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Blog Comments posted by JINZONINGEN 73

  1. Funny. I was actually looking for a BZ-safe site that hosted "Twilight' just the other day.


    But I got sidetracked and forgot lol.


    That's how I first found out what ELO was... I was at a comic/anime convention and a dealer had bootlegged anime. He popped in a tape called "Daicon IV".


    Apparently, it was what the creators of Gainax made to show off their skill... it was a short film with a bunny girl flying around on a sword while fighting every japanese and american superhero / cartoon character popular up until that point.


    And the music, was Twilight, by ELO. Awesome.


    So yeah, search yourself up the video Daicon IV. : p

  2. What Arpy and wrack said.


    Man... I HAVE to assume you haven't heard or seen video footage of him in "real" life.

    He's astoundingly KOOKOO.


    No. Not eccentric. KOOKOO for COCOAPUFFS.


    Scientology is, when you read up on it from sources who managed to escape it, is scary, scary stuff.

    Like Tom, no. Not merely "eccentric".


    Go to video sites and search up "Oprah couch".

    Look up the videos of Jason Beghe... an actor who managed to get out after being burned tens of MILLIONS of dollars.


    I hope the mods don't consider the stuff in this topic religion bashing... Scientology has paid off politicians to be recognized as a "religion" in the USA, even though they:


    --require you to pay much money to purchase goods that are required for enlightenment.

    --make people sign BILLION-year contracts to work for the church. For free.

    --are not supposed to be a business so therefore are under tax-free status... but you can get sued for distributing their TEACHINGS? wut lol

    --harass and engage in illegal activities under the "fair game" doctrine of the church, whenever they paint someone an "enemy". (Oh, in more recent years they've tried to play it down, but many people are still driven to lives of fear because of it.)


    And here's the worst thing probably... they do NOT recognize certain mental problems.

    L. Ron Hubbard, their founder, though into substances himself, hated shrinks and hated psychiatric medication.


    For instance, the scientologists refuse to recognize autism as "real"...


    And what did John Travolta's son Jett recently die from?


    ... ... ...agh, I could be here all day. Just search up "Travolta Jett Autism brother".

    Things should become real clear, real fast, even if you've never been exposed to the horror show memes of the internet regarding scientology's crimes.


    Getting back to Tom Cruise... he's Mr. Scientology.

    That's why he's hated.

    He's their spokesman and due to his celebrity has brought many new followers in.


    Likewise, he is at a "level" of their teachings right now (called a state of "OT7") where he believes he can fly. You heard me right. The man has spent SO much money on this stuff that he believes (well, has to believe after blowing that much cash) that he can fly. Without a plane.


    Also, at the level he is in his ...eh ...training ...he believes the people on Earth have little space alien souls in them thanks to an evil tyrant called "Xenu".


    ... ... ...again, I could be here all day. South Park clips would do you a LOT of good on all this, much faster than reading can.

    And if you do watch the South Park take on this, I hate to inform you they didn't make a word of the "official" story up.


    Yes. THAT kookoo.


    Behold the birth of scientology... written by a SCIENCE FICTION WRITER on like a napkin or something:


  3. Giving the subconscious me orders

    The subconscious really is like a machine. It does whatever it's told without question. Which gives it simultaneously the potential for great good and great harm. Or so I've read.

    Never liked reading too much. Bores the BEJEESUS out of me.

    Luckily i came to understand by myself, which is probably the 100% best way.

    Remember though... it might be like a machine, but talking to it as a person is smart. It's you you're talking to. Get along with it.

    Don't just talk to it. When there's no commands running, ask it to tell you what it might like to do too.


    Everyone's two people, really.

    Just two? :sly: C'mon, Jinzo.


    Fair enough, lol. I'm sure one could view things from a nearly infinite amount of layers.

    But this is abstract stuff. One step at a time here.

    You don't just pick up Guitar Hero for the first time and start wailing away on Expert mode.

    The beauty is, you can have a pretty fun time on Easy, Expert mode be ######... or merely gotten to when you can actually go there.


    That "easy" part is one of the major things you're missing on these mental quests of yours lol. ;)




    I was working at a large hardware store. Things were ok, business seemed good.

    Some tall kid whose body language was erratic and "ticky" (not "dangerous", but exaggerated movements and failing in the making eye contact area) seemed to be interested in me somehow. His interest wasn't really about me I don't think... it seemed like he was going through some kind of strange, disturbed mental episode at the moment and I happened to be there at the right place at the right time.


    I think I helped him find some kind of fertilizer he'd been sent out to get.


    Later on, I was at some kind of restaurant and was playing the videogame up front. My old health teacher from High School came in just as something insane happened and I yelled at the game. (lol)

    I did a 180 and said hello to him in a calm voice with a smirk on my face to make humorous light of me gettin' stupid over a game just as someone was looking lol.


    After he left, the jean-jacketed stoner-lookin' kid came in and watched me play the game awhile. He seemed a little tweaky but again, didn't seem violent or anything. He started some small talk about the game (man, I can NOT remember what it was) and he pointed out that the back of the restaurant was where he was going.

    I was like, "What? This place has a backyard?!?"


    Di it. It was a decent-sized lot. There were like 3 or 4 young people there doing really cool stuff. One was tending a garden that was doing really well. One was building an engine to something. One was painting something.

    I saw this abnormally GIANT block of wood next to a chainsaw and other tools, stared at it a moment, then was like, "I SO want to turn that into a giant freakin' head!"


    At that moment I looked up at the kid who brought me there and saw he was talking to my health teacher, who was apparently running the place. He was leaned in close and talking straight into his ear while pointing over at me.

    I think I said, "Hahaha, don't even."


    Yah, it was probably what I thought. The teacher came over, put on his really fake "smiling" face and was like, "Hey, you want to do something with that block of wood there?"

    Since I did AND I thought he was coming over to say I was like a patient or something, I thanked him with, "SURE!"


    I went to work on it and was getting along with the few others there, though the stoner kid seemed REALLY disturbed inside his head, not quite processing reality enough to join in. He eventually walked out and one of them looked over worried and said, "Yeah, that's not good."

    I helped some of the others out with what they were working on... I somehow totally fixed something that one of them had been working on...


    I was having a blast. I still had to get home. Noticing it was getting late, I pointed at whatever it was the stoner kid had worked on with a raised eyebrow, since (whatever the project was) was going nowhere. The chick said, "Yeah... you can't save every one, unfortunately."


    That stopped me a moment to process what it meant when the health teacher popped up and was, again with a fake smile, "So... I guess you can go home. You don't legally HAVE to stay here... but you DO have to come back tomorrow morning."

    I was like, "Come ooooon. I was afraid this was something like THAT."

    He goes, "Something like what?"

    In order to not create a scene that would call the dudes looking over at us "crazy" and so I wasn't doing anything that could be construed as "crazy", I just said, "I guess I have time to come by tomorrow. Can't stay long, but I'll swing by."


    The next day came (after a "scene" with something about a nerdy comic book store. Nothing really relevant to the rest of the dream I don't think... just me having fun somehow getting an opportunity to bash people who read Marvel and DC lol).


    Went back to the place. Intentionally put on my OWN fake smile... only to realize quickly I was having loads of fun again. The day went similar to the last. Actually, I think I'd gone back more than once, like a few days in a row, for the giant wooden face I was carving was looking pretty cool.

    The stoner kid hadn't been showing up though, which made me realize the guy running the place was probably going to be EXTRA "cautious" with his remaining inmates.


    The health teacher arrived and was surveying everyone's little projects, but I had to get up and confront him before too much time passed, before he had a chance to settle down in his office and watch the place like it was just a zoo.


    "Hey, look. There's a problem here. That problem is me." He seemed angry, but kept on surveying.

    The other were looking up at us, then rolling their eyes at me realizing I was right yet he was in denial.

    "Heh heh... don't play the silent stuff on me. You already know what I'm talking about."

    He faked his smile and said, "What ARE we talking about? Tell me about it."


    I said, "No, no, turn off the psychiatrist stuff. Look, you just keep walking, you can't even look me in the eyes.What is this? LOL. How can you do what you supposedly think you're doing if you can't even LOOK at a patient?"

    He didn't like me saying that... probably because I was:

    A. Questioning him.

    B. Mildly putting down the others there.

    C. Doing a better job of communicating.


    He turned around to face me and I got cautious again with my wording so he couldn't have anything to use against me.

    "These people aren't "patients", he said. "They're here... hmm... they're here just to calm down and..."

    I butted in with, "Well, no, no, they're not here to calm down. They're here, I'm guessing, because they have various emotional problems. And there's the problem. I've never had those." (Almost slipped up and said, "I'm not crazy! I don't belong here!" ...which would have been way too cliche'. lol)


    His face changed to the "concerned" look (though it was more the "I'm talking at you, not to you" look) and he goes, "The thing is... sometimes people don't realize right away that coming here is something they needed to do. Maybe, in time, you'll..." I cut him off and got a little more forceful with, "No. No. You need to open your eyes and look straight at me. I... am more normal... than YOU. The kid who suggested to you that I come here? You took HIS word that I should be brought here?"


    "Don't talk about him like that. He's had some issues in his life and..." I cut him off again. "Aaaaaand he's not been here. Aaaaaaand, I don't mean to be mean, he's probably done something terrible to himself because WE HAVEN'T SEEN HIM a few days! This kid... you took consultation from a KID, a kid like THAT, and used what HE told you as the gospel to do what you're doing to ME? Dude, in a way you're worse off than him! You're being lazy by not scouting things out yourself. Then you're putting a happy, normal person here against their..." He cut ME off. "Ah, you don't SOUND very happy right now." I gave him no chance to look like I was "reflecting" on anything he said.

    "You got bored. ... You were messing up with one of the kids. ... You jumped at the first chance to make your own little "Breakfast Club" complete, you just needed the "calm" guy to fit in the keyhole and make the rest of the others "work" right. And what did I just say... the "calm" guy. Calm guy. See that? You failed in that area, so you did something lazy and dragged me here to make up for it, get it now?"


    He kind of shook his head in acknowledgment but was a bit upset and flustered (he wanted to scream, or swing at me lol).


    Unfortunately, I'd also just put down everyone I'd been getting along with.

    I could see he was starting to "reset" from my attack, about to convince himself it didn't just happen so he could keep me there, so I headed it off before he could... and to rectify things with the others.

    "Look, you made an error. You cant hold me here and you won't. But, if you want, I'll still come here every few days to hang out, is that ok? Because really, these guys are fun people. I'm having a blast."


    Woke up.

  4. Sounds like a good club for you. As for cosplaying...heh heh, no. My current opinion on mentioned Animes:


    One Piece: Overrated, Naruto: Pretty Solid but not perfect, Bleach: Need I say more? :P That cutesy girl anime is probably perfect for Wrack, however that sounds horrible.


    I concur. SAY NO TO COSPLAY


    BAH. It can be done right. So right people think you're merely "dressed cool".

  5. Once every month I make folder like "PICS 01.2009" or something, toss all new pics in there and slap'em on the external drive.


    With pics I took myself, I make lazy folders like, "New Folder 01252009".


    Too bad this comp's a piece of junk.. I need to burn all this poop before something crashes.

    Yet again.

  6. The same way I do a lot of other... odd... and useful things. Giving the subconscious me orders to work on in the background while I deal with the normal aspects of life.


    Everyone's two people, really.


    People who never realize that at any time during their life open themselves up to more clever people who've figured it out commanding that subconscious heavily instead. (Advertising, government propaganda, etc...)


    Or worse, people unaware of their subconscious self may themselves give TERRIBLE commands to their subconscious self... orders to consider hideous things as normal, orders to persecute themselves over something they feel guilty about, orders they're superior to another human... you name it.


    Using it, you can create an alarm clock in your head more dependable than a physical one. You can alter your perception to see things you otherwise wouldn't. In the case at hand, I asked for dream recall and got dream recall... as well as "me" jumping in to tell "me" I'm in a dream, and giving the option to me if I want to exit or continue.


    It's limited largely by how creative you are.

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