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Status Updates posted by Tradakk

  1. ...

    Puddleglum. =D

  2. 'beter' typo >.

    I really dislike typos...

  3. 'Ello there, Cap'n Tradakky here of th' Zyglakky Ghost Robot Space Pirates. We've come ta' rekwisishun all yer' plastic fikus's n' cat litt'r. Failure t'comply will result in a full-out attack on the said profile of one mista' "Air Spirit Lewah". You have three moon-cycles ta' respond. Hav' a nice day!

  4. 'Member the Cg'd self portrait you did about a year ago? It's my wallpaper now. :D

    Oh, and I set the background to match the top blue you used, so the picture background fades into the overall background (it's centered on the desktop, so there's a background color).

    Yeah, it's awesome. You should try it!

  5. 'Twas as display board, as I recall.

  6. "...and Tiragath" stole your idea for a MOC for BBC 48! Hes says he had an Electric Chair MOC just 'sitting around'.

    I DON'T BELIEVE HIM! Since when do people have MOCs just 'lying around'? Something fishy going on...

  7. "Death awaits you all :)"


  8. "dot comm!"


    Oh, and Bitil?

    "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage."

    O NOES

  9. "Swertyuiop"

    ^ Now THAT is going in my signature.

  10. "Swertyuiop"

    ^THAT is going directly into my signature.

  11. "thsi isnt a link lol"


  12. (continues from last comment)

    ay. Feel free to post in my comments if you need any help.

    See you, and I'll be watching ;).


  13. (Here's the part where I pretend I didn't say anything and deny any proof of involvement ;D)




    I... don't know what you're talking about! :P

  14. [brutalreviews]

  15. @ current musical obsession

  16. @ASL: >.

    Hope you don't lose proto for that.

    @Shoq: U KALLIN ME WEERD!!?!??!1/? >:o

  17. @Necro: Hmm... *Hugs*

  18. @Plue: Umm... six? ^^

  19. @Republic Commando:


  20. @Velox: Have you SEEN his average posts per day count? O_o

  21. *****

    'Cuz ur awesum.

  22. *~Bitil~ just understands*


    Nice statement, btw. Look at mine and ~Bitil~'s.


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