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Everything posted by Transcendence

  1. It's probably just my sense of humor I'm sorry if my stereotypes-are-fun humor doesn't come across well. xd It never does xD
  2. I think that's just their most obvious metal song, really. It really doesn't do them any justice, neither does everyone's favorite All Around Me, because that's not what their general sound is like. I'm Sorry,Sorrow, In The Dark, Missing and Circle are probably more appropriate representatives for their sound than anything else. But the more music they make, the more it becomes obvious that they're straying from the metal path. This is probably most obvious in their LP Remember To Live, which was a more emotional journey than anything else. And maybe that's what set them apart from most metal bands. After being around all these metal bands for so long, it becomes fairly obvious that metal have the same amount of emotionally as Kristen Stewart's acting abilities. It's terribly monotonous. Which is why I can't stand 99% of metal bands. All the bands, songs and albums speak of the same rage and the same offensiveness all the time. It's like, don't you have better things to do than be angry constantly? Geez, take a break! Also, the amount of testosterone in this thread is making me nervous. I can already smell the metal-y, sweaty armpits and the long black hair and the feeling of being misunderstood!
  3. I approve this thread! Oh, and here's a bunch of these really random smileys that used to confuse everyone back in the day: :onfire: :onfire:
  4. I see why it's debatable though. A lot of metal has a very fast tempo, whereas Flyleaf have a more slow tempo, though they have a lot of power in their music (I'm So Sick for example). Check out Swept Away however and the story changes. It's a heavy song. Also, the way they described their new album shows that they're going to be heavier than ever. BTW who likes bands that stay virtually the same with each album anyway? I appreciate artists and bands that grow and change musically, visually and atmospherically. Though Björk definitely isn't a metal artist, she's nailed those particular aspects perfectly.
  5. You know what? I'm sick of people treating female fronted metal as if they're less than any other bands in the same genre. I've had people straight up tell me that female vocals in metal, no matter how "metal" it is, can never be metal because chicks can't rock. The band is metal. I hang out with headbangers, the heavy metal people who listen to the most disturbing, heavy, screaming piece of metal music there is, and they just won't accept anything that doesn't sound like their music. Do I think the metal community is sexist? Yes, I do. I live in the most hardcore, metal-loving country in the world, the home of black metal, Norway, the most gender equal country in the world, and for some reason whenever I step into the metal scene, women aren't respected. BTW is this too political? Anyway I'm defending my band.
  6. I remember being so anxious about Cortana when the first trailer for Halo 4 came out because it didn't really sound like Cortana.But now that we know Jen Taylor will be returning as the voice of Cortana, I can relax again :PBut!WHAT DID THEY DO TO HER FACE?!It's all round and Betty Boop-like. I mean seriously, Cortana used to have a slim and aristocratic facial structure, and now her hair is a perfectly round bob and her face has ballooned! What has happened to my beloved Cortana?! T.T
  7. Used to be convinced I could see things when I was a child One of my best friends knows this woman who's probably 31-34 right now who discouraged her from trying to communicate with ghosts/spirits with a Ouija board. Why? Well, when she (the woman) was in her teens, they went to this apartment in my city where an old couple had passed away. People kept moving in and out of the apartment because it apparently spooked there ever since the old couple passed away. And as is common in youth, they wanted to mess with something that obviously was much greater than anything they could think of. They set up the Ouija board and they keep asking questions, and the woman (who was an atheist and a skeptic) naturally didn't believe in any of it. After a couple of minutes where they only received a mild response, she chose to challenge the ghosts, and I swear this is true, my friend has met this woman and can verify it: she held out her hand and said something along the lines of "if you're so real and powerful, why don't you break my arm?" What happened next was horrifying, gruesome and totally amazing in the most violent way. The ghosts (who definitely were not the old, nice couple) complied, only they didn't just break the arm. It was completely twisted around, severing it from the elbow. Today the woman is totally fine, her arm is back where it belonged, but the scars were, as my friend described it, "nauseating to look at, and she couldn't have been lying because it was a totally clean cut. There were no signs of any struggle, self-infliction and there definitely was no way any human could have done it". As a precaution I have swore to never mess with the supernatural. And I definitely will NOT challenge higher powers. I am not a theist, but I am spiritual and I do think there are things that just can't be explained by materialistic science. This woman has experienced it, and no one, not even the doctors, can say she's lying because there's simply no way. I have learned from the moral of this very real ghost story. I hope you won't mess with spirits.
  8. Trentemoller's The Last Resort. It's cold, winter-y Electronica instrumentals. Pure Scandinavian melancholy.His entire album is so genius. It's a perfect mix of Electronica and visual elements inside the music itself.I mean, just check out the artwork:
  9. Well since Avril Lavigne for some reason does not count... I'm very excited for Flyleaf's new album. It's called New Horizons and they've already shot the music for the first single which shares the same title. Been dying for some new music!
  10. 3/5 The keyboard in the background really makes for a chill and relaxed listen. Then there's the guitar that takes turns between screaming and just singing harmonically. Having the benefit of playing in Royal Albert Hall also gains him an advantage. Though he doesn't have the strongest or unique vocals, they don't feel misplaced, so that's a definite plus. Totally laidback song, very classic rock. Innocence - Björk
  11. Oh, and Charlize Theron is part of the cast so that makes it a killer movie, no matter what. That woman knows how to act. Always. I respect her a lot.
  12. Haven't seen it, but holy carp, the soundtrack in the trailer... it's so atmospheric, huge, incredible and mind-blowing. Gotta listen to it all the time!
  13. Oh, and I also got Florence + The Machine's single Breath Of Life off of the soundtrack for Snow White & The Huntsman. The song is so frickin' genius and epic. Probably her most massive song yet, and her music is already massive. I also got Owl City's single Lonely Lullaby and EP Shooting Star. He always makes the cutest and saddest music. The music just screams GAYYYYY and I love it. 'Cause I'm gay. <3
  14. 3/5 I really like the build-up. But again, too much screaming! I'm actually familiar with the band, 'cause all my friends hate the fact that I only listen to women and they want me to listen to screaming vocals xd The Other Side - Evanescence
  15. Halo: Combat Evolved. Oh, that was my childhood <3
  16. A Toa in black/orange orange colors and what is either a hostile beast, or his companion. MOCing... those were the days!
  17. BEHOLD MY BEAUTY Also, admire the Norwegian nature in the background.
  18. Elektra. I mean, she kicks butt, she is cold while at the same time being a vulnerable human. Few Marvel characters have the sense of real tragedy and anger like Elektra. Plus, her weapons of choice are total LOVE
  19. 3/5 Again, male vocals aren't exactly my favorite, but the generic sound of the song easily makes it a song I wouldn't mind hearing more than once. Lonely Hearts Club - Marina & The Diamonds
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