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Everything posted by Transcendence

  1. I'm kinda boring. I'm the kinda guy that would just sit there and talk to you. Ideal first date? To get to know the other person better. I'm not much for formalities. Restaurants don't impress me nor do I want to go there, going to the movies won't allow you to have a conversation with your date etc. I think I'd love to drive around, drive anywhere for hours on end, not knowing where we're going and just talking. And if you're hungry you could stop by a gas station or a store and get something to eat. Nothing fancy, not a huge meal, just something to eat. And then you can continue the deep conversation. Am I the only one that thinks that's a wonderful evening?
  2. I got Susanne Sundfør's (a Norwegian artist) new album called The Silicone Veil. It's so, so beautiful <3
  3. Let's not get crazyHalo 3 still has the best campaign in my humble opinion. I have Fallout for more slower, more realistic gameplay that Reach had. I think Halo 3 was the least interesting one. The most fun to play, but the story kinda suffered.
  4. I for one am very satisfied with the fact that they are aiming to enhance and explore the story and characters in Halo. Never was one for playing LIVE or that stuff, competition scares me to be honest XD But the story, man the story in Halo is so frickin' good! I hope, and think, the gameplay will be much closer to what it was in Halo: Combat Evolved. New environment, new enemies, new everything. What made the first game so good was the investigation. I just loved it so much when Cortana uncovered information about the Halo rings and the Covenant. It was so fascinating to me, all of it. Throughout most of the game it was only you and Cortana. In some levels you were assisted by UNSC soldiers, but most of the time you were on your own, on a mission. I loved that. And if I'm not mistaken, Halo 4 will take that exploration element and delve further into it. Can't frickin' wait!
  5. 2.5/5A typical Gorillaz song if you ask me. My friends play it all the time The Silicone Veil - Susanne Sundfør
  6. Joanna Newsom's The Milk-Eyed Mender. I just love songs on the harp and she does it so beautifully! I'm not the biggest fan because the music can become very unattractive on some tracks. My favorite songs are most definitely songs where the focus is on the harp and her eccentric vocals aren't stealing the focus.
  7. 2/5 Weak song. Unoriginal, the vocals aren't anything special and the lyrics are mediocre. Oh how harsh of me. Under The Sheets - Ellie Goulding
  8. Promise And The Monster's album Transparent Knives. The music reeks of melancholy. I love it <3
  9. 3/5 Bluegrass vibes. Not really my style, but for some reason it was really funky to listen to. You can totally feel the throwback to previous decades in the music while the modern era continues to shine through. This song might be hard to find, but I know it's on Spotify. The Delusioned And Insane - Promise And The Monster
  10. Current obsession? Anarchy, rebellion, being anti-authority and all that stuff.
  11. I'm always correct. The person below me listens to Ellie Goulding.
  12. A Dangerous Method. A very genius movie, though it is certainly far more fit for those who have large insight to the history of psychology and in specific about Carl Gustav Jung and Sigmund Freud. I felt very good watching it, but it demands that you place all your attention to the dialogue and also at attempting to remember what you know about psychology in the 20th century. Keira Knightley performance stole the show. Keira experienced no difficulty pulling off a role that difficult, portraying a neurotic, traumatized and perverted individual with keen knowledge of medicine. Michael Fassbender's performance wasn't as spotless as his performance as the cyborg David in Ridley's Prometheus. Overall I give the movie 7.5 points out of 10.
  13. Psychology. I have friends who share the interest and the ambition, so I'm lucky in that regard. I also like Björk. No one likes her music or her as a person. As well as that, I have an extreme fascination with ideas and reflections. Not a lot of people share the need to reflect over and discuss ideas. Ideas come in many shapes and sizes. Feelings, thoughts, literature, art, music, impulses and the like. If you or someone else can conceive it, it's an idea. But most of all I like me. People don't share that sentiment, but that's what makes it interesting
  14. You're actually good looking. Here's my numb- Kidding!Good, because phone calls to Norway aren't the exactly cheapest thing around.-DovydasI kid, I kid. Your number for you life haha
  15. You're actually good looking. Here's my numb- Kidding!
  16. I pre-ordered the signed, limited edition of Ellie Goulding's upcoming album Halcyon which is released on October 8th :biggrin:Look at the awesome album artwork! Oh and guys, she's Skrillex' girlfriend. Que the sidecut.
  17. This Love (Will Be Your Downfall) Live - Ellie Goulding Who am I to say I'm yours forever?
  18. That...that was beautiful...I say we invade Bungie/Microsoft Land if they kill her off...there is no Chief without Cortana, no Cortana without Chief, without one or the other the universe becomes empty.Bungie? Really? He doesn't know 343 Industries have switched with Bungie, what's the big deal? You don't have to make such degrading remarks you know
  19. Massive Attacks' Mezzanine and 100th Window. Awesome, awesome, awesome!
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