'll totally accept it and be honestly apologetic, but things are lining up a bit too much here for my liking. And not even in the way that SV had seemed to line up at first, but in the total sense of looking at everything.
  15. I was investigate round 2, Vox. I'm confirmed Villager, which, tbh, doesn't really help your case. =P Plus, you know, you're kinda doing the exact same thing so....... Also, it's possible neither have voted yet because the scene hasn't even been up a full day yet.
  16. It's one thing to not switch votes based on righteous feelings - except this was most definitely not righteous. The Bodyguard died, despite red flags going up that "hey, wait, maybe this isn't such a good idea after all". Despite the Representative, who had left out the first investigation, helping urge toward Taka. Despite Taka being confirmed guilty now. Is it really, then, that good an idea to stick to a bandwagon for no reason at all, especially when you can manipulate people into helping vote? Worst case scenario, you detract attention from Taka - Best case scenario, well, we just saw that. Now the only obstacle is the representative - not an entirely tough thing if the Prince so chose. Another thing - we don't know for certain Hellyam is guilty. Why do you think that? Smoke was in scene 2 as well; even if every sign is pointing against Smoke, it seems awfully specific to jump right to assuming we know Hellyam is guilty - multi-mafian suspect lists have happened before. Also, there's another thing; you're right, this is a rookie mistake. But what if the person was distracted? What if someone else decided the target, and then the person sent was decided after? Portal has had college, and I'm not sure about Jed1ndy, but Underscore has likely also been busy considering there were no votes in Round 3. But you have been busy too - with Hitman. It's perfectly easy to have made an oversight by accident; or even on purpose. After all, if you send out someone who absolutely shouldn't do a rookie mistake, in a situation where they'd make a rookie mistake... then that would shift blame to someone else, no? The scene also kinda hints toward that too - the theme of the scene was belief that since the Bodyguard was dead, that the Enforcer could then go and take out the Representative.
  17. Objection! Although SV was the only one you had a direct hand in, there is still the point that you had outright noted the fact that he had gotten a bandwagon against him; and even when people started to vote for someone else, you refused to change your vote - even though it could have helped. [taps evidence papers] You also didn't seem to show much remorse about the fact that SV had even been killed in the end, never mind that he was the bodyguard! And then there's that very suspicious scene that had been put up for the lynching, which implicated you heavily. And also... How can you safely say that I would regret this decision? [points directly at you] I feel that was a threat! The only reason we would actually regret lynching you right now if you were innocent, was if you had a role, and the bodyguard just died - again, at your own hands. We have more than enough people that we can spare a little narrowing down, but yet, you seem... to protest a bit much here. I'll admit I was wrong about Pulse last time, but, this time I've looked at a lot more than just the immediate scene. What do you say about this, Voxumo?
  18. There's no reasoning really, other than speculation and the fact that Portal's back new to the game. Portal is not an Enforcer, or the votes would be more centralized. This leaves Voxumo(who has consistently voted for people whose deaths seem like they would benefit the Enforcers! Only possible exception is Smoke, and that's up in the air), jed1ndy(Who also voted for people, including Smoke twice), and Underscore... and well, neither of Underscore's votes have been with the crowd. Therefore, I vote Voxumo, and urge everyone to vote him as well.
  19. Blessed Blade

    im 23 now

    Happy birthday!! ^^
  20. Vox: Fair! It's not for everyone~ ^^ Kit: Thanks!! ^^ Pahrak: Okay, that was amazing. xD
  21. I went 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 for my sheet... xD Well done FF, I had no chance there. xD
  22. <3 Thank you everyone~~~~ ^^ Vox: Oh my gosh, I can't recommend Flip Flappers enough~ ^^
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