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Everything posted by Transcendence

  1. Am I the only one who thinks the short, but interesting intros are very... touching?"For over 4 years, all I have done is think". I think only a few people understand truly how that feels.I'm probably taking it too seriously as I was diagnosed with diabetes last weekend and ever since I've been stuck in the hospital.That's not so bad, but I've been forced to sit still. I have had nothing else to learn. I've made no new experiences, had nothing to do, no epiphanies about me or the universe. Nothing. In that sense, I relate to it way more than I should. Then again, I worship Cortana XD
  2. Without Your Love - Ellie Goulding Without your love I'm getting somewhere
  3. Ellie Goulding's new album Halcyon arrived in the mail today. It's signed and everything
  4. Lasky has got to be the most annoying character ever. I'd be the first person to question the military, I'm a true pacifist, but I can't stand his recklessness. Maybe because I don't understand his motivation. Why does he think the people in the military are acting like blind sheep? I don't see where he's coming from. "At least I believe in something". Yes, but empty beliefs are just as bad as no beliefs.
  5. School. No, I don't have a problem with homework or teachers or getting up in the morning, I'm not 12. What I do hate however is that schools are supposed to, quote, "encourage free, creative, critical and independent thinking". The American school model which is founded on the belief that competition, discipline and drinking the kool-aid. That is no way to teach individuals how to learn. Schools don't reward intelligence, it rewards hard work. Work you better do with your eyes closed, ears sharp and mouth shut. No questions, no thinking, no nothing. Just listen to the authority. Don't resist, just surrender. I'm a smart kid, but I don't deserve to be treated like a low-life just because I actually want to do real work. Work that actually promotes free thinking and intelligence. People should be encouraged to do what they're good at, not be forced to be good at something they clearly don't master. You wouldn't tell J.K. Rowling to stop writing works of art just because it's not on the school's agenda to write revolutionary pieces of literature. But sadly, this is the world we live in. The modern society. The free society. Thank you for letting me vent this.
  6. Freudian psychology summarized:Oh, you have a headache? This is caused by repressed trauma that most likely happened in the early stages of your life! I can't prove this however, I'm just a big man with an unwarranted ego who's obsessively focused on unconscious desires (and I also love to lie to my patients!). Well, good luck with your headache!
  7. Ellie Goulding's new album Halcyon is out people! You have to give it a listen! And guys, she's the one behind the Lights single that is conquering the charts RIGHT NOW. My favorite songs thus far are My Blood, Figure 8, Atlantis, Only You and Dead In The Water. And the lyrics are A+. For example: I think of dying all the time But I've got joy to take my side Fear is my favorite ride
  8. My Blood - Ellie Goulding My blood is all I see when you steal my soul from me
  9. The Didact never spoke to a Precursor. It was later revealed that the prisoner was actually a Gravemind. There's no speculation that he wasn't a Precursor because he really wasn't. With that said, I'd love to meet a Precursor. I mean, transsentient beings? How cool isn't that?
  10. I really don't think we will encounter Flood in the next official game titles. Everyone's sick of them. Why make yet another game about the Flood?
  11. And the prize for most beautiful specimen of the human race goes tooooo: ME
  12. I just found the perfect costume: I'm gonna be a dead prom queen! Now to find some sexy lingerie and some deadly shoes! #DragQueen
  13. Alternative Metal doesn't count?
  14. Oh, I'm sorry for not being totally elitist about the metal genre I think music is best when they are open to other influences.
  15. Eh, Flyleaf's new single was what you could call pop mixed with hard rock. Hoping for more heavy stuff when the album comes.
  16. I want to outdo last year's costume (Ugh, I tried to find a picture but I can't seem to find it!) Last year, at a party, I dressed in all black, gothic attire. I put on a big, black skirt, some cute shoes, black lipstick and I put on a prop I bought at a joke store. Two, big breasts. I also wore a big, sexy laced sweater outside an awesome T-shirt I was wearing. Let's be honest, I was the hottest drag character the world has ever seen.
  17. Just discussed Halo 4 with a buddy of mine.We both agreed, the way things look right now, it seems likely that this game will have us crying on the floor.
  18. Given all the information, the trailers we've seen so far and everything else, it certainly feels like it's building up to the death of Cortana. Like I said before, that would be a tragic loss for the Halo legacy. Cortana and Chief... they are the Halo games.
  19. Kerli's Love Is Dead. Her music makes for an interesting listen as she fuses the Electronica genre very well with the Goth genre.
  20. 2/5 Totally lacked anything interesting for me. It wasn't challenging to listen to, neither was it original. Didn't stir any emotion in me. However, I appreciate the softness of the vocals. Here's something really challenging. I urge you to appreciate the extremely novel use of vocals in this song. It's entirely a capella. You won't like the track, but try to analyze the sheer creativity and the strangeness of the sound. Mouth's Cradle - Björk.
  21. Cortana didn't get enough attention in Halo 3. Yes, Cortana is everything to me xD
  22. What I've noticed is people often act like someone they're not to impress the other person. It makes me facepalm sometimes Not to generalize, but Americans do that A LOT XD
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