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Everything posted by Ghostie

  1. Ghostie


    Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo With Seran... gone... you're the only consistently awesome mocist left. Umm... You know Seran's back, right? Your new MOCs are great, Bunda! I'm sure your Kopaka & Muaka MOC is fantastic! I'm gonna stop using !s now! Okay, so your past MOCs are awesome, but so are your new ones. Seriously. Your BBC 49 entry was amazing.
  2. Member name: Gravitic Ghost Rider Reason for nomination:For putting Overcooked Asparagus on his own wall of shame. Evidence of reason (quote or link):
  3. Ghostie

    Banner Contest!

    Tis' true. I'm a pessimist.
  4. Ghostie


    Hound Of Ultimately Nasty Destruction?
  5. You could have done better. This entry Needz Moar Customz!!!!one!!1! two!
  6. Ghostie

    Banner Contest!

    *starts singing "I Will Survive"* Well I won't.
  7. Edit his head so it will be a duck.
  8. Oh. I thought you meant a Giraffe-weevil...
  9. Ghostie

    New Moc Entry

    Velocita Mutant. SooperBounce T7. Elefrugg The Toa Argith.
  10. Ghostie


    YES. DO IT.
  11. Ghostie


    My revamp of it is done, KL. But I can't take pictures until this rainstorm stops. EDIT: Topic.
  12. Ghostie


  13. I get that commercial too. I'm tepted to call that number and scream "IT'S MY MONEY AND I NEED IT NOW!!" at the top of my lungs.
  14. Ghostie


    Why does your M-NWW say AC13 in it's folder?
  15. It fires shadow bolts. LEGO=Unimaginative.
  16. Ghostie


    There, there. *Pats Bunneh's back* It's okay. A new MOCing fad of DH's will appear soon.
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