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Everything posted by VampireBohrok

  1. I love doing combiners. Yeah, I had to fiddle around with that last one to let you see it properly, though I had to sacrifice the colours Its colour scheme is white, black and yellow, if you didn't figure that out already. =P Oh, and the image quality in general isn't all that good, actually. Thoughts?
  2. I might have to give it a try, actually. I'll probably be going for Sting, but we'll see.
  3. Thanks. The lights looks okay to me. And yeah, the background kinda merges with the mech... But that was a little intentional too. Dunno. Hmm, we'll see about that. It's a cool idea, most definitely. Thanks. B) I dunno, it's yellow and this guy's metal gray... And I could probably make a worthy custom one. I want to make more classic Japan-inspired mecha stuff before I take this guy on, though. Yeah, I should get a tablet. That would kill the wavy lines all right. I'm not sure about the feet, actually. I suppose the foot that's further back is the one touching the ground. I suppose that explanation is the most logical one. Thanks a lot for the comment bro B)


    Have a good one B)

  5. Oh wow thanks bro B) @ Raz: B) @ Brickeens: um i suppose i won't try that out then @ Sumiki: BUT THERE'S GOT TO BE SOMETHING D: Yeah, I've been thinking that too. :/ and wow super toothpaste scraps that nasty teeth business altogether!
  6. VampireBohrok


    I HAVEN'T PLAYED THIS GAME IN SEVERAL YEARS IT IS LOOOOOOVE Also, yoghurt + toothpaste = not very tasty
  7. Question: Is it okay to make modifications to the Vahki head, or can you use the original version only?
  8. VampireBohrok


    Yeah, I-- wait Her arm is right now right under her mouth SHE MUST HAVE A MOBILE COMMUNICATION UNIT STRAPPED THERE, RIGHT UNDER THE FUR
  9. VampireBohrok


    Maybe it's an associate of my cat? But I doubt they've got contact, she is currently a small furry ball lying on my bed. I can't deny that it suspicious though, they even have the same colours.
  10. Lol no, I never did do that. I dug up some computer settings and activated the computer mic instead, which works okay.

    But I'd need a real mic.

  11. I believe Aho was one of the first to discover that you could switch the skins to make things run faster.
  12. Nah, don't think it'll be a comedy. More likely battle scenes or dialogues or stuff like that.

    I doubt they'll be coherent either.

    But eh, it's just a thought as for now. I'm sure something will come out of it, one way or another.

  13. Fine, thanks.

    It's been a quite easy break.

    I have also been thinking of starting to do stop-motion stuff again. I probably won't make any real serious stuff, though.

  14. VampireBohrok

    Oh Joy

    I had another little pleasant dentist session today. Oh well, I did get told that they wouldn't have to do any "little treatments" in the future... >> Still, I have a couple of remotely fun days in front of me. School begins for me tomorrow, too. I do hope that some of my classmates have matured some, then maybe this year won't be a complete flame war. That's hardly probable, though.
  15. VampireBohrok


  16. SNAP SOMEONE GET THE EXTINGUISHER @ Brickeens: thnaks bro B)
  17. Um, so what do you guys think about it? e: also new blog title because circles have absolutely nothing to do with the current theme
  18. VampireBohrok


    Consider me back. Anyway, I've picked up some sets these past days: -Spidermonkey -Corroder -Natalie Breez A couple of notes: Spidermonkey is meh. Fun to mess around with, not much beyond that. Corroder is an excellent set. He's grown massively on me since I bought him, and it's a set I strongly recommend. He does look better after some minor modifications, though. Natalie Breez is good as well, she has one of the best coordinated colour schemes of the Heroes, IMO. The weapons look off somehow though, but they look better if they're inverted. And that would be all for now. It's great to be back.
  19. Oh my, I didn't think about that. Thanks for covering for me.
  20. I've been gone for a while, so I noticed it just now. I'll see if I can find time to post a review.

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