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Everything posted by Kyori

  1. Did he look in the window?
  2. What can I say? You have one of the most interesting blogs up here. We can't help coming here. =P
  3. Kyori

    I Caught A Mouse

    How can people be so senselessly cruel to mice? Killing them for scientific advancement is one thing, but killing them for being at the wrong place at the wrong time is another. If it were up to me, I'd just drive some miles away and release into woodland (oh, yeah, we have a lot of it in my state; heck, we even have deer in our neighborhood B)).
  4. Kyori

    I Caught A Mouse

    Watch it, pal! I dislike animal cruelty. > I would too, except their lifespans are too short. As in, released gone or gone gone?
  5. Kyori

    I Caught A Mouse

    Mouse? I remember when I was about 7 or 8, my dad caught a little black mouse in the basement of our old house. It was sooooooooo cute! Alas, nowadays, I only see mice at pet stores, and my dad's research lab (which are usually dead by the time I see them; I can't go into where the live ones are without approval). But a long time back, I did get to handle a mouse (for the fun of it, not for any experiments) and it keeps trying to run up my shoulders. Ah, good times, good times. ^w^ I have seen my dad and a few researchers at another lab grabbing mice out of their cages, and man, they can run! I can only imagine how hard it is to catch them in open space. Did you grab it by the nape or the tail? =3
  6. Did a meteor hit it? Is the cabin completely demolished?
  7. Did he see some dangerous predator coming out? Is the man psychic?
  8. *turns into Kraata* Purrooo! ^w^

  9. Kyori

    Aren't I Great...

    Ouch! >_< At any rate, I'm kind of glad that I only had braces on my upper jaw, especially given how I tend to forget little things like these. However, my braces annoyed me when a piece of my chain keeps popping up for no apparent reason, leading to more orthodontist trips than I care to count. And don't get me started on the retainer! I kept forgetting to take them out when I ate, I lost it at once and had to go through the whole process of getting a replacement, it got more and more disgusting with each passing day, even though I brushed them as well as my teeth. and in the end I got so sick of it that I "forgot" it and let my teeth go on without. After about 12 years, my teeth are still straight (with the exception of the one that grew out after my braces were removed). A few different dentists keep telling me that I need braces again (my lower jaw's teeth are a bit crowded) but if I ever decide to straighten my teeth again, I'm using Invisalign after having to suffer from sensitive (and yellower) teeth from braces. Amd that's only after I start hating the fanglike protrustion of my lower canines (which isn't happening any time soon). =P
  10. Kyori


    Wow, that's beautiful! I almost thought it was a photograph when I first saw the thumbnail. XP
  11. Kyori

    Y/Ν Game 3

    Did he freeze to death?
  12. Kyori

    Y/Ν Game 3

    Was the body wounded?
  13. Kyori

    Y/Ν Game 3

    I'm tempted to look this up, but I won't be able to participate then. So: Did he drown?
  14. Kyori


    Um... -Xidash
  15. Kyori


    I don't get the jo-- Oh, I see. Sounds too much like Judas?
  16. Kyori


    What about Xidhas?
  17. Was there urine/poo on the seat?
  18. Kyori

    Suggest A Name

    Regardless, I am still calling you Shadix. And I shalt call you Shinigami Thylon.
  19. Kyori

    Suggest A Name

    I was going to suggest an anagram of Shadix, but Thylon beated me to it. XD Anyways: Xidash or Shadix Or Night Fury Shadix or Shadix the Night Fury or Toa Shadix or Shadix Nuva or *rambles on with all sorts of variations of Shadix*
  20. <question removed> On second thought, this question would give everything away if yes. So, I'll ask this instead: Is it a foreign-style toilet?
  21. I'm going to be leaving in a few minutes, and I probably will be gone for the rest of the day. So, here's my guess: The bathroom exceptionally filthy. And I mean really filthy. As in, it looks like no one's cleaned it for 3-10 years. In fact, it's so shockingly horrifying, that even someone who isn't obsessive compulsive/a neat freak would scream in pure terror and have nightmares for weeks.
  22. I don't have that problem either. My friends haven't really said anything, and my parents think that my love of Lego is a good thing. My mother says that that means I like using my brain (which I really do).
  23. Is she a neat freak/obsessive compulsive?
  24. A few more questions, and I think I'll be ready to answer: Is the table overturned or in some way unintact? If not, then is it in its proper position, i.e. upright and unmoved? Were the victims were drinking the water just before they died?
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