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Everything posted by E(rik)

  1. Looks win. Dang, now I have this, Portal 2, and other stuff I'll have to buy. My moneysssssss
  2. E(rik)


    i see no profit from this The fact that he used hershey and advanced physics in a sentance.
  3. And you can backstab striders. But oh wait you don't have the extended combine NPC pack. Remind me to send ya that.
  4. E(rik)


    >Going to Hershey Park tomorrow for my Advanced Physics class. >Hershey Park tommorow for my Advanced Physics class. >Hershey Park-Advanced Physics.
  5. E(rik)

    Hey Everyone

    >implying you're doing green text rite so >comapny >implying you're doing it any better >Being a rebel for no raisin >for no raisin >raisin >that'sthejoke.jpg >note abuse FTW
  6. E(rik)

    Hey Everyone

    >implying you're doing green text rite so >comapny >implying you're doing it any better >Being a rebel for no raisin
  7. E(rik)

    Kung Fu Pyro

    Except every ax SWEP and TF2 player model are pieces of ######. Plus I'm still trying to figure out how to make a internest gmod server for free.
  8. This got leaked back in February.
  9. And you'll get TF2 because you're cool like that amiright?
  10. Only one will need to have a game recording program. And it'll probably be me.
  11. Ehm. I'll tell you later over steam.

  12. Eh, Social Status at school already hit rock bottom. Don't think I can get anymore unpopular so I'm game. ...I'm not sure if I should feel sorry for you or insulted. «Takuma Nuva» If you were cool or hip you'd say your both.
  13. Eh, Social Status at school already hit rock bottom. Don't think I can get anymore unpopular so I'm game.
  14. Wait. Me. Xaer. Haz. Takuma. All in one game. That needs to happen by the end of may.
  15. >Despise >Spongebob You are a communist. TAKUMA NUVA IS FAIR AND JUST.
  16. E(rik)


    Boooooooooo. Guitar Hero world tour sucks. III is much better. It's mostly heavy stuff you wouldn't like.
  17. Coincidentally, I've thought about that, too; you'd be crushed by your own body. :] Lol, I thought the same thing. Also, put a portal on the top of a slide and one on the bottom. >
  18. Yar, Th' P'sition be taken. B'sides, if ye nawt willin' to SPEAK like a Pirate, then ye not gonna BE a pirate. darn it Aigh, talkn' jus' like one o' us aint too har' a buis'ness.
  19. E(rik)

    Nostalgic Score

    Tactics was a win game. You'll like it.
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