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Blessed Blade

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Everything posted by Blessed Blade

  1. Blade held her hand out and sent out a bolt of lightning toward TimeLord for the attempt to accidentally pop the bubble surrounding the city and preventing them from getting wet. "This might be my home turf, but... even I have my limits." She mumbled, as she ran toward the scene, intending to find a way to climb up the buildings to get closer.
  2. Yeah, and I had no way of notifying you, since even getting new messages in the Mafia PM didn't seem to help ;-;7 this is honestly almost as - or even more - hilarious than toad being targeted over three times or when both nato and the mafia targeted the same person god this game was a delight. sorry for delaying scenes so often, whenever blade said she was waiting it was usually on me, hah. All that honestly was amazing. xD Or me trying to frame you at the same time you chose to investigate me. that could not have gone better, honestly. if i hadn't investigated you, this game would have gone very, very differently... Can confirm. xD In hindsight, I should've asked about the framing the first time Nato was able to appear in the scene because his kill hadn't been blocked ;-;7
  3. Yeah, some of the delays were just me getting distracted admittedly, but some were me needing to wait on the scenes ^^;
  4. This will be very very interesting~ ^^
  5. Yeah... I kinda agree... Nato: Too many votes to count. ---- Day: Final Despite Nato's protests, the Matoran present managed to restrain him. If he was this 'Beast' that the Scribe kept talking about, then they could not count on the Voice. From the hill nearby, a lone figure watched, as the Manipulator cried out in detest. "It was not me! I am innocent in all this!" Nato cried out in vain, as the Scribe who could see tied his arms and legs up tight. Keeping silent, Ehksidian simply led Nato to the makeshift gallows the Manipulator had once set up to appease the others. Nato struggled against his bonds, and let out a growl, as his face contorted in anger. "Fine! I vote myself too, then. You will have killed your own Guardian, how will you like that? And then where will this island be? People will keep coming and going and there will be nothing to stop people from being overtaken by the flow of others... Can't you see I was trying to help?!" "Helping by mutating and killing everyone...?" Ehksidian asked quietly, as she glared up at Nato. "I did research on the island's past before I came here, and this same sort of incident happened before. Is your method of 'saving' people by just killing them? How does that even justify things?" Tensions were growing high, as the Manipulator was finally prepared for the lynching. "This isn't over. This will never be over. One of these days I'll return, and I'll curse you all again - and I won't just stop at this island. I'll go to every island, and curse them all. Then they'll have to answer to me." Moments later, the floor fell out from underneath the Voice, and things suddenly went quiet. ---- After that, things finally began to slowly get back to normal. The storm that threatened to return at any moment never appeared, and the threat of killing for everyone was stopped as people had no reason to fight anymore. A mysterious Toa showed herself, having been investigating the disappearances and the unnatural storm. After reporting the results of her investigation to her superiors the Toa returned with cures, for the mutation and blindness, for everyone. Ehks let out a sigh of relief, as she watched a sunrise without any worries of whether there would be a death to report, or that she wouldn't even see the next day. Her friend, ToaD, stood nearby, a stethoscope around his neck. "They said we're headed back soon. They want to check us out further, make sure there's not going to be any lasting effects. They even say that a lot of the people that thing killed might be able to be saved somehow." "That's good news..." Ehks turned to the Medic after speaking, and frowned. "You could have at least tried to help some others, though." ToaD rolled his eyes. "Did you see how many times I was targeted? I was a high level threat, and nearly would have died if I hadn't saved myself. If I hadn't continued to save myself, maybe I would have died, then where would we have been?" "The same place as we are now, just without you..." Ehks mumbled, but smiled nonetheless. "Either way... we did it. We succeeded." ---- Game over - Village/Writer/Medic/Mafia quadruple victory. Ehksidian - The Writer - Can investigate someone and publish their results every night. Is the one who writes up the scenes every round. Can see, activates a personal win condition if the Manipulator is found, and restores sight. Nato - The Manipulator - The culprit of the storm's mystery. Can see, but is lying. Is malevolent. Can kill every second night. ToaD - The Medic Luroka - The Godfather Mafia: -Windy -Taka Nuvia -Valendale -Pahrak ---- Before the game is over, I just want to point out some humourous things - one round, Pulse was targeted by both the Manipulator and the Mafia. Right after, every single major role that wasn't ToaD promptly voted for the same person, who was not the correct Mafian for it. The same thing kept happening after that. And this last round, instead of trying to find someone that mattered, Luroka decided on a target of the confirmed villager... though it didn't matter in the end. Also, Ehks was supposed to replace Nato in the suspect list for this round... except that Ehks also found Nato this round, which made that unnecessary ;-;7 It would have been interesting, admittedly, if thing had worked out that way, as Ehks was on a previous suspect list too, which would have made the framing easier. It also would have been interesting, because the round descriptions would have just vanished in favour of just notes of who died. Everyone was too efficient in some ways, though, so that never got to happen =P I think there were other interesting notes other than that, yes, ToaD healed himself every round to the point I just automatically knew that was his target, but... I forget the others ^^; I hope you enjoyed the game, even if it was a bit unorthodox and had some hiccups at times... ^^; ---- Thank you all for playing!
  6. MY BRAND! =D Oh gosh, this will be fun! =D
  7. Journal Entry: Night Five, Hopefully Final I have found the identity of the Beast. The Voice. The Manipulator. I was lucky to find him, in fact – if I had not decided to check up on my ally to see if he was protecting the same person, I would not have witnessed the Manipulator attempting to kill them. Though the sun had set long ago, I could see the hideous distortion in the air around him. He looked like any Matoran, yet there was something...wrong. The air around him looked wrong. Hideous. Not of this universe, not of this reality. Perhaps that is why his victims looked so...distorted. I have beaten around the bush too long. Nato, the Manipulator, is the one responsible for what we have endured. We must kill him as soon as possible. The longer he lives, the more likely we will all perish due to him. I fear he may have caused the previous storm on this island as well...so it is prudent we execute him post-haste. If I didn’t have my sight, we most likely would have all fallen to him. I still don’t know why I was immune. I hope all of you – all the villagers, the killers who tried taking matters into their own hands, and anyone who may come – will never fall prey to this again. Unfortunately, one other villager has perished this night. Tex has fallen. He was stabbed through the heart, and judging from the blood pooling below him he died swiftly. There is no doubt in my mind he never saw it coming. Justice for those killed by the killers can be enacted when we are not blindly groping in the dark. We must kill the one who wrought this nightmare upon us. Nato is the one who has been killing us. I know who you are, Beast. I know exactly who you are. And if you dare not read this out loud, I will call you out directly. I will end you myself. You are the one who blinded the village. You have brought about the deaths of too many. Your time has come. I am not afraid anymore. I am lucid. I am sane. And I will not stop until you die, you Mata-Nui forsaken monster. -The Scribe, Ehksidian The journal was discovered not long after the sun began to rise. The one named Nato protested at the claims, as the words were written hard enough that they could mostly be read slowly by placing their hands on the page. He claimed this could not be the case, as he could not see and his voice didn't match the Voice's. He instead proposed that the 'Scribe' for this journal, since the text seemed to be angrier, was, in fact, the cause of this scene. Figuratively pointing a finger, Nato proposed that it was in fact Ehks who had caused these murders, or the ones claimed to be by this 'beast'. He proposed that this all might be settled if Ehks was lynched... But it was up to the villagers. Who would they trust? Who would they lynch? -Luroka [People heard him arguing with Tex hours before] -Ehks [People thought they heard Ehks mumbling something while walking] -Nato [This person was accused] -ToaD [Always seems to show up where he shouldn't] You have 48 hours to vote.
  8. Journal Entry: Day Four FF was another innocent. We are complicit in death. The Beast was less brutal this time – I was able to recognize FF’s face afterwards. The others...I was unable to. Whatever pleasure it got from slaughtering the innocent may be tapering. But I feel it will attack with new ferocity tonight. I may find who they are soon. I hope I will. Their death must come swiftly if we are to survive. I worry about the other killers, yet at the same time I am far less concerned with them. The Beast is who the direct threat is. The killers may decide to leave us be once the murderous Beast is fallen...perhaps I can enlist their help... My list of potential beasts grows shorter and shorter. Soon it will fall to only two, if I do not find the Beast itself. Mata-Nui protect me tonight. -Scribe 48 hours remain.
  9. FF: 7 Jed: 2 Manducus: 2 Just waiting on someone now.
  10. Imrukii... buddy... pal... I'm pretty sure killing two Tahtorak in as many posts, with just the help of a sword is a bit much. Tex agrees. So... -Judge powers activate- Imrukii would suddenly find that his fire powers had also vanished. Fighting was still possible, but at base strength. -Judge powers deactivate- (Seriously though, those things took a lot of punishment in the actual story, and it was just one... I know this is Bionifight, but even this has a limit somewhere =O)
  11. Blessed Blade


    Member Name: Blade Weapon/Power 1: Green hilted longword that looks suspiciously like the Master Sword. Weapon/Power 2: Lightning Weapon/Power 3: A barrier that can block attacks similar to a Hau - hauever, it doesn't have the drawback of being vulnerable to sneak attacks, as long as it is activated before the attack hits. Appearance: Red haired, green-eyed girl who stands roughly at a height of 5'8. She wears a dark green shirt with blue pants. Special Weapons: N/A
  12. -==IC: Ryan==- "Sure, but I don't know where they headed off to." Ryan felt the Pokeball that contained his Tyranitar vibrating on his hip. Confused, the black haired man unclipped the sphere, and looked at it curiously. The Tyranitar seemed... restless, somehow. Currently he was pacing around the interior, and Ryan sighed. Tyranitar's probably just as itching to get back into action as we all are... The man focused on the Tyranitar further, and had a look of disbelief as the Tyranitar was currently jumping in place, possibly exercising or something. With a shake of his head, Ryan put the Pokeball back on his belt, and glanced back at Shannon. "When'd you get an Eevee, anyway? I don't remember you mentioning having one befo-" Ryan was cut off as a large beeping sounded. He quickly turned and looked around the room, wondering if something had broken. However, after first glance didn't show anything, he turned his attention to the TV, and the Rocket's eyes widened. "'Research and containment'. . .? What are they playing at. . .?" Ryan's fists clenched as he frowned. From what the group had mentioned after they had gotten out of the egg, they had trouble in an enclosed space. If the egg had really hatched, those things would be out everywhere, which would mean big trouble, and the possibility for everyone to be overwhelmed. How would they even fight, anyway? Unless the command center knew something everyone else didn't, there was no way to fight against the monsters that had appeared. Unconsciously, the man turned around and headed toward the hallway again, even as he tried to figure out how any of this made sense at all. "Where are you going?" Lucia's worried voice broke through the din of Ryan's thoughts, and prompted him to look up. His sister was supporting that friend of hers still, but was giving Ryan a piercing look. "You aren't planning on going on that mission, right? Those things aren't to be trifled with; especially not now." I know that. . . I know that. . . just from what everyone says that is true. . . but I can't just stay here. . . Ryan looked at Lucia, and closed his eyes. "... I'm just going to find out what they're even doing. This doesn't make sense so soon, so I feel like we need info." As he opened his eyes, the man noticed that Lucia still blocked the door with a frown. He knew this was a bad idea. But sometimes bad ideas were the necessities to making things good. -==IC: Chloe==- "That might be the bes-" Chloe began to say, but then stopped herself mid-sentence. Fragments of memories flashed to the forefront, and the girl's eyes widened in realization. She wasn't sure how much this would work, especially given what she recalled from what the man in question had said prior to leaving for Two Island, but. . . "I know someone." Chloe finally said, the first hint of a smile appearing on her face since the talk about strategy had started. She began to type out a message on her Pokegear as she gathered her thoughts. "I don't know if he can actually help in this case, from the sounds of it things had been strained the last time we talked, but Kyle Eston might be who we need to talk to. His father's someone high ranking, and might be able to get us to see Ford. I think some of the group I was with in Unova knew him too, but I wasn't actually around a lot when he was with us, so I don't really know him, but he could help. I just hope that things are okay there, and that he could help." The girl continued to talk for a little longer, as she finished a message to Kyle asking where he was currently, and summarizing the fact that her and a few others figured they needed to talk to Ford. Finally Chloe took a break and glanced back at the others. "I think that I might be able to help in another way too. It's a bit less up in the air, but I also don't actually have the messaging info for them anymore, so we'd have to find them ourselves. But last year I found two famous trainers who both know Red, and they might be able to put in a good word too. I can't guarantee they'll actually listen, but they might be helpful to our cause anyway. Do you think-" As the girl was about to ramble on some more, she heard a beeping from her Pokegear, and quickly checked it in the hopes that it was a reply from Kyle. The actual message was much more different. "They... they're gathering volunteers for some sort of mission with a 'missing' target... could that be those things from the egg?" Chloe frowned uncertainly as she looked up from the device. "Have they found out things from Ford, do you think? Or..." She didn't want to finish that sentence. "I think we need to decide on a plan as soon as we can..." -==IC: Ray==- As the two walked toward the meeting place, the television screens on the walls that normally would showcase something entirely different lit up and let out a loud beeping. Ray and Colette both looked up in confusion, as the latter's focus was broken and the Aura sphere dissipated into the air. The orange haired Separatist's brow furrowed, as he read the text out loud. "What do they think they can accomplish here? Evan just finished saying that they have no info. Why...?" Ray grit his teeth as he looked back to Colette. The girl had frozen up, and the man wondered if it was due to their last encounter with the monsters. No matter what, however, they needed to do something. Ray patted the girl's shoulder again, which seemed to bring her back to reality as she glanced up at him curiously. "Come on, no use worrying about this yet, let's go find out what Evan wants." -==IC: Colette==- Colette followed behind Ray slowly after the revelation of the message. Something bothered her deeply about it, and she couldn't quite place what. She wanted to help, but yet. . . the thought of fighting those things. . . The girl shuddered as she remembered how powerless everyone had been against the Clown before their powers had been lost; how she had been thrown through the air like a ragdoll. With a grimace, she recalled the pain, and reached up to her shoulder instinctively. Colette bit her lip despite her thoughts, however, and generated another Aura sphere in her palm. If the last try had been at all her imagination, this second one was absolute proof that her powers were back. But even that troubled her for some reason. She couldn't tell why it wasn't a total relief, but didn't think that it was connected to her fears about fighting. The aura wielder glanced up at Ray, who led the way without any sign that he was scared. No - that wasn't true. Colette looked down at the man's hands and noticed they were shaking. The fact that he had managed to hide his fear otherwise seemed impressive to the girl, but she wondered how she had missed it before. Amidst her silence, Colette wondered about her friends, about Zoe. Where were they right now? What did Richard and Claus think of all this? When did I actually start counting them as friends. . .? The girl bit her lip, and looked up to the ceiling. What was bothering her so much? Was it somehow the fact that her powers were back. . .? The aura wielder was jolted from her thoughts as she noticed the two they were there to meet... and someone behind them? -==IC: Jenny==- "Hello!" Jenny said in greeting as Ray and Colette approached. However, she quickly noticed that both of them were confused. "You got the heads up, right?" At the resulting nod, the redhead was simply even more confused at the looks the two were giving. "Then what's up? You seem confused." "... Why do you have a woman trailing you?" Ray asked pointedly, as Jenny blinked. The girl looked behind herself and promptly let out a yelp of surprise as she finally noticed that Amanda was present. She looked between Amanda and Evan in stunned silence, wondering just how long the other girl had been there, and how no-one had managed to notice her until just now. Not feeling that mattered, Jenny shook her head. "I take it you've heard about the recent announcement?" The redhead asked, and both of the newcomers nodded. "I don't know what their plan is, but whatever it is, it sounds like it was done without any consultation. I think we need to figure out just what is going on before we can actually deal with this situation. If we can find a way to somehow get Ford in on this... then whatever the plan is might just work out better. But, first we need people to help speak up. I don't know if you two know anyone, but if you can at least spread the word, then that might work better... And if we can get an idea what this plan is about, then maybe we can get something working if we run out of time." "Got it." Ray nodded, as he pulled out his Pokegear quickly. "Maybe if I type quick enough, I can get word out to everyone we know. I'll go try and find out what's going on too - that notice said it was from Central Communications, right? If I can find that, I'll go pay a visit." Jenny smiled at the plan and nodded in response. She paused as she noticed that Colette seemed out of things, though. With a slight frown, she glanced over at Evan. "Think you can handle this for a bit?" The redhead asked quietly, as she glanced back to Colette in concern. -==IC: Yugo==- "I'm sure we can find a way out." Yugo said as he kept his hands behind his head. "I mean, how big could the forest be? We're obviously on a path, so it's gotta lead out sometime, right?" He paused, as he considered that. "Hopefully not back the way we came, though." He waved his hand dismissively with a smile, though. "If we keep pushing forward, we'll be fine. I can send Airazor to scout if needed, though, but I'm sure we won't get that lost."
  13. That seemed pretty cool, honestly, and I'm very intrigued about Brynja's powers! =O But that honestly got me interested in future things, so I'll definitely keep an eye out!
  14. -==IC: Chloe==- "If they're top security, then I kind of doubt that I'd have clearance either. . . it might be worth a shot, but we also should keep our expectations in check." Chloe wondered if Luke was a bit too optimistic about the chances there, but kept that to herself. "I think it's a good idea, but I feel like we might need someone else, who's higher up the chain."
  15. -==IC: Colette==- Colette thought over what her dad said, as she kept her eyes closed. One step at a time... She focused on repeating those words over and over in her head. She didn't get the answer she was looking for, but this was a reminder that she needed to take a deep breath before anything further. The aura wielder took a step back as she opened her eyes, a small spark seeming to have been lit behind them. "That makes sense..." She slowly nodded, as she continued to think about everything. "Thank you... I think I need to do the rest on my own." Colette gave the smallest hint of a smile, and then picked up the sandwich again to eat as she headed toward the door. She slipped her shoes on as she opened the door, and glanced back toward her dad. It wasn't much at all, but... she knew she needed to talk to someone else, that her dad had helped all that he could. She was scared about what might happen now, especially since she still didn't know most of the people gathered here. But she needed to take this first step. The girl hesitantly bit her lip as she stepped outside, and then began her run toward the bus stop. ---- Half an hour later, Colette stepped off the bus in front of the Alamo. Something felt different about the atmosphere around the building, but she couldn't waste time worrying about that. The girl quickly entered the building, and walked forward as if she had a purpose. She didn't know where anyone was, but figured that she could just run into someone, anyone that she knew, no matter how low the chances of that were. Colette scrolled through the very small list of contacts on her Holo Caster and frowned. "I'll need to fix that if I find anyone..." The girl mumbled to herself, as she put the device away and looked up. Colette paused with a blink, as there was no way that she had found someone by total accident. But yet, here was that orange-haired guy she fought nearly a month ago. Uncertainly, the girl approached the man, who seemed to be looking around for something, or perhaps someone. "Hello there, you're that guy... um... the sleepy guy." Ray turned around as his face took on a mix of confusion and frustration from getting lost. His expression softened as he somewhat recognized the girl, but... "Who are you again? I'm not good with faces." The Separatist scratched his chin for a long moment, and then something clicked. Ray snapped his fingers with a grin, as he nodded twice. "Right. You're that glowy girl. I forget your name though, so..." The man extended his hand. "My name's Ray." Colette was hesitant after everything that happened, but shyly shook his hand. "Colette. Um. . ." The girl bit her lip once again. She had come this far, and now that she focused, she recognized that the man had been present in that egg thing. "I was trying to find some of the others. I don't know why, but, I just..." "You want answers." The sudden answer got Colette flustered for a brief moment, however she then realized that she probably wasn't the first person Ray had talked to about this. She focused on Ray's face, and noticed that he seemed exhausted too. Colette was about to comment on that when he started to talk again. "You feel like there's nothing you can do, that everything's just hopeless now, right? Or that something could have changed if only something had gone differently. Maybe if you believed things more. But the past can't be changed, and the future is so uncertain, especially now. It's hard to do anything when the world just wants to do its best to crush your spirit." Colette flinched when Ray turned his melancholic orange eyes on her. "I've run into a few people like that since the egg. Not everyone will acknowledge it. My sister came very close to being overwhelmed too, but last I talked to her, she was going to make an effort to try despite everything. I just came from talking with Ellen, and honestly, I think she's been overwhelmed from a long, long while. Even I've been having my own troubles, but..." The man sighed, as he softened his gaze. "What do you feel exactly? Because you need to ask questions first, before you can get answers." Colette stood there quietly, as she absorbed what Ray said. It took so long for any reaction that the orange haired man was about to walk away, but the aura wielder raised her hand. "Wait." She faltered once more for a moment, and then took a deep breath. "I feel conflicted. I feel scared and weak and helpless, just because of how overwhelming this situation is. It's felt like I've constantly been in over my head, despite how much I should have known about this stuff, like everything was just for nothing. I feel like I was reckless, and that if I had done even one thing differently, maybe something would be better. Maybe everyone would have made it out of there. I just don't know. I. . ." The girl hesitated once again, as Ray looked over in understanding. He didn't interrupt this time, as he could tell this was important. "I want to help somehow, any how. I don't want to just sit back and do nothing, but none of us have any power, and I just don't know what to do. I don't even know if I can do anything, because I just feel so overwhelmed. But if I could do something, if I could take even one step toward helping, maybe something could work." Colette took another deep breath, as she felt almost like a weight had shifted. "I don't even know why I'm telling you this..." Ray leaned against the wall, and thought over what the girl had said for a moment. "That's all very understandable. I can't say that this is something I haven't thought about myself. This is a very trying time, and it's showing in a lot of people. But none of that's bad. It's okay to have moments where you just feel scared or uncertain or so. And heck, maybe I could stand to learn some of these things myself. Someone I look up to a lot says that anyone can help in their own way, no matter the situation." He smiled a little, and looked up at the ceiling. "I think that's something that a lot of people need to keep in mind. That and that there's always hope, even if it doesn't seem like it at the moment. Because hope is always present even if it doesn't seem like it. Hope is only shattered when everyone gives up." The Separatist pushed off from the wall and looked back to Colette. "We do have power, glowy girl. I've heard that while our Pokemon are still unable to do anything, we're slowly getting our powers back. One of my friends has been trying to work on her powers recently from what some people were saying, though I haven't been able to face many people yet. I don't know what's up with it, but... I think that you're underestimating the situation we're in currently." Ray smiled further, as Colette looked at him with a mix of skepticism and confusion. "You're wrong about that, I've tested it." The aura wielder shook her head in denial. She had just tested it that morning, right? Nothing would work. "Here, look. See? It's not going to work-" She stopped mid-sentence as she held her hand out and turned it toward the ceiling. Stunned, she gazed upon the small glowing sphere in her palm as it appeared. "Wh-what...? This can't... I...?" Ray smiled, as he placed him hand on the girl's shoulder. "Hope never truly dies. That there is a sign of it for now. Come on, I think I have an idea of someone who might be able to help out more, alright? Only problem is that I don't know where she is, but... I know we'll find her." The man walked off once finished and Colette followed him in stunned silence. She stared blankly at the tiny ball in her hand, unable to believe what she was seeing. Despite that, however, a smile slowly began to appear on her face. -==IC: Jenny==- "Hmm..." Jenny pondered the question for a few moments, and then nodded. "I have no idea! There was that one guy, that aura person who joined up after the rescue became a mission. He was there and seemed like he had some authority. I'm not sure either, but... I think that maybe we could get some people who want to help, even while being uncertain. People like us. People who know that we need all the help we can get." The girl stretched her arms above her head as she continued down the hall, and smiled. "I think first we should try and find our friends. At the very least, spreading the word will be super helpful! Plus, Chloe and the others have powers too, right? That's super pressuring, but I'm pretty sure they'd be people that might be listened to sooner, just because they stand a better chance until we can fight with Pokemon again." Jenny briefly paused as she contemplated just how much she was certain that Pokemon could fight again. "And even still, if we can spread the word enough, then a choir might be able to accomplish what one singer might not."
  16. Journal Entry: Night Four No one died. A night has passed, and no one has died. The Medic is doing their job, protecting others it seems. That’s good. The Beast did not strike this night, only the killers tried to kill. Yet the Medic stopped them...somehow. I don’t want to question them about it. They grew agitated when I asked, and did tell me not to say who they were yet. I do not blame them – it would paint a massive target on their back. They are my only hope of possibly surviving the Beast. If the Medic dies, my only saving grace will vanish. I swear it knows who I am now. I cannot shake the paranoia that it is wholly aware of who I am, and waiting for the perfect moment to strike. I hope I’m wrong. The Beast is clever and dangerous, yet it does not strike every night...yet I am unaware of what it does during the nights it does not strike. I must find it. I must. I know it cannot be xccj, for he is a villager...but I have narrowed the list by process of elimination. There are only three candidates now. Mata-Nui protect me. Keep me from falling to the Beast before I find it. -Scribe There was little comment from the Voice this night, oddly enough... -Manducus -Valendale -ToaD -Jed -FF You have 48 hours to vote.
  17. I've gotten all the targets in, but I've been waiting on someone for something. It was actually a fast round other than that. =P
  18. -==IC: Jenny==- Jenny nodded. "Count me in! Who do you think might help out specifically?" The girl thought for a moment. "I mean, technically everyone might help out, but I wonder if some will be more helpful to the cause than others... Like, any voice helps, I'm sure, but do you think some voices might ring louder? Either way, this is definitely a needed thing, hmm..." The Plasma agent put her hands behind her head, and began to walk forward. "First, though, we should eat something."
  19. -==IC: Jenny==- Jenny let out a laugh at the reaction that Evan had, which only made her grin go wider. This was a sight that she had missed in the past few days, and the girl thought that it was a very needed thing for the both of them. "So, you called?" She asked with an amused tone to her voice. "What's up? Is it related to that Plasma person who keeps texting me about this, that, and everything?"
  20. -==IC: Jenny==- Jenny paused as she turned around a corner, her C-Gear vibrating against her hip. With a quick glance, she checked the contents of the message with a smile, an then looked up. Near the end of the hallway was the sender of the message. Oh, I'm going to have fun with this. The girl thought as her smiled temporarily took on a twinge of mischievousness. She began to quickly walk toward Evan with a wide smile, as she took a deep breath. "HELLO, TIERRA!" Jenny called out in her best sort of commanding voice, as she quickly approached from behind, not letting her confident smile faltered. "I am here!"
  21. -==IC: Chloe==- As the rest of the group continued to walk, Chloe glanced back at the older man present. From the expression on his face, he looked as if he only half wanted to be there at the moment. Given that she didn't know anyone but the already-distracted Ryan and Lucia, the psychic girl slowed her pace down, and looked over at Ethan once they were closer. "Hi, um, what are your thoughts on the situation from the egg? Um, I just wanted to ask since you kept getting interrupted earlier, and thought you might have some ideas on how we should tackle this maybe. . .?" The girl scratched the back of her head for a moment, feeling a little out of the loop in general at the moment, and wondering if she had misconstrued things.
  22. Not their fault. Someone put a Skull in their way.
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