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Blog Comments posted by JINZONINGEN 73

  1. I played the European Genesis one on hard. I only got one purple guy... a big one lol.


    I was thinking maybe it'd give me a super hard mode, but it was the same one. :rolleyes:


    Here's an extremely rough gif, made of the frames I captured. (Missed Cats escaping, blobby thing winking..)




    Classic games... what silly endings they had at times.

  2. Hmm... I played it in the arcade, never getting ALL that far. (It was at an arcade in Times Square... had to catch my bus : p ).


    I went through the whole internet fad, seeing some form of ALL YOUR BASE each year since 1999.


    And yet I don't think I ever played it start to finish.


    I'm... going to go do that now. ^_^


    EDIT: Oh, come on! It ends with your normal, ship all beat to heck space shooter type ending, followed by getting picked up... but then some pufferfish alien comes out, winks at you, then you have to play the whole game AGAIN even though you just beat it on hard?!?


    Talk about an R*Type kinda' ending...


    Is there a "real" ending? I wonder if I got this one because I didn't get that escape pod from the last boss before it got away...

  3. >__<


    Never... if you want to be a staffer...


    ...ever even TALK about possibly becoming staff...


    On many sites I go to, as well as this one, if things are still the same, a person talking of staffage is instantly put on a "do not promote" list.


    Just sayin'... I'd end it here if you were truly interested.


    EDIT: don't let that stop you from acting as one who would possibly be considered as staff. There's exceptions to everything.

  4. And I could say there's someone controlling what happens on the Internet, that place where you supposedly get unbiased news.

    Absolutely I'd say there is. However junk / fake news mixed in with stuff that's large, yet can not be stopped.


    If you wanted a certain gumball because it was one of those yummy ones with Nerds candy inside, a good way for someone to trip you up from getting it would be to toss a bunch of identical looking but hollow ones onto...


    ...y'know what?


    I'm way too tired to make ANY freaking sense, humorously or otherwise.


    G'night. lol

  5. Now I'm scared. Are 360's cursed or something? I don't wanna get one if a ghoul is gonna jump out and scare me everytime I turn it on. :)




    I thought it was only the original XBoxes.

    But wow, there's worse things possessing the 360s?




    As for Flickr... hmmm.


    You posted pics to what you thought was female but it turned out to be a dude that sits next to you in school.


    (Hey, when in doubt, make it up.)



  6. Well wait, how strong are they?

    If they were to combine their physical abilities, could they really overpower you if you just obtained the funds (which I understand is yours to begin with) and walked out the door to go shopping?


    Or are they blackmailing you somehow?


    Remember, you've got the chemically explosive fire of youth on your side.

  7. The other thing that murders my fun is you can't stick 1x1 discs in the outermost hole anymore to obtain color uniformity in covering up the socket hole.




    Oh well, at least you can still buy the old, good ball sockets on that one site that lets you buy parts that fans have parted out from sets.

  8. Is it me, or do his gears not run in a circular pattern?


    It looks like they're wobbling on the axis.


    (Also looks like he's been drinking milk.) :P


    EDIT: Yup, I'm right... Frame #7, the gears jump upwards.


    EDIT: In frame #9, the gears get all fat around the edges... and possibly moving off the axis and out to the sides, cutting off a pixel or two on the edges okwhomadethis?

  9. I don't know why, but I just NEVER use photoshop or even jasc art programs.


    I ONLY use:

    --MS Paint (it's just so QUICK)

    --jasc animationshop (strictly for quick, basic functions of gif making)

    --Alam DV2 (some really broken-feeling program, but lighting and lightsaber effects are quick and easy to use... though I end up needing to print screen and drop into paint, as I said... the program feels "broken").


    I think I'll try this GIMP out that everyone's gossiping about all across the net.

    I imagine it's system resources usage is probably lower than using full-blown photoshop.

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