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Blog Comments posted by JINZONINGEN 73

  1. I'll give it a listen in a moment, but the word "devastating" reminded me to look for an old house / jungle track... to which I know not it's name.


    It's a chick (black, I think) talking about how a relationship with no love can be devastating.

    Heart it like 11 years ago... I should probably just run it through a search along with the word "lyrics" to find it.



    Dang... what were the lyrics...


    no peace, no trust, no love JUST.... devastating...


    Well, I looked up the real lyrics now, and I have to say I feel let down just a bit.


    "Global warming." Pfft. Don't they know that theory's been shot down by real science ages ago?


    Doesn't matter that global warming's fake.

    A LOT of governments and corporations are getting control of LOTS of people through taxes, donations, zoning laws, being able to put smaller competitors out of business with "environmental" standards laws...

    ...just the other day I'm sitting in the laundromat listening to the ONLY station the radio there got... boom... 10 minutes of a global warming ad pouring on the guilt sauce and asking for money.


    And you know... no matter how obvious the truth of the matter is, I realized ALL I can do is spread the word around mouth to mouth. That's it.


    The whole theory might have been dis-proven, but we're still going to be affected by it thanks to greedy people. >__<




    Charles Schillings - No Communication, No Love (Devastating)


    It's on a 4-CD set called "Dancefloor Anthology".


    EDIT: Ah, listened to Oceanlab's song you mentioned. Yeah, that's a particularly warm and gooey part of the playlist. I love stuff like that, phoney environmental nonsense aside.


    And that's terrible. Replacing icecaps with icicles would have made it a timeless kind of awesome, not a dated act of ignorance.


    Still, BEAUTIFUL.

  2. It's good at teaching me one thing though... to not dwell on mistakes.

    You have to INSTANTLY get over the fact you just botched something major in the song and move on even faster INSTANTLY to the next thing or that'll compound your screwup.


    Like you said though, not the right music.

    I noticed on songs I thought were "ok" I got scores in the 90's, but on ones that I was indifferent to or thought blew, low 80's.


    If I could choose the music... wow.


    One thing too... I'm surprised the character graphics are so rough and ugly.

    I beat "Ragdoll", then looked up at Aerosmith in close-up... HIDEOUS.

    I'm guessing the game's like 2007 or 2008, but MAN, they should've looked WAY better for the era videogames are in now. Hideous polygon parameters, hideous, illogical facial movement, hideous shading...

  3. Oddly enough, I watched that series last week or so.


    The site that hosts it I hadn't visited in MOOOOONTHS (more like years?)... I was surprised to find there was more than 1 episode, much less 4.


    Brilliant stuff, though the message seemed a little outdated to me, at least in this part of the world. Interracial love? So? But it's probably a big deal elsewhere I suppose.




    I love the animation. It's the kind of thing you watch more than once in a sitting just to analyze what over-exaggerated movement technique was used to make you do a triple-take.

  4. Hahahaha! Very good, very good!

    I'm proud of you.

    Using the subconscious mind, the part of you that knows EVERYTHING, should you just tell it to grant you access!


    Don't stop here, no way. You have NO idea the things you can actually do.

    You have NO idea what your subconscious you knows about the world that you don't.


    First step, tell it to ease you in to not freaking at things you might find too scary or unorthodox to at first believe.

    Later, ask it to let you see the things that people don't normally see... things there but juuust out of your phase of perception.


    Go with this.

  5. Yeah actually, lol.

    Despite the title, it had a survey to reply to inside. :lol:


    The truly sad things are:


    1. I'm not even freaking done.

    2. More of those godawful sockets broke this morning when I was checking out the ones I hadn't touched yet.

    3. I hear they cut you off if you do too many in a certain time frame.

    4. I KNOW that some of the replacements will break, requiring replacement replacements.

    5. I feel guilty doing this, even though I so totally paid for these sets and therefore shouldn't.


    These black "new" sockets... not only do they break, but at the cracked points, when you move the ball and the gap grinds together... it feels almost "gritty", like a nails on chalkboard kind of feeling, or scraping two stones together.


    Weird materials the 2008 Mistika line used...

  6. And in regards to GIANT humanoid, I have completed a satisfactory, high-weight "ankle".


    Now onto trying to think up a knee configuration.

    I'll probably be stuck there a few days.


    I'm going to go all-out on this thing. Maybe I'll have the SRO unit I made awhile ago fit into a slightly larger unit I'm working on now fit into yet another moc (like a vehicle) which would then snap into the largest one's chest... or something.

    Kind of like the old Godaikin "Guardian", but with joints that aren't sucky silly.


    And yes, lime and black all the way, baybee.

  7. Rockoh for TEN?!?


    Wow... I hope that goes on in more Walmarts. The ones I went to used to be like that, getting Manas and Muaka/Kanera around that price... but then Lego and Walmart got together, realizing people (like me) just waited until things were heavily discounted to buy.


    The time of cheap sets went away.

    Well, you are lucky to have a Walmart like that. If I were in your position, I'd buy as many cheapo sets as I could, then part them out to sell in bits on a site that does such a thing.

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