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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by JINZONINGEN 73

  1. Like'em better than pretending ball sockets are somehow hands.


    These are what I THOUGHT we were getting like 6 years ago when I saw early pics of Tahu Nuva. Imagine the letdown when the sets came out and they were just sockets. Uuuuugh.


    Yeah, I'd like to see them in all different shapes and sizes, just like we get with heads, feet, etc etc...

  2. How is it that people like Wrack or Exo can post completely idiotic horse ###### and still get a wealth of replies and attention while I'm over here in my corner, posting the occasional entry that usually shows insight into my life or my works.

    More commercial. Chicks, mecha, anime and gaming.


    Yes, I know I am going over the top here- but it's a rant about an issue that I find works for all Bzp.

    All of anywhere.


    What is it that I have or lack that makes it so nobody around here even does much in the way of talk to me?

    That sentence exactly.


    Like BC said.

    You're co-dependent on the approval of others.

    You don't know who you are yet.


    If the nukes went off tomorrow and I survived somehow while loved ones and EVERYONE else were gone.

    I'd be furious.

    But I'd still be me.


    If I were thrown down a deep pit that took 1000 years to climb out of, I'd still be me by the time I reached the end, not all insane from lack of human contact. I'd still know how to speak english and I'd be extremely interested, good or bad, on what kind of world I was climbing out into.


    You just don't know who you are yet.

    You don't know who you want to be yet.


    And that's ok, you're still young. The dendrites are still kickin' for two or more decades.

    You can still reformat and nobody'll blink at that being weird, for it's what young'uns do.

    You're ALLOWED to branch off in wrong directions for awhile still, so long as they eventually result in a stable one.


    Now, if you were like 50 I'd be worried, but it's not the case. Because then, your brain would have been irreparably wired into a certain configuration from which there is no escape, save for a nervous breakdown. (Which really, is just a MASSIVE, dangerous reformat).


    Suggestion? Hmm...


    Just decide what it is you think a human should be... what you find acceptable behavior, what's unacceptable behavior... what things about people are cool, what is not... how far you think you can extend your emotional resources to people and the world around you before you start severing cords to your own self...


    ...and then make it you.

  3. Well, I suppose they COULD be useful for a large humanoid... like REALLY large...



    Thinking of revisting 2002 and doing something that size again. No, bigger.


    Though Oblivoid can probably keep the title of largest Bionicle (or Lego?) combiner ever. It's a pretty tricky stunt.


    I'm shooting this time for something insane like posability. No, I have NO idea how to do that yet without parts damage.

  4. : (


    I like the fire in you.

    Just don't let it burn yourself out.

    You're taking on something that's done mostly in secret. There's going to be more losses than successes.


    Be mentally prepared for that.


    Likewise, if you ever get to a point where fighting such a thing is a daily affair, be prepared for long-fought successes to be turned into impossibly bitter defeats by judges.


    EDIT: And try to keep things legal if you know what I mean.

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