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Everything posted by VampireBohrok

  1. And I am sure some of you won't exactly love it. A friend invited me to stay at his summer house until Friday, and I accepted. So that's five more days and I'll be back for real. But once again, there's a chance I might have access to the internet, so we'll see if I turn up here sometime anyway. But in any case, I'll see you guys later. Until then~
  2. VampireBohrok


    I am, at last, on my way home. B) This was a pretty fun trip as soon as you got used to the circumstances, actually. Buuut coming home is going to be sweet none the less. Especially since I've had quite a serious case of cat abstinence. And don't worry, I'll post a summary of the last week tomorrow.
  3. Didn't really think we'd be without internet on this trip... But that' the case none the less. So I'm just checking on things around here from some tourist bureau which happens to have a coupe of computers. Not much else going on, though... I guess I'll just have to last the remaining days here. =P
  4. So, we'll be going to a small obscure fishing village in the south of Sweden tomorrow. I will be gone for about a week, but I might drop in here to make an entry or two. So long, everyone.
  5. VampireBohrok


    Well, there you have it. Here is a close-up pic too, just in case. Also it seems like I have three yellow ones, not two. Problem is that I need four. >>
  7. VampireBohrok


    ... I took another trip to my local LEGO-selling store. They had Stormer this time. Got my hands on him right away. B) Right now, the vehicles are the only HF sets that are missing. Also, on an unrelated note, is it even possible that a MOCist can have only two yellow jumper plates? IS IT EVEN POSSIBLE!?
  8. VampireBohrok


    AKA a new MOC. B)
  9. No, you're just Obnoxious and Obscure. aw chunky now you made me throw up all over my computer screen and stuff :angry:
  10. VampireBohrok

    I Won?

    Of course you didn't. The staff are just trolling you.
  11. ;_; You should ask when they're arriving. Then you'll have a date, at least.
  12. Oh yes. Yeah, I'm sure I'd love the X-wing if it was complete. Not big on the Y-wing, but it's got good pieces. Make that many. B)
  13. I am now holding Meltdown's GLORIOUS box in my hand. B) They didn't have Stormer though... That was the only Hero they didn't have. RAEG Too bad because I wanted good ol' Melty to have a playmate I'll go hunting for him on Sunday though. I'll have pictures of Meltdown up later today, so stay tuned.
  14. Ha ha ha. Just kidding. Go away.
  15. ^1000x889 So, um, this is the collection mentioned here. Plus this bunch of weird bits and pieces I haven't been able to use/shouldn't be used in conjunction with the sets on the first pic. Plenty of useful stuff here anyway. I should really get working with them soon. I think I'll keep Jabba's Sail Barge up for a while, though. I really like that set.
  16. Blargh. :/ Do you have those that are in front of the teeth or the kind that sits on just two teeth further back inside the mouth?
  17. VampireBohrok


    yay it's like bzp's anniversary I must say that I'm not sure whether I'll come to a point or even make sense at all if I ramble on, so I'll try to make this coherent and not too long. =P But yeah, nine years is a lot for a site like this. Not that I'm surprised it has lasted this long. It's really an amazing site, and personally I'm very thankful for all that BZP has given me. I have met a lot of truly awesome people here, and my inspiration to draw and MOC has constantly increased because of all the incredible things I've seen that the imaginitive folks here have created. It has assisted me in developing in many ways as well. I'm also not entirely sure my interest in BIONICLE would have been intact now if it wasn't for BZP. And of course I've got to give credit to BZP's staff for making this site what it is. Keep it up, guys. and no i'm not going to say "stay classy BZP" because that phrase is starting to get overused k
  18. Sweet B) I'll probably get Stormer anyway, the hollow arm seems like something I could look over if the rest of the set is pleasing. I don't fancy Surge very much at all, honestly. :/ @ Thy: nice ololo B) Is he a better set that you'd expect, then?
  19. My local toy store is getting the new sets next Friday. YUS Then I'll definitely go there and get Meltdown. Maybe I'll pick up Stormer as well. Depends. Also they had the Portal to Atlantis on display even though they don't have it yet. I think they're deliberately trolling me. ;_;
  20. A head for a golem-type mech. Any tips on what I should do before I merge the layers? EDIT: Progress
  21. But assassination is so fun! Maybe so, but honestly, if you want to obliterate someone, you should to it the spectacular way, like with a mass destruction tank with spinning sawblades and all that. Or maybe a death ray, whatever floats your boat. If you have tried those methods, regular assassination gets boring after a while.
  22. Whenever I encounter one of those small dogs, you know, chihuahuas and their like, they're bound to start yapping at me. The last week it has happened like three times. It's real weird... Altough somehow mildly amusing.


  24. doesn't matter

    at least they'd keep people on a safe distance

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