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Blog Comments posted by Grantaire

  1. Well that stinks.

    Actually it kind of reminds me of the time my mom fell down the stairs.

    Though all I had to put up with was retrieving my dad from their room.

    All in all, I think you have it rougher than I did.

    Hope your mom gets better!

    *Swipes a brownie*

    Chocolate is the answer t everything.

    BTW, I just looked at The Keeps defenses and where the heck did you get six transformers?


    She robbed me!


    Or not :P

  2. Forget your Ninja Swords and Fencing Foils, though those are easy enough to use. Give me a good old handy Longsword, and i'll take a few of you with me :P


    Or a bow, bows are nice.... if i coudl just find a proper bow and somewhere to practice.

    Hah; as pointed out in Deadliest Warrior, ninja's were masters of ambush. I wouldn't simply stand out in the middle of a field in duel. Dueling is overrated. I'd sneak from the shadows and slit you and Xom's neck before anyone was the wiser.




    No, no. We're talking about weapons, not skills :P


    You were talking about a ninja blade, not a ninja...




    *Shoots you while you're busy ambushing Xom and Ki*


    I prefer a long range weapon over a melee weapon any day :P


  3. Oh yeah!


    *Cracks knuckles*


    1. What is my life's philosophy?

    Dear Agony - Breaking Benjamin (O.o)


    2. What will my last words be?

    Wrapped in your arms - Fireflight (Hm..)


    3. How am I feeling today?

    Lonely Nation - Switchfoot (Um)


    4. What is my theme song?

    Never Surrender - Skillet (How true)


    5. What song will be played at my wedding?

    Hopeless - Breaking Benjamin ( definitely a big O.o)


    6. What song will be played at my funeral?

    The Older I get - Skillet (Okay...)


    7. How will I be remembered?

    Gone Forever - Three days Grace (That's not good.... I feel so much better, now that you're gone forever)


    8. What is some good advice for me?

    Cry for help - Shinedown (This really isn't good)


    9. What is my life's dream?

    Lights out - Breaking Benjamin (That can't be good)


    10. What's my kind of lady/man?

    It's all over - Three Days grace (Uh-Oh)


    11. How do people see me?

    Over and over - Three Days grace (I didn't know I was that repetitive)


    12. How would I describe this page?

    The Good left undone - Rise Against


    13. How would I describe my best friend?

    Fire it Up - Thousand Foot Crutch (So not true...)


    14. What's in store for this week?

    Dirty Little secret - Pillar (Do I want to know what this means)


    15. How would I describe my parents?

    Outta Control - Thousand Crutch (Um)


    16. If I had one wish, what would I wish for?

    Animal I have become - Three Days Grace


    17. What do my friends think of me?

    Sound of Madness - Shinedown (That isn't good.)


    18. What is said about me behind my back?

    What a Shame - Shinedown (Oh man. I really don't wanna know)


    19. What do I think of this questionnaire?

    It's Not me it's you - Skillet (Okay....)

  4. I got some major weird ones (I never knew that my friends think I'm a monster)


    1. What is my life's philosophy?

    Anthem of the Angels - Breaking Benjamin (O.o)


    2. What will my last words be?

    Dear Agony - Breaking Benjamin


    3. How am I feeling today?

    Goin' Down - Three Days Grace


    4. What is my theme song?

    Second chance - Shinedown


    5. What song will be played at my wedding?

    Legacy - Kutless


    6. What song will be played at my funeral?

    Smile - Kutless (O.o)


    7. How will I be remembered?

    Falling into Black - Skillet


    8. What is some good advice for me?

    Dead inside - Skillet


    9. What is my life's dream?

    Crawl - Breaking Benjamin


    10. What's my kind of lady/man?

    Bully - Three Days Grace


    11. How do people see me?

    Believe - Skillet


    12. How would I describe this page?

    Cry for Help - Shinedown


    13. How would I describe my best friend?

    Somewhere in the sky - Kutless


    14. What's in store for this week?

    Lights out - Breaking Benjamin


    15. How would I describe my parents?

    Sometimes - Skillet (O.o O.o)


    16. If I had one wish, what would I wish for?

    What Lies beneath - Breaking Benjamin


    17. What do my friends think of me?

    Monster - Skillet (Uh-oh. This can't be good)


    18. What is said about me behind my back?

    Beyond the Surface - Kutless


    19. What do I think of this questionnaire?

    If you only Knew - Shinedown

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