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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by JINZONINGEN 73

  1. I used to think "family" was a decent word.

    Over the years, numerous times, I realized they're more or less just strangers you force yourself or get forced to see.

    I found the majority of this vast family to be ugly.

    Hypocrites, liars, self serving creeps, firestarters.


    Don't worry about these so-called people referred to as your "family".


    Some day you'll grow up and have the option to just go off and do your own thing. Maybe even start your own family, laying down sanity not present in the current one that'll last for generations.


    Worry about "you" first. Find out who and what you are, what you want, what you think is acceptable or unacceptable for a "human being" to be.

    Then... THEN you can, if you want, go back to your family... if these strangers happen to fit in to your view of the world.


    It sounds a bit dark maybe what I'm saying, but it's not. It's honesty.

    And WAY less stressful around holidays, let me tell you. smile.gif

  2. Plus, the show is aimed at a slightly younger audience, no way he's going to go that emo fast, or at all (in the show, that is).


    I have hope.

    I mean what, we got dudes sacrificing themselves by blowing up bombs, mild cursing and one or two, up-close, lightsaber-through-my-chest tricks.


    On a bad note though, they're REMOVING said cursing for future airings.



    Even worse, see how fishboy died?

    It was like in the one Bionicle movie where Tahu gets "hurt"... but offscreen so you don't see it happen.


    The Mon calamari was fighting Grievous and I was like, "Uh oh! Here we GO!" ...but then the camera got all jumpy and stupid and I was like, "No way! No they better not!"


    ...but they did. After a confusing second you know what happened, but it was SO bad and obviously done.


    I actually had to rewind it once just to make sure I was right on what I thought I just saw.



  3. and seeing a camera pan on to the SAME group of drunks over and over is really, REALLY BORING.


    To be fair, they panned over to these same two drunk chicks kissing.

    Many, many times.


    Which is funny if you think about it.


    Out of ALL the 9poopbillion people they could have zoomed in on, SOMEONE kept on going back to them.


    Likewise, since it was over the course of many minutes, it means they were doing this quite a good long while.


    Even better, it was televised into millions of households on tv and websites.

    And that's awesome.

  4. Last time something like this happened, I am not joking in any way, a neighborhood girl was over looking at our puppies.

    We noticed she had a "way" with animals and the more she talked about how she was with them, it seemed she had a "thing" with them.


    Long story short, she was told to concentrate real hard about "communicating" with them.


    10 seconds of silence later, we all jumped up to BAMMO!


    ...a bird, for no reason, slammed into the glass of the door trying to get in, getting back up and fluttering there just 3 feet away from her.


    (scared the weebles outta' me...)

  5. They're taking their own sweet time in the Clone Wars series as to giving Anakin REASONS to go bad.


    Surely... surely Ahsoka dying in a dishonorable way at the end of the series will be used as a thing to darken up his outlook on life.


    Something like the Jedi council telling him something stupid and fruitless had more priority over saving her life somewhere... or maybe she gets set up by Emperor Palpitations to look like she screwed Anakin over or something.


    She's like, gotta' be dying. I'd probably be whizzed if she wasn't, actually lol.


    So far, everything's all happy fluffy gumdrops and silly droids and pink unicorns with Anakin. Where's all the things going on to slowly shape him into something more pessimistic... where's the events that get him kookoo enough to start chopping kids up? They're going way too slow with him.

  6. You love New York when it's HOT?


    Without going into vulgar detail, I really can only ask HOW?!?


    ::is sad most of the arcades are now gone::

    ::is sad Giuliani helped DISNEY in, pushing out an anime store::


    ::wonders if The Antique Boutique is still in business::

    ::wonders if The Last Woundup is still in business::

    ::wonders if Books Nippon is still in business::

    ::wonders if Forbidden Planet is still in business::


    Man... I need to get back there next year.


    And by "next" year I mean:

    Also if I won the lottery this is what I would buy.


    * An awesome apartment in NYC (lolEarth)


    There's a nice Penthouse I've been looking at... top 3 floors... 70 million it was, last time I looked...

  7. I'm guessing they're demons, because it was believed at one point that demons were inside each kernel and got angry when you burned them... not sure WHY there's a yin yang... I thought that it was the American indians who believed this... ... ...unless it's depicting the duality of a hard, poopy ol' kernel versus it's white, fluffy, yummy side?



    In any case, I won't be eatin' popcorn for MONTHS.




    ::gets out bag of sweet kettle corn::

  8. Yeah, but they made some sense (in an unfortunate way) back then.


    I need land. I TAKE land.

    I believe this. They don't so I'll MAKE them.

    Etc, etc...



    Dark, but it was simple. Now wars are crafted... like a fashion designer coming out with a new line or a fast food joint slapping an extra ingredient on a burger and calling it something new.

    Just pay attention to who is to profit (as in monetarily, in cash) from a "war" and you probably have a good idea who created it. If one place funds BOTH sides, hey... you may be on to something.


    Ray from Illinois predicts the rise of the North American Union

    Actually, there are groups, run by very influential people, who have openly pushed for this and it's common currency.


    This guy says that a New World Order will officially be announced

    That guy's over a decade and a half late. The US president at the time mentioned it was a goal, among others in charge.


    she thinks food-poisoning will run rampant in 2009 due to genetic engineering. (This was explained to her by a psychic she consulted.)


    Codex Alimentarius

    The idea that food will be engineered to be less vitamin-rich... on purpose.


    But look how that's being presented. First the radio is telling you of something that may or may not yet be happening... but the story comes packaged with a "kooky" message attached, as if the only type of mental image you should think of if you hear this mentioned in the future is that of an old, wacky lady who listens to psychics.


    Oh well, no more posts from me. Don't want your topic to get canned. :P

  9. A gigantic box of green tea.

    Like, 200 teabags worth of Bigelow green tea.


    I was never into tea but this year... whammo. Don't know why.


    A cup of it is nice with 1 packet of that Stevia in the Raw sugar substitute. (No sugar OR aspartame!)

    Dig the teas that have fruit to them, like red tea with strawberry/some other fruit flavor.


    Though my Dad, who has the compulsive need to deencrypt every DVD we own says that it's got the most insanely paranoid and difficult to crack protection on it that he's ever seen.

    Hee... others have not had this problem however. ;)


    I don't think that's BZP appropriate. I don't mind personally, but...

    Dude, you are SO breaking rule J73-000 of the internet right now.

    Granted, I just made the rule up, but you're breakin' it.

  10. predicting the Rise of the South on April 24th 2009.


    John Titor predicted that... no, no he said it happened while he was in the future lol... but he said that was going to happen a few years ago.

    It didn't.

    Besides, people are too weak-minded these days to even know WHO to rebel against, much less start a full-blown revolution.


    "Obama is related to Bush and Cheney" and that the US is run by a ruling bloodline as a part of a secret society.

    The bloodline thing is a tired piece of "evidence" that's dragged out.

    It is however naive to think that in this late year of 2009, with all these brilliant minds that occupy the earth now, that some of the more twisted ones haven't gotten together and figured out how to play people down to a science. "War" is a most profitable business... and we're having more than ever, all across the globe. It's not an accident.



  11. 5. You people need more independence. Seriously, in nearly every chat of all-BZPers, there's always been a leader. Be yourself, don't listen to others on your choices.

    Well, there's always followers everywhere you go, but it's entirely possible some of the followers you mention are leaders elsewhere... merely following a fad on some blog on some toy site just for the heck of it. Like playing tag kind of. Stupid fun.


    What's more interesting? A bunch of musicians doing their own thing stepping over each other or a bunch getting together to do something possibly awesome that makes others look their way?





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