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Everything posted by Transcendence

  1. Recently got the limited edition of Marina & The Diamonds' new album Electra Heart in the mail. Love it! I also got Mira Mira and Ghetto Fairytale by Mira Craig.
  2. 2/5 I love the song they did for Absolutely Fabulous, but otherwise, I'm unable to like them. Though I wish I did, though The Change - Evanescence
  3. NO! OH WAIT, I DO. The person below me is above me.
  4. Yes, in fact I do. Will get a new one this November, so yay! :biggrin:The person below me has a crush.
  5. Granted, but you will forget everything in 24 hours, so make sure to write down the most essential parts of your new knowledge! I wish I could be artistic and write the kind of music I would want to listen to myself.
  6. Yes I do But blame it on my ADHD! I have no power over this situation at all! The person below me thinks I'm the best person ever!
  7. Lewis might just be one of the most inspirational authors I've come across. What made his most famous work(s) of art, the Narnia series, so special were that the animals in Narnia never underestimated the chosen children that entered their enchanted kingdom. They treated them well, as heroes and as humans, which is something our panic-stricken culture seems to have forgotten to do. Children are wonderful creatures, though I may not like them anywhere near me
  8. 4/5 Very soothing. No offensive elements there at all. The only thing I'll have to be picky about are the male vocals. I'm allergic! Haha no, it's just that I like female vocals a whole lot more. But I like the song and I like that it's in a foreign language, makes you focus only on the soul and atmosphere of the song. Breath Of Life - Florence + The Machine
  9. I'm waiting until someone who's curious enough to actually Google whatever is in my sig Did you make that game?
  10. I wonder what she would've looked like if she was human. Bet her gloves would kick butt!
  11. Pssht, the heck I am. I'm going to be party rocking all summer! The person below me however, won't.
  12. 5/5 The thing is, I keep changing and reshaping the surface of my identity on here. You guys know me! Have I really become this unfamiliar?
  13. Granted, but the wish inevitably wishes to go back to wishing to be something else than it is. I wish that I could just be brave.
  14. TNG's comics. It looks very familiar. After all, I was the most controversial comic artist in that forum ever
  15. It's a wolf, and like most wolves, he looks like he's carefully thinking.
  16. 2-3/5 I prefer when vocals have some sort of dynamic qualities.If it's shouting/screaming from beginning to end, it's not innovative. Honestly, I think the melodies are better than the actual vocals, but that's just me. I should add that I'm very picky about music, so ignore my opinion if you want Power & Control - Marina & The Diamonds
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