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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by JINZONINGEN 73

  1. Sounds interesting, because the immediate cures being aimed for happen to be 2 things my wife has bigtime.


    Really, all this stem cell stuff is "cute", but nanites are when this world's going to change in every way possible.


    It won't even be recognizable.


    And a good lot of us won't be recognizable.

  2. Look at this obsession of yours (and yes, I'm literally saying you are obsessed lol) with this chick.

    Do you want to keep on buying Kwon's memorabilia with absolutely no goal set in your head for an "end"?


    You're never going to get to a stopping point.


    And that's terrible. Wasted years and dollars later... nothing much to show for it.


    What to do?


    This woman... do you know what it is that makes her unique enough to devote yourself to her? What are the idiosyncrasies present in her but not in others?

    IS she really that different and better than a girl living nearby?


    You do have one thing going for you, being around the same age, but...


    I dunno'. Don't let too much of your life pass you by on this.

    Set a specific date in your head as to when you should go, "Oh hey... I better move the heck on here!"

    Your ravenous drive for everything that is BoA is probably appreciated on some level, but would she approve of knowing perhaps YEARS of your life could potentially be spent on idolizing just her? If you manage contact, it should really be one of the most important questions you get an answer to from her.


  3. Instead of throwing out prototypes, why doesn't the LEGO Company recycle them? They could take out the relatively common parts and return them to the warehouse, while the special "one-use" parts could be melted down. In my opinion, that would be a more eco-friendly way to go.


    As far as I understand, it's a chemical change that can't be reversed... like pouring a glass of orange juice into your glass of milk.

    You COULD probably use some kooky scientific way of separating them again, maybe some enzyme or something, but good luck with that, it is what it is. : p


    Anyway, in the grand scheme of things, you're really probably only talking about a few dozen "sets" at any given time. There's not much to really recycle.


    And since I'd just read your post, I suggested glow-in-the-dark for a specific piece. The designer really likes the idea, so we're going to test it (it's in a way that hasn't ever been done before). If it makes it through to final model design, you can look at that model (in a year) and say, "They did that because of me."


    The element doesn't have anything to do with balls, though.


    You can't make an all-trans moc because they don't consider trans strong enough as balls (or axles, for that matter), so I considered glow in the dark as the next best thing. : p


    But balls or not, that really is dang awesome to hear. :smeag:

  4. It'd be neat if they could, just for a brief moment, pop out those 2001 torsos in a few unreleased colors. : p


    It's more realistic (and smart) to see a return to the ball sockets of old.


    Speaking of balls... some of those through-axle types cast in glow in the dark plastic would be sick awesome.


    I'm babbling.


    • AS: We do throw them out after a couple of years, since we don’t have a museum or any space.

    • MTJ: Nobody wants them.



  5. I am pleased with the overwhelming lack of TV love.


    As for Mystery Science, they blew 1.5 seconds after Joel left.


    LUCKILY, Joel, the Dr. and Frank all got together again to do live shows called like "Cinema Titanica" or something. I have'em... just haven't gotten around to watching them yet.


  6. All over, online. Nothing a Google search will fail you in.

    But like any electronic equipment, don't just buy the first thing you find. Do a little boring research into product reviews. Don't get a unit because it looks cool either... go for functionality and dependability.


    If you're into the nuclear thing as a form of horror entertainment, like to be "scared", I suggest tracking down an old 80's British movie called "Threads".


    Th eerie thing is how it's an old movie, but current events can be meshed into the start of the movie where everything hits the fan. (News censoring from Middle East, etc etc...)


    These days, I'm finding hundreds of things of a non-nuclear nature far more terrifying than a bomb going off.

    In one case, a bunch of people are erased at once, it blows and life blows afterwards... but from there you know what to do... survive and make the world as better as humanly possible.

    On the other hand, things are done to us day to day that no one blinks at, though we're intentionally being "weakened" on just about every level of our humanity.


    The next few years are going to be interesting.



    Oh, and you might want to spend, oh, A DAY OR TWO watching videos of Chernobyl (Czarnobyl) on a popular video site. I got sucked into watching these a few weeks ago... especially finding interesting vids of a documentary chick riding her bike REAL FAST through certain modern-day areas of Russia so as to avoid getting hit with too many rads. Likewise, not riding behind other vehicles so as to avoid radioactive dust kicking up into her lungs from their tires.


    One thing I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY wish I had pictures of was of this forest immediately after the disaster, in which all the trees, no joke, glowed BRIGHT RED in daylight!

    The Russians bulldozed it all, but wow... that'd be awesome.


    Also, I wonder if there's any truth to the Rusians saying that only 30 (thirty... three-zero) people died during that whole nightmare? lol?

  7. Neat pattern! I'm wondering what the axles end in at the center.


    Wow, that's really cool. Where did you get the pieces? A link to the seller perhaps? I really need pieces of the sort...



    It's a place online you can buy just a brick.

    Its got a forum, so one can't give the link.


  8. Chamomile is good sometimes too. Something soothing about it.


    I'm starting to really like tea, now that I've deprogrammed years of having soda, freaking Koolaid and milk as my staple drinks.

    All I need to do now is get a water filter for the tap to get rid of the rest of the nastiness.

    (This stupid, hick town adds fluoride to the water supply. Do a search if you don't understand why that whizzes me off).

  9. Whenever licorice hits my tongue, I start crying, followed by holding my tongue out of my mouth and running my fingers across it like a mad animal to get it off.


    Same with caraway seeds.

    And that's terrible. Even bread that's not supposed to have any are made so close to the belt that does, it STILL winds up in it!

    It is for this reason I never buy rye bread.



    Now that I think of it... caraway seeds and licorice are pretty close in (DISGUSTING!) flavor.

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