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Everything posted by VampireBohrok

  1. well i wouldn't mind

    they'd come in handy at school

  2. well um no

    but that's not half bad, i'd be happy to have a bunch of incinerator midgets around me

    presuming they'd be alllies

  3. i think it's safe to say that your banner freaks a part of me out

  4. Well this is cool. Looks like it's got a nice flow. The use of that cockpit as a diving helmet thing is real awesome. Also, I dig the colour sche- owait
  5. Yeah, seems like everyone that was online experienced that.
  6. So, how many of you remember this entry? I suppose that it has seemed like I've given up on it and forgotten all about it. But that's not the case, oh no! So, here's Nidhiki for Xaeraz: thoughts kthxbai or i'll unleash my two-dimensional zombie army upon you
  7. He was such a good fish!

  8. I'll have to disagree with you there. Marendar is obviously pretty much a device created to carry out Angonce's will, instead of operating on its own. Greg makes clear that it's been created and programmed by the GBs. Marendar was made and programmed thousands of years ago as a precaution because the GBs didn't know if the Toa would turn out bad when they returned. When Angonce found out that the Toa weren't bad, he rushed to disable Marendar, only to find he was too late. Ah. I think I'll try to read the serial chapters a bit more careful from now, then. =P
  9. we come in peace

  10. yo thnaks fo the frend request B)

  11. <3 The server was too slow to allow me to post this yesterday BTW
  12. I'll have to disagree with you there. Marendar is obviously pretty much a device created to carry out Angonce's will, instead of operating on its own. Greg makes clear that it's been created and programmed by the GBs. @Ghostie: Of course, how silly of me. @Brickeens: I don't think they seem directly cheesy... More like generic. Let's hope for some character development indeed.
  13. Nice graphics you've got there.

  14. What? I didn't read it until now. I think it's okay this far. Firing up a new serial this way works better than I would've thought it would, but I like Greg's way of writing and the general idea is displayed well. But I hope the new characters will prove to be more interesting than they have been to this point, honestly. And I can't believe I didn't see Angonce as a new villain coming. Also, the Marendar seems very cool and interesting so far. :3
  15. Well, if you do some practise in the program you're using, I don't think that'd be a big problem. Yeah, black/yellow is a very nice contrast. The weird thing is, the similarity to Malum's helmet is just a coincidence. I didn't even realise it until I removed the layers behind the armour just to see how it looked. I'm not particularily happy with the legs either, I might fix that if I'm bored sometime. That's pretty much the purpose of the black armours, actually. I just wish I had gotten into making real texture on the armour though, that'd make the entire thing a lot better. I wasn't patient enough to do that, though. :/ Yes, I like the smoke, too. Proves that my way of drawing smoke isn't half bad after all. B) thanks for the review bro B)
  16. I was messing around in Photoshop, and this came out as a result. Elemental Lord of Fire Nothing spectacular, I know, but I kind of like how it turned out anyway. Thoughts?
  17. The country so far to the north that it barely is livable AKA Sweden. Yeah, agreed. Must be shipping the bunch soon to get them there in time, though...
  18. No, indeed. BUT SOON IT WILL BE MINE
  19. Yeah, they take a fair while to get to Europe in general, I think. Denmark excluded, I suppose. NO U
  20. That's okay, that's all I need to hear. =P
  21. First off, I've realised that entering #59 is pretty much impossible at this point. What I was aiming to build hits too far from the theme, TTN kinda confirmed that. Plus, I started working too late, so even if the concept would've been allowed, I doubt that I'd been able to enter it in time. I'm going to make up for that next time though. Then today I found that the Minifigures series have been released. I only found one, though. Grabbed it immediatly. At first I suspected it was the Spaceman, but it turned out to be the Magician. Both have that new beam piece, so that tricked me a bit. But he's cool as well. Face is win. Finally, some real good news. I might end up sending some stuff to Brickfair. Depends on how much it'll cost all in all and if I can package my MOCs good enough to send them all the way to America. Hopefully it'll work out.
  22. Thanks. =P It turned out okay, yeah. I just wish I had dealt with all the holes before I posted it. And also the small horns. I might actually give it a workover sometime.


  24. Went about like this: - take subway into central city - check the music store Sound Pollution for The Panic Broadcast - leave empty-handed - walk to another (a bit more general) music store nearby - no Panic Broadcast there either - ask cashier if they have it - "it's late, it'll be here on Monday" - disappointment - go to local toy store - no new sets or affordable discounts - disappointment - go home So yeah, so far, this day could've been better. :/
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