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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by JINZONINGEN 73

  1. Dude, just use a T-bar with 4 Exo-Force minifig arms, and 1 1x2 modified plate with bar.
  2. Are the treads still brown in that set? It's hard to tell. Oh, and if you do get it, don't walk around town with a tank tread bracelet on... they kind of like disconnect when you least expect it. Mine did, and in mourning, I bought a 3rd one lol.
  3. Pffft, what'm I sayin'?!? Women are way better to look at. Okay, so they're mechanical. Being female leads to possibilities, Soundwave-style. One side could turn into a robot, the other side a condor or jaguar robot. The female form = possibilities! ::slides out of topic upside down on head:: *ZhwhooooooOOOOP!*
  4. 6 and 8, heavy on the 8 lol. #1 was cool, but I'm no fan of those type of mechs... however slick the production was. #6 just looked like more fun to play with, despite it's glaring flaws. And #8... please. Just lay down, it's awesomeness needs not explanation. Props to 9 and 10 for being different, don't ever stop. But yeah, 6 and 8.


    Those 2009's are pretty dang sweet and I know I'll be buying most of them in multiples. As for 2008, I'm not sad I bought any. I still want 2 or 3 more of Gorast though. Maybe one more Bitil or Krika too. (The Toa Mistika heroes can sit on the shelf for all I care though...)
  6. Ah, indeed there is. A bootleg of Galaxy Megatron I saw last year. Looks like someone put pics of him online" http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j216/Zer...on/trans002.jpg http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j216/Zer...on/trans001.jpg The other two, I saw a Hotshot a long time ago, supposedly there's a 4th one, a knockoff of Starscream. Doubtful there's more than that. That kind of thinking will get you... ...no girlfriends, ever.
  7. Yeah, for $1.99 at a last-chance discount outlet lol. It was worth it, just to document that story on the back of the card. I feel sorry for the suckers who paid $6.99.
  8. Meh, who cares? It's like building mocs, just have fun with it and don't put anything out you think is lacking. Take criticism, but ignore ratings completely. If someone has a low score, it's probably from blowy entries. If someone has a high score, they're either staff or attention hounds. 4.0 ...4.4 ...that's all you should really hope for, if you're normal.
  9. I'm guessing that means other people on this site (about toys) also have spotlights (on toys)? If there are, I never saw 'em... just got into this whole blog thing a few weeks ago. Besides, I just wanna' do bootlegs... their documentation is HORRIBLY inadequate, even in this online world. I can't remember the exact name of the place I picked it up... I think it might be Service Merchandise or something? I know before that, like almost a year ago, they were in a gas station.
  10. Well, once again we've moved. That makes this the SIXTH house we've lived in in this town since we came here in 2002. Now back in Jersey, lots of stuff went on. When we moved here, all i saw was the first day we moved in... I was walking through the house for the very first time, in the dark and trying out light switches as I made my way up. When I got to the attic, before I found the switch, there was a giant, gaseous-looking green ball on the ceiling, it got brighter, expanded, then went up through the ceiling. And that was it, which is a VERY strange place for me to find myself in after a lifetime of weirdness, shadow creatures, apparitions and all sorts of hardly credible junk. A few years ago, I got a tug on my shirt while at one of the other places we were living. And that too was it. Well, this place seems to be different already. My wife has weird feelings here, which, knowing her, might actually mean she's seeing A LOT more than she's actually saying. She's weird like that, as well as it being a way of obeying some "higher laws" of disclosure that I'd lose most of you on if I went too deep in explaining. Aaaanyway, I'm sitting in my room watching Ghost Hunters (lol) and a few minutes later a ball of white light moves from one side of the closet door to the other. No explanation. Then the other day I was gone, over at the other house still packing up some of my stuff. I get back at 4:30 AM and my wife and our friend are frazzled (and armed with a steak knife!) while being clearly alarmed to find I hadn't been there at 1:30 AM. Apparently, our German Rottweiler girl Midnight went crazy barking down the hallway. Then THEY heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Our friend ran to the stairs thinking it was me... only it wasn't. In fact, it was no one! He looked down the stairs (they're not long... maybe only about 10 steps!!!) and the footsteps were coming up them towards him! I'll keep you guys posted as things progress. I'm guessing they will. Looks like the LONG streak of a "normal" life might be coming to an end for me.
  11. Here's what I know. I moved into a house. Me and 2 other people heard the same things, as well as one of them now having seen something I have as well. The person who lived here right before us was able to tell ME what I was going to tell them. I felt an odd sensation in a very specific spot, and find later it's where someone's ashes were kept for 8 years. That's what I know. Why apply that question to just the paranormal? What if we're all just brains in vats thinking we're people walking around a world? What if we're just someone else's dream? What if we're just programs in a matrix? Yeah, anything's possible. But you HAVE to just go with the flow, pretend you ARE in a physical world, pretend you ARE who you think you are... and when it comes to the paranormal, treat it with as much logic and common sense while also logging what takes place. Maybe the paranormal is people's subconscious minds creating external events. Maybe ghosts are bratty kids from the future time traveling just to scare us primitives. Maybe aliens are doing it lol. But, just like with what you call the REST of what you call reality, you have to stop asking impossible to answer questions and just start observing or you do not move forward. It's all a human can do. I've seen too much in my life to question this too deeply. If you ask thin air to do something, and it does it... what are you supposed to think? And things don't always appear just for one person. On a few occasions I've seen things right when other people were there to verify it's image. I have too too too too many stories I could tell you. The things I'm describing so far in this blog are incredibly tame (boring!) in comparison. Ghosts have been around a long time. It's only sadly recently that the technology is there to prove people aren't crazy. Right now, people are managing to create patterns with which to understand things better. Ghosts, ESP, all that fun stuff... they're just another science. One that's really hard to tangibly grasp hold of, but it's a science. Oh, it's ALL about perception! Well, mostly. Take my dad. A very ignorant person. Doesn't believe in anything that doesn't speak his name. Acts condescending when the paranormal is brought up (despite believing in a religion with an invisible man in the sky as well as thinking he and a friend saw a UFO once). >__< But then there's my mom, who saw the same things I saw, but applied crazy religious things to them like, "It was a person who was black and see-through... black MEANS IT WAS A DEMON!!!" And then there's me, pointing out, "No, no... it was a black, see-through humanoid that runs from my room into yours, seen every few weeks, and appears to have NO interaction with us or the outside world beyond that." Then there's the other aspect of "perception". I do think that these things are all around us, going on all the time. If one bothers to alter their thinking far enough, you "tune in" and start getting results. I used to go looking for things, and I found them. Got in too deep, then things were finding me. Then, right as things were getting to the point of that you'd see in a scifi or horror movie, I quit. We moved and I stopped devoting attention to these things, eventually kicking out of phase. But here, years later, with no reason to even be thinking of the paranormal, BOOM. New house, new weirdness, and everyone here (and some before!) has experienced it. Nothing's bad about it! Well, other than it scaring people less "ok" with it happening. To me, it's not very far off from hearing the birds chirping as the sun comes up or someone getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. It's just some "thing" doing it's own thing. Trust me, debunking comes first. To claim the paranormal might be going on while not doing ANY investigation into natural or weird causes... it's called being "intellectually dishonest". And that's kinda' ugly. Strange thing though, NOTHING has happened the past few days. Specifically, the last day we had anything happen was the morning before the granddaughter came over here, standing in the spot I thought all this was coming from, and pointed out that's where her grandfather's urn had been sitting. Coincidence? The end? Dunno' yet!


    Yeah, heard about this... but still no body shown in public. Anything's better than the OLD (ugh)... "evidence"...
  13. Fix that center of gravity, if you can. Pistons are mostly annoying to look at.
  14. Not harsh at all, preferred. I've been in a lot of creepy houses and yeah, there's things that seriously sound intelligent and or just really creepy, but more often than not there ARE explanations. Many forget that temperature changes in houses = the structure's parts bumping, grinding and snapping into each other. But man, when you're at the top of merely 10 stairs, and you hear footsteps walking up towards you, it's hard to discount. More so when you hear the actual "step", like the back of the foot hitting, then the front, etc etc for each step. Like you, I have been discounting the footsteps in the attic, mainly because there's an area I KNOW squirrels could technically invade through. Still, there's quite a bit of stuff all at once here. Realize too, I've had a lifetime of this stuff, seen things, and at times, even while others were present with me. One person seeing a finely detailed, almost solid apparition has a fun story to tell. TWO people seeing it, well, same thing, except now it's just cooler to personally know you're not nuts lol. I like that you bring up electromagnetic fields. They can make us think strange things are reality. I'm thinking of getting an EMF detector, because I KNOW one or two outlets in this place are screwy, so the EMF bleeding / concentrations might be strong in certain parts of the house. Then again, the idea that EMFs are what's making one think they're hearing things is kind of stunted when you have stairs in the middle of a hallway, with 2 different parties hearing footsteps on them from rooms on separate sides of the house.
  15. Bow down NOW. http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=139858
  16. ######, Jinzo, not here. -Shine And a few people from the other site have a heart attack. ; D hayz put me daun
  17. If you got excited by that, you made an infant deity cry. I remember seeing a movie called Star Wars. It was about a kid who met some droids and an old man. They went to a funny bar and hooked up with a space captain and his Wookie friend. They saved a princess from some evil guy and then blew his battle station all to heck. It was freakin' AWESOME! The second one was phenomenal. it had a cool, old jedi master and you found out the bad guy was actually the kid's FATHER! MAN OH MAN, DUDE! ...Then there was a third one, and all the main actors were acting cocky and weird. Then at the end... eh... the princess was the kid's sister? What? The bad dude was the father and the princess was his sister? What next, I'm going to find out that the old guy met and saved the kid's mother, that the evil dude (LOL) BUILT one of the droids, the other droid was owned by the kid's mother... ...I think the only thing the fanboys writing this junk could add is that maybe Yoda is a special species that develops first as a (censored), and that he was one of Palpatine's before falling off and rolling away to mature into a Jedi knight. Sad thing is, I'm sure I'm missing other annoying "coincidences" up there. Way to make a special movie not so special anymore.
  18. Well, different metals and chemicals give off different colors when burned. It's so crazy, IT MIGHT JUST WORK!
  19. I miss them. I really do. Especially the trans ones. *sigh* ...Believe it when I see it.

    An Experiment

    Ah, I never bothered giving it a name, but I taught myself to do this.
  21. No, you're right. The Ewoks COULD have been fine, but there was just WAY too much wackiness goin' on. Endor was full of teddybear slapstick. And man, that just wasn't what the 2 movies before it were about. I admit, back in the day it was exciting and scary to see Jabba's palace and barge, filled with all these freakish monsters, but then Leia chokes him with a dinky chain? And no one notices in time? Boba Fett gets bumped into a burping hole in the ground? (Oh! Just like the burping frog outside the palace!) Muppets, man. Return of the Jedi was like Jim Henson threw up all over the film canisters. And the franchise was never the same...


    Wow... you've just elevated yourself a bit in my eyes. This way of thinking is so far ahead of the junk that goes on in the Star Wars franchise, where EVERY character has to be connected to EVERY other character, as opposed to it just being a cool meeting of like minds on Tatooine in the first movie. Mangai / Mangaia. Well, aside from sounding way too much like "Gaia" it also sounds way too much like "Manga". It'd be like taking american comics and adding it to terra to make "Comicterra". Scratch that, the word manga getting better exposure probably isn't a bad thing. A heck, just call the place Manga and leave it at that lol.
  23. I hate to say this, but experience has taught me that old people need to spontaneously combust around age 65. They're just going to be REALLY annoying, REALLY useless and more often than not, REALLY mean to people younger than them beyond that point. Hey, don't get mad at me, these oldsters have been putting me through #### lately. Yes, I'm kidding, but I'm also kind of not. The old folks in this town are parasites, ignorantly judging and hurting all the younger people just because they're bored silly that none of their old hobbies are around anymore. Making people miserable has become their sport.
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